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Posts posted by johannhawk


    there is also some robotics and semi-organic stuff in the fluff so its still possible.


    or add a peck attack that does even more damage but does damage to the mouth?



    just some random ideas i had and its just one race...for now.


    some of you might be bummed out by the fact the Vox leap ability has been removed (maybe its back idk), so i cooked up this idea.


    i have been checking trough the Vox fluff and have noticed the fact that their biology is unknown so i can pretty much suggest a wide range of things without contradicting their fluff.


    now its time for my probably bad idea: less damage to the head in general. Why? you ask. cuz woodpeckers can dig holes in trees with their damn head without injuries due to some sort of tissue.


    thats it.

    if you dont understand my poor structuring/grammar just reply to the thread what you dont understand and ill answer.



    edit: this thread is getting a bit lonely :(


    WARNING: story sounds more awesome than it should and is probably not told in the right order or have proper english



    Leo arrived on the station in the arrivals shuttle and put on his grey hat and hide mantle.


    when suddenly a customs officer appeared! Kei shen the customs officer was amazed by the hide mantle and let Leo go with minimum paperwork.


    Leo goes to the laundry room and puts on his awesome sauce suit as seen in Bulma Breifs' side of the story!


    when Leo goes back into the hallways a announcement says a radioactive storm is on its way so Leo ducks into maintenance.


    chapter one

    Leo searches the maintenance for goodies until a vampire in a black jumpsuit takes him but Leo manages to spam the radio with pleas for help.


    the maintenance area is next to security so a officer and a combat medic scare the vampire away and free me.


    literally after Leo got free the detective has been taken by the same vampire so i get my crowbar and charge in (civies dont have maint access so why not)


    after some struggling the captain comes to help only to be pinned down next but managed to take down the vampire with him so i can crack the vampires skull with my crowbar. after cracking that skull the vampire is mostly a laser burnt mess.


    now Leo goes out to walk off his blood loss and not being appreciated by the crew due to him being a greyshirt and the AI gives him a digital medal of ''participation''.


    after hearing one of the channels in the newscaster has been censored Leo went to the bar to talk to Bulma about what he can do about it.


    chapter two

    Bulma says the NT rep probably did it so Leo got a IED and a owlcat disuise and plans to harmlessly blow up the NT rep office in the name of free speech!


    Leo is near the target area until one of the NT reps goons spot him and alert the NT rep which results in a chase.


    the chase ends in the assembly line as the NT rep beats Leo with his cane of oppression but the engineering crew cant decide wheter to help Leo or the NT rep so whenever Leo gets stun he get helped back up until Leo climbs over a table

    (i grabbed a table piece to put it under me so i instantly climb it)


    but he gets dragged to security by the NT rep anyways but Leo shows the HoS how cool he is and gets to walk free without anyone searching him.


    Leo gets a new disguise and actually blows up the NT rep office and hides in the assembly line to dispose of his disguise.


    chaper three

    Leo gets to the library and tells Bulma to come but that isnt necessary since Ians funeral is already attracting everyone near the library.


    Leo buys some hot chocolate and Kitty ears for Bulma as the captain talks about how great Ian was before he died.


    Leo prays for Ian to come back and asks everyone to do so and ....gets gibbed by the gods so Ian may live again.




    EDIT: here is the footage what happened afterwards but my laptops interior microphone was on...oh well




    im amazing



    didnt realize the sterile mask thing. oh well.


    if you can fit more stuff into the mutation thingy you might get some jobs to spawn with anti puke.


    still suggesting being able to puke down disposal chutes by auto



    have you ever seen a detective investigating a body just suddenly puke anywhere outside this game?


    ever seen a coroner or somebody doing a autopsy puke from a dead dude outside this game?


    what im saying the people handling bodies regularly in their job should not puke at all from dead people and get extra hungry from all that puking (maybe give them a emote for it)


    or at least make it possible to puke down a disposal bin without breaking your bones.



    i dont want to get the station done in by eva geared greyshirts but could we add some ´´free´´ space suits somewhere on the station or maintenance


    edit: new ghetto spacesuits/emergency space suits


    another edit: vending machine that keeps track of who has taken space suits from it and where the space suit is


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