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Everything posted by FalseIncarnate

  1. This already exists for certain cigs. Shady Jims Super Slims for example have liplocide and a few toxins. I think Robust Golds actually contain gold, though I may be confusing them with the Goldschlager. As for ecigs (vaporizers), these exist as fluff items for a few older players. The icons exist, though they are a bit dated. Introducing them as a common item would require reimbursement if these players still are around, and probably tweaks to bring them more in-line with normal cigs in terms of functionality. Nicotine exists and is addicting. I believe the effects are rather minor though, and addictions wear off with time if you don't indulge (need confirmation on this, haven't messed with addictions personally).
  2. I really like this idea, would definitely allow chemistry to be kept more organized and possibly even more compact. Few suggestions to the original idea: While stored, beakers are kept in a sort of "stasis", meaning they will not heat or cool while stored. While minor, this would allow you to store hot and cold chemicals without them naturally equalizing to normal temperatures, and could prevent accidental reactions from having pyrosium/cryostylene in the same beaker as a stabilized reaction. Require that stored beakers and bottles have their lid on. While not a major gameplay point, it would make sense that you should seal the container before storing ANY chemical. Personally, I already do this for loading meds into the fridge, also prevents people from accidentally splashing them with a misclick. Start them loaded with the empty beakers in chemistry. This will clean up the tables at round-start, and (depending on storage size) allow you to remove the box of beakers. Make it lockable, like the chemistry closet. While this seems insignificant, it allows chemistry an extra touch of security by making it harder for some grey-shirt to just bust down their windoor and mix up piles of meth or loot their storage and set the chemists back. The shelf can have 2 states, open and secure, with secure being both closed and locked. Swiping an ID on the shelf would raise/lower the glass shield, preventing people from adding or removing beakers while the shield is in place.
  3. Tokens for general vending seems redundant given the fact that your ID doubles as a debit/credit card. However, tokens for use in perhaps an arcade makes plenty of sense. In fact, a while back I had been discussing the idea of creating an actual arcade that operates off of tokens and prize tickets, with a special machine that converts tickets into physical prizes you can select. But having to purchase tokens just to buy a can of cola seems really tedious and would encourage people to either hack the machines or simply not use them.
  4. Great style, definitely agree with the previous calls for IPC subjects. Also that nymph. We need more of it.
  5. As HereticChurch mentioned, this circulated through the admin chat earlier today, with a general nod of approval over the concept. The nods intensified when I mentioned it could potentially replace Rev with a slightly more balanced version of the same TDM concept. In theory, the shadowlings would have a win condition of kill/enthrall X% of the crew (like Xenos), and the crew would have a win condition of kill all the shadowlings. While effectively Rev, it addresses the issue of lolflash-ing tactics by making the conversions take time. Also, a shadowling who has hatched is clearly marked as the target, a trade-off for their increased power. Security would be encouraged to go non-lethal on potential thralls, because killing a non-thrall would actually be furthering the shadowlings' objective rather than their own. Thralls would be released from their enslavement when their master (the shadowling who enthralled them) is killed, encouraging security to once again capture rather than kill thralls. Further tweaks to some of the numbers would be needed, like 15 thralls to ascend might be too low (especially on high-pop rounds), as would making sure that implants protect against the enthralling process (if they don't already). All in all: There is a positive reaction from the admin team on this potential port, it has some fantastic potential.
  6. Yea, a number of these would need new reagents to be possible. Some food reagents can be transferred from ingredient to product, while others are converted. Food allergies would definitely involve tweaking a lot of things, which is why I waited until after goonchem to post the idea.
  7. With the addition of Goonchem and some concerns over holy water abuse in certain round types, the idea of allergies was brought up as a potential addition. Selectable in character creation much like disabilities, allergies are pre-existing conditions that have noticeable, but not unplayable, effects on your gameplay. Essentially, consuming a food / reagent that you are listed as allergic to will induce allergic reactions. Other allergies may be tied to specific actions, like touching animals or being near certain things. In some cases, this may be as minor as some toxins damage, or as major as full on suffocation. Allergies would either be completely uncurable, or would require the assistance of genetics to cure (would require some hefty adjustments to how genetics currently is), and some races would have natural allergies. Examples of potential allergens: Chocolate Nuts (a semi-planned botany addition) Holy Water Caffeine (Kidan natural allergy) Oxygen Medicines (Vox natural allergy) Garlic (another potential botany addition, vampires would be allergic) Pet Dander (petting animals triggers this) Stupidity (randomly triggers, more frequent with brain damage) Pollen (chance to trigger when close to potted plants or hydroponics/soil) BEES!!! (makes bee stings more dangerous) Lactose (milk, cream, cheese, and ice cream) Meat (forced veganism) Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
  8. Given we already have existing code for individual cards, hands, and decks, this is quite feasible. The merchandise vendor in cargo (the one that sells flags and toddlers) could sell "starter deck" and "booster packs" boxes that contain preset or random cards, plus scatter hidden caches across the station, z-levels, and maybe give each away mission a card unique to each. Spites and card ideas would be needed, but I see no reason this couldn't be done. Leaving the rules up to the players seems best, and we could have people upload their rules to the wiki or library for sharing. More complex (but would be cool) would be to code interactivity with the holo deck to project the cards for epic showdowns.
