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Posts posted by johannhawk


    there is this big hole of unused space surrounded by reinforced walls. between the secondary storage and medbay.


    i suggest we will expand the storage over that empty space so it would fit more things like more medkits incase of emergencies (by emergency i mean incompetence)


    or just expanding the room and putting more lockers would also work.





    This was during a xeno round, in which I joined the ERT late and they left without me. I then proceeded to clean the special operations room until the DS came. I tagged along.



    i was one of the DS...i got the footage here.






    also even it isnt a screenshot lets just say its better than a screenshot so it counts.



    name of event: chirpmas/nympmas etc.

    short description: all diona will be somehow turned into christmas trees, preferably alive and containing nymphs inside them that chirp jingles.


    map changes: just spawn more diona seeds in botany and a paper with chirpmas instructions


    code changes: nope


    suggested number of players: doesnt matter if there are enough Diona (at least 3 diona)


    full description: christmas is coming but nanotransen are cheap bastards and are getting the crew to make their own trees. the result is walking trees.


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