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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2017 in Posts

  1. So maybe I can blame it on how often I play a Doctor, but the sheer amount of uncooperative patients can be overwhelming. And sure, you can just ignore them, but the Hippocratic oath makes you feel uneasy. That's why I'm wondering - how hard would it be, to actually add a muscle with a stun baton to the medbay? Not your typical, everyday sec (they have lot to do without having to chase a guy who stole the soap from medbay), but instead just a guy dedicated to... let's say making troublemakers at medbay more cooperative? What do you guys think? Good idea/Bad idea?
    1 point
  2. I play Medical pretty much exclusively and would really like something like this. When you have graytide walking right by doctors and then spamming the medical storage as if Medbay is a fucking Help Yourself Pharmacy it's really annoying, but not quite worthy of calling for security to run half-way across the station when you know they aren't going to get there before he leaves anyway. Also, when things are hectic, someone assigned to get anyone who isn't a doctor or patient the hell out of medbay would be great. It's really annoying when Cryo/Cloning turn into a traffic jam because people are either just standing around wasting space or trying to play doctor themselves. As far as SR goes (since it got brought up) My problem with it is that if you have a chemist who knows what they are doing you'll have 300 of them 5 minutes into the shift which means it's more or less unlimited. It's not just that it's powerful, it's that it's effectively an unlimited resource. I think making it take 20u per pill to work would make the supply far more limited and keep the Paramedic job valuable.
    1 point
  3. OK, so about a year ago, I played ss13 a good bit later than my usual timezone, so most of the players were ones I was unfamiliar with. There was this IPC HoS, and he is behind one of the two or three times I've gotten truly mad while playing security. I was the Warden, and it became apparent soon enough it was a traitor round. The HoS was one of the greatest valid hunters I've seen wear the coat. This was before not killing antags who hadn't killed or stolen anything and didn't resist arrest was codified into space law, so the he just one-man firing-squaded every antag we brought in. Some antags didn't really mind, but some players, believe it or not, don't like being summarily murdered without a good reason. Now, the Captain and all the command people had done zilch to put an end to this funny business, so when he got ready to shoot some scientist that had contraband without any indication of Captain approval, I tasered him and cuffed him for attempted murder. About this time, a first-round sec officer shows up and tasers me. I was hauled to processing, and the (IPC) Captain and grey HoP show up. I was given some ultra-vague charge, despite my having a valid reason for making the arrest. I asked the Captain about all the killings and he was like "Umm, maybe I authorized it, don't really remember." The HoP, in full powergaming gear, sat there and berated me while the HoS prattled on. I was dumped ID-less on the (broken) mining camp. I've never seen the HoP or HoS players again, and if I never do it'll be too soon.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Here's a bunch of fun random sketches that I've done Based on a silly conversation from a long time talking about if a Slime Person were to have the dna or something from someone else that could infact help them have a child, so of course if said slime person wanted to, they could eat the other person's hands Jay is not a happy Kitty Ansari, the man that has always been mistake for a woman Isn't she cute? Wittle Witch
    1 point
  6. I've updated the "job request form" I created to give to the HOP. The previous one entailed a lot of work on the HOPs end because it required manual permissions to both medbay and sec to be given. This is both time consuming and I've had several instances (honestly more often than not) that I wasn't even given all the proper permissions and needed to wait in the HOP line again to get it fixed. I've now realized that the Brig Physician has all the proper access required so the new form just has the HOP changing the requestors job to Brig Physician, then a custom name of Medbay Guard. Easier for the HOP, HOPs line moves faster, less margin for error. Everyone wins. The Brig Physician thing might also be useful for anyone who might be working on actually programming this class into the game. Some sort of copy n paste thing. I dunno shit about coding so maybe I'm blowing smoke. Hope it helps Heres the new form:. Copy n paste it on a piece of paper n hand it to the HOP. Also helps to get permission from the CMO and HOS first depending on who the HOP is. Employment Application[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br] NanoTrasen Science Station Cyberiad [br] [br] New Job Title: Medbay Guard[br] Supervisors: Head of Security and Chief Medical Officer[br] Role: Patrols Medbay and protect it from any threats. Guard is NOT to leave Medbay and assist security with threats outside of Medbay except for extreme emergencies. The safety of Medbay and its occupants should be the top priority. Threats should be detained or neutralized as necessary, detained threats should be escorted to security for proper processing.