  9. There is no need for the kit to include welding goggles, as repair robotic limbs does not incur the normal welding eye damage. Including goggles would encourage people to loot these for non-repair purposes, which defeats the purpose of having them specifically tailored for repairs. The eggplant candy has been included into the code though, it's just not utilized yet.
  10. Chef was the true winner that round though. Even Lord Singuloth's spawn can't resist that delicious candy, and let the Chef walk away with his life and limbs. He had been sitting in that bottom chair next to the borg chargers with a locker of candy and donk pockets where that bottom singulo is.
  11. This is an important point... except that there are more of the knives available than people realize. There is only one NAMED cutlet knife, however if you hack the dinnerware, you can procure more knives that work as the cutlet knife. Their item path is /obj/item/weapon/kitchen/utensil/knife just like the cutlet knife, with the only difference being they aren't named "Cutlet Knife". This lack of standardization is the root of the confusion people have, and renaming the item would be the easy fix. Ideally though, I want to combine the kitchen and cutlet knife functions into a single item, as it will avoid the confusion. As it stands, the cutlet knife is used for cutlets, and the kitchen knife for everything else. There is no discernible reason that the two should be mutually exclusive in terms of use, unless we greatly expand the kitchen mechanics further (julienne those carrots faster, slice those tomatoes, and for the love of god where is my diced ham!). So, let me recap: You have more knives available, they just aren't labelled cutlet knives.
  12. I believe the idea is actually to force someone to become a queen at the beginning so you don't just have the only alien larva evolve into the dead-end castes of sentinel or hunter. Forcing one into the queen role will ensure that you have someone capable of laying eggs to propagate the infestation, as opposed to a hunter who gets themselves wrecked early and ends the event too quickly. I wouldn't necessarily mind this idea, personally. You just would need to make a queen facehugger and queen larva that can only evolve directly into a queen (and nothing else, maybe it matures faster too?) to make this work properly. These would only be spawned at event start and through adminbuse, so the queen can't just create an army of queen facehuggers halfway through.
  13. This line in particular somewhat worries me. While I like the idea that a productive crew gets rewarded, it's very rare that EVERYONE alive at round end makes it off station. SSDs, unfortunately late-arrivals, and people who just missed the shuttle because the captain decided they needed to leave early wouldn't count as having escaped, preventing everyone from missing out. Also, some rounds like Rev don't have escape shuttle endings. The round ends when the heads/head revs die/leave station, so everyone is theoretically still on-board when the score pops up. The better way to handle it would be to say anyone on a pod or escape shuttle in typical modes (traitor, nuke ops, etc) would be eligible for the points if they break the point goal. Anyone left behind doesn't get it, but doesn't prevent the escaping people from getting it either. For rounds like Rev where it ends with everyone still on station, perhaps just award points based on which side the player is on in relation to the winning side. Any one on the rev team (revs and head revs) would receive points if the revs win, and crew / heads get points if the heads win. Blob and malf rounds probably shouldn't be eligible for points. I do like the idea that you need multiple points to get that karma point, rather than it being a 1:1 trade. I think that it should be more than 3 points though, if the entire crew can get points for simply being productive to avoid it flooding the karma system.
  14. For pushing, I'd say it would have to be repeated and excessive pushing/knock down. Sometimes, the guy just won't get out of your way when you are doing something important, so you shove him aside to get at that air alarm / critical patient / computer / clown in need of abuse. Usually they'll get back up and either hit/push you back (thus picking a fight), or realize they were blocking you and move aside if you are still there. For disarming, this gets more grey area. Occasionally you disarm someone because they snatched the stuff you were working with and put down for a moment (toolboxes, medkits, and other tools usually). Sometimes you have to attempt to disarm a few times because it failed or you are trying to knock them down. Excessive disarm would be more like trying to disarm someone holding something you don't need, like the clown trying to disarm the chef for his rolling pin, or anyone disarming a sec officer for their weapon. Disarming an officer is rarely viewed as anything but resist arrest / assaulting an officer. The only case where you could feasibly be justified in doing so is to disarm them of their weapon when they are actively attacking an innocent (Secman Supercop-manjenson is beating the crap out of Sweepy O'Cleanerguy 4noraisins). Tabling and other stunlocks clearly are meant to antagonize the victim unless it is being used to subdue them until sec can arrive. Doing so without calling for security would be a crime, since it's battery.
