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Posts posted by johannhawk


    1. be barman

    2. scoop up slime person with a beaker and close the beaker.

    3. HIDE the slime person in a drink.

    4. give drink to grey

    5. ???

    6. profit


    alternatively you could sting the drinks with water and nobody would notice thus getting that grey face burns.


    mix water and potassium in a beaker with a slime person in it :3


    im totally up for this but it will be alot of coding.



    im making the M-6 carnifax heavy pistol from mass effect. now the detectives can oneshot stun the reaper mooks greytide with a cooler different kind of gun.


    ✔will edit it in soon as various layouts and shapes in the attachment thingy and wait for feedback on which one is better.


    on a unrelated note my laptop cant process videos fast enough ):



    Could just make it a local hivemind that's view wide instead of map wide, like telepathy was a short while ago.

    Then you could have a gossip in the bar without anyone hearing, but not meta the lings.


    i like it! short range LOOC but its IC!



    lets narrow down what is in the arrivals station: lounge w/ vending machines and camera access, toilets, a shuttle, really wide hallway that can fit in the sprites on how to read the rules and finally the place where everyone starts the game.


    thats it


    also its on a different Z level not a another server


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