[br] Equipment: Medbay Guard is to be equipped with the same basic gear as a Security Officer has at the beginning of the shift, as well as both a Security and Medical headset. Further security equipment at HOS's or Warden's discretion.[br] Standard Operating Procedure: Medbay Guard is required to follow the same guidelines as both a Security Officer AND Medical Doctor, prioritizing Security SOP over Medical SOP. [br][br] I hereby declare that I understand the functions and restrictions of this job and will follow them to the best of my abilities.[br] Signature: [sign][br][br] FOR HEAD OF PERSONNEL USAGE[br] For job creation, first switch job title to Brig Physician to give the proper access, then change to a custom job named Medbay Guard.[br] Authorization[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br][br] If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br] Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br] The department in which the requester is requesting access must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) must have been talked to and have authorized this request. If any criminal activity is done with the help of this extra access, this form will be immediately void and unlawful. If the chief of the affected department wishes this form void, this form is immediately void and unlawful. [br] [br]
    1 point
  7. Alright so I kind of went overboard with this. For anyone interested in playing this role, maybe taking it for a "test run" to see if its worth the developers time, here is a pre made form you can copy and paste to paper and hand to the HOP to request this job designation. Paperwork includes what the role entails, SOP, access, equipment, as well as the process the HOP needs to follow to create the job (its a custom job so it needs a little tweaking to have a medical badge to it instead of appearing to be an unknown or civilian on SEC HUDs, I chose paramedic because it appears as a medical badge, but a unique one that differentiates from standard medical staff). I believe this technically should be a protected job that cannot be a traitor so it'd be nice if nobody abused this job for the sake of getting security access as a traitor until the devs can decide whether to make it a real job or not. Abuse it and I imagine not only will it not become a real job, but it probably won't be allowed through the HOP anymore either. This is why we can't have nice things Anyhoo...heres the form...copy n paste, lets take this job for a spin! Employment Application[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br] NanoTrasen Science Station Cyberiad [br] [br] New Job Title: Medbay Guard[br] Supervisors: Head of Security and Chief Medical Officer[br] Role: Patrols Medbay and protect it from any threats. Guard is NOT to leave Medbay and assist security with threats outside of Medbay except for extreme emergencies. The safety of Medbay and its occupants should be the top priority. Threats should be detained or neutralized as necessary, detained threats should be escorted to security for proper processing.[br] Equipment: Medbay Guard is to be equipped with the same basic gear as a Security Officer has at the beginning of the shift, as well as both a Security and Medical headset. Further security equipment at HOS's or Warden's discretion.[br] Standard Operating Procedure: Medbay Guard is required to follow the same guidelines as both a Security Officer AND Medical Doctor, prioritizing Security SOP over Medical SOP. [br][br] I hereby declare that I understand the functions and restrictions of this job and will follow them to the best of my abilities.[br] Signature: [field][br][br] FOR HEAD OF PERSONNEL USAGE[br] For job creation, first switch job title to Paramedic to give the employee the proper badging on SEC HUDs, then change to custom job named "Medbay Guard". After this is done the access needs to be manually altered or the Medbay Guard will just have Paramedic access. Access Required: Medbay, Surgery, Mourge, Brig, Security, Weapon Permit, Holding Cells, and Maintenance. The card's skin should be medical.[br] Authorization[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br][br] If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br] Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br] The department in which the requester is requesting access must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) must have been talked to and have authorized this request. If any criminal activity is done with the help of this extra access, this form will be immediately void and unlawful. If the chief of the affected department wishes this form void, this form is immediately void and unlawful. [br] [br] EDIT: Needed to alter the order of the "HOP instructions" a bit. Tried doing this twice now n both times I've been given back a card with the name "Medbay Guard" with only paramedic access.
    1 point
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