  15. For pushing, I'd say it would have to be repeated and excessive pushing/knock down. Sometimes, the guy just won't get out of your way when you are doing something important, so you shove him aside to get at that air alarm / critical patient / computer / clown in need of abuse. Usually they'll get back up and either stay hit/push you back (thus picking a fight) or realize they were blocking you and move aside if you are still there. For disarming, this gets more grey area. Occasionally you disarm someone because they snatched the stuff you were working with and put down for a moment (toolboxes, medkits, and other tools usually). Sometimes you have to attempt to disarm a few times because it failed or you are trying to knock them down. Excessive disarm would be more like trying to disarm someone holding something you don't need, like the clown trying to disarm the chef for his rolling pin, or anyone disarming a sec officer for their weapon. Disarming an officer is rarely viewed as anything but resist arrest / assaulting an officer. The only case where you could feasibly be justified in doing so is to disarm them of their weapon when they are actively attacking an innocent (Secman Supercop-manjenson is beating the crap out of Sweepy O'Cleanerguy 4noraisins). Tabling and other stunlocks clearly are meant to antagonize the victim unless it is being used to subdue them until sec can arrive. Doing so without calling for security would be a crime, since it's battery.
  16. I can probably drop the cryodorm timer down quite easily (pretty sure it's a single line of code to edit), but we'd need to agree on the new duration. Currently I believe it sits at something absurd like 30 minutes. 10 minutes might be more reasonable, but we'd need some discussion first. Adding an admin log to removal of occupants might not be too hard, I would just need to check for the correct spot to place it (guessing perhaps on an exit proc or something?). Bodies shouldn't be hidden in cryodorms at all, due to the rules against removing ANYONE from them. The cryodorms will NEVER process a dead body, so hiding a body in there only serves to lock out the pod indefinitely. I had to manually remove someone who apparently suicided inside the pod a few nights back, and this was a hassle. tl;dr: Drop time: yes, and can code. Just need a new time to set it to, maybe 10 min. Logs would be nice, probably can code too. Dead bodies don't belong in cryodorms.
  17. While doing some code, myself and a few other admins/coders came to the conclusion that we need cardboard swords, shields, and knight armor. This set would be for fun, just like the cardborg set, except with a medieval / fantasy LARP feel to it. All items would require both item sprites as well as their appropriate equip sprite. These would be fairly crude looking, as they are made from cardboard and are for fun over actual protection / damage. Sprites requested: Full Helm Plate mail Cardboard shield Cardboard sword / claymore Cardboard axe I encourage any interested spriters to post their creations even if someone else has already provided a sprite for it. I can easily incorporate multiple sets through random sprite selection. If you have other ideas than what I have listed, please share them!
  18. Tea Aspera, which is available from the seed vendors at round start, has Dylovene (anti-toxin) in it. The random seeds would be best in a completely separate crate, and likely at a higher cost because of how potentially powerful their contents could be (and to discourage reliance on the random seeds over actually mutating it yourself).
  19. Arrivals Cafe, right after opening. Sadly the shuttle was also called at the same time for a scheduled crew transfer, so the grand opening had a rather meager turn-out. This is where the Vacant Office was.
  20. I definitely like the idea of bandanas being equip-able to the head, mask, and uniform attachment slots. They offer some customization options without sacrificing role recognition. When I play botanist, I always toss on the bandana, I really like how that one looks for some reason. If Neinhaus's sprites maintained that appearance, I'd wholeheartedly support them simply based on the number of options available. I even spotted a rainbow one in there for the clown. I imagine we'd have a period of grey shirt gangs following the release of these if we implement it, but the dumb ones would get banned and the rest would dissipate as the novelty wears off. Wearing them as a mask could possibly work like an improvised gas mask? Like it could lower the bad stuff you breathe in slightly, giving you a small resistance to airborne viruses, smoke, and bad gases. Or keep it purely aesthetic, still support.
  21. Actually, pretty sure we have most if not all of the female voice files in the code. A simple choice to utilize either the current "male" voice or the unused "female" choice wouldn't be too hard I think. This mostly relies on the files actually being there, but I'll look into it and run it by the higher-ups. EDIT: Looked into this, seems that the files in the vox_fem folder isn't actually the female voice, but rather than the one we use now. The files in the vox folder sounds like a much deeper, rumbling voice... like someone burping words almost.
  22. Coins are very scarce, though, and we need something to do with a large amount of money. Mining has the coin press, so technically they can make as many coins as they make bars of appropriate materials.
  23. This thread more or less sums up how I spent a quiet round. As an atmos tech, I ended up building a disposal tube transit between the bar and vacant office (literally made it to the bar before anyone even asked what I was doing), then relocated the booze-o-mat from the maint bar to the vacant office and began converting it into a cafe/lounge. Shuttle got called before I finished everything, but people were already stopping by to check it out and seemed to like the idea. The foodcart in the kitchen also can help promote the delivery of food and drinks from the main bar and kitchen to the office if you want to make a nice upscale dining room.
  24. A number of areas also need updating to reflect current layouts and contents. Hydroponics, for example, has an outdated photo. Glancing over existing pages for accuracy also would be worth doing to finish up locations.
  25. Tigercat, our resident death-machine coder has put up a PR to fix the dressers up a bit (EDIT: without making them some sort of horribly descriptive way to get murdered), and a while back we were prototyping some map-changes to the dorm/fitness room area to accommodate dressers. Assuming all the dresser issues are corrected, we'll probably get a map-change to introduce a place to change your undies.
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