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Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the Nanotrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations.
'''Space Law''' is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the Nanotrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations.
Space Law applies to all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station. Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law. This means that any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law.
Space Law applies to all Nanotrasen employees and authorized visitors of the station. Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law. Any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law.
Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit.
Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit.
Great cases of RP may excuse certain crimes. Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law. Just remember, you will get fired for it if you can't cover it up. The threat of a ban still applies.
Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law.
= Interpretation of the Law [[file:documents.png|32px]]=
= Interpretation of the Law [[file:documents.png|32px]]=
In order to ensure stability of the workplace, a working knowledge of Space Law is important for Nanotrasen employees. More in-depth knowledge and interpretative capability of Space Law is required for positions such as Magistrate, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, and Head of Security.
For certain crimes, the intention of the accused is important. The difference between [[#Murder|Murder]] and [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]] can be hard to ascertain. When in doubt, you should default to the less serious crime.
Stacking crimes is '''expressly forbidden'''. '''Do not''' sentence someone for the same crime more than once, or sentence someone with similar crimes simultaneously (such as [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]] and [[#Theft|Theft]], or [[#Assault|Assault]] and [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]]). Even if someone steals every single multitool in the station, it is still only a single count of [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]]. When two similar crimes are present, apply only the more severe one.
Knowingly aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice. You can, and will, be charged with the same crime(s) as the person you aided.

== Brig Procedures [[file:handcuffs.png|32px]]==
In order to facilitate productivity, an operating knowledge of Space Law is important for Nanotrasen employees. In-depth knowledge of Space Law is required for positions such as Magistrate, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, and the Head of Security. Some Space Law knowledge is required for the role of Captain who, in the absence of key Legal & Security members, may be required to render judgment.
With this in mind, please review the following sections.
[[File:LawTrial.png|frame|An internal affairs agent argues for his client's acquittal based on a technicality.]]
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''The Pathos of the Law'''</span><hr>
'''''Space Law is a tool to benefit the station, not a cudgel.'''''
* The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing.
* Space Law is designed to protect the station and crew, not to hinder them.
* Station-wide emergencies, such as a nuclear threat, take precedence over enforcement.
'''''Behaviour may merit leniency or severity in sentencing.'''''
* Minor, Medium, and Major Crimes all have discretionary sentencing ranges.
* Modifiers, where applicable, can also be applied to sentences.
* Pending relevant approval, demotions may be a more effective tool.
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''The Ethos of the Law'''</span><hr>
'''''Sentencing conflicts are to be resolved by the 'Chain of Authority.''''''
* If the Magistrate is present, their opinion outweighs all others sans Central Command.
* Otherwise, obey the following: Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Officer / Detective.
'''''The Magistrate is the final authority on Space Law.'''''
* If the Magistrate is not present, the Captain may perform duties (like authorizing executions) in lieu.
* The Magistrate may be overridden at any time by Central Command.
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''The Logos of the Law'''</span><hr>
'''''Space Law does not allow for multiple counts of the same charge.'''''
* Stealing every toolbox on station is only one count of [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]].
* Repeat offenses are to be prosecuted with the [[#Repeat Offender|Repeat Offender]] modifier.
'''''A sentence of sixty minutes results in permanent imprisonment.'''''
* This includes [[#Repeat Offender|Repeat Offenders]] on their fourth same-type offense.
* This applies regardless of the crimes or modifiers.
'''''Knowingly aiding a criminal is [[#Aiding and Abetting|Aiding and Abetting]].'''''
* Offenders are to be charged with the same sentence as the person they helped.
* The minimum charge is five minutes (even if the original offender only receives a warning).
'''''To [[#Resisting Arrest|Resist Arrest]] is to resist the Law.'''''
* This includes resisting any legal arrest or search: a sentence of zero to five minutes applies.
* Like Aiding and Abetting, this applies regardless of the crime committed (or lack thereof).
'''''For certain crimes, intentionality is a factor.'''''
* For instance, [[#Murder|5-02 - Murder]] and [[#Manslaughter|4-01 - Manslaughter]] differ only by intent.
* Where intent cannot be proven, charge the lesser crime.
== Legal Representation and Trials [[file:gavel.png|32px]]==
[[File:LawDet.png|frame|The detective files a report during his investigation on Punpun's murder.]]
See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
Special precautions are to be taken aside from Standard Brigging Procedures:
While prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation, '''Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it unless otherwise specified by the Magistrate.'''
* Always ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located. '''Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them.''' In such a case as their clothes have to be changed, '''expedience is mandatory.''' Get their internal on as fast as possible.
Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the sentencing process. However:
* Internal Affairs Agents have '''zero''' authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing.
* Internal Affairs Agents attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, ignored.
* Disruptive IAAs can be barred from Security by the Magistrate, HoS, Warden or Captain.
An Internal Affairs Agent who continues to be disruptive, or ignores being barred from Security, may be demoted at the Magistrate's discretion. The Captain may approve their demotion if no Magistrate is available.
== Enemies of the Corporation [[file:emag.png|32px]]==
Occasionally, you will encounter personnel that are working for an enemy of Nanotrasen (such as the Syndicate) and/or are working to undermine Nanotrasen's operations.
Current enemies of Nanotrasen include but are not limited to: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), the Space Wizard Federation, Changelings, Vampires, and other intelligent hostile forms of life that seek to cause major damage to the station and or crew.
* '''Execution/Imprisonment''' - If an Enemy of the Corporation has not committed any [[#Capital Crimes|Capital Crimes]] they are to be placed in Permanent Imprisonment (Permabrig/Solitary/Labor Camp) without exception. Otherwise, Execution is permitted at the discretion of the Magistrate. If no Magistrate has been assigned, or is otherwise unable to authorize an execution, the Captain may authorize executions in accordance with [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
* '''Uncontainable EoCs''' - Powered Vampires, or any other Enemies of the Corporation that cannot be contained safely in the Brig, are to be executed irrespective of their crimes. Head Revolutionaries are to be executed as soon as they are positively identified. Being a space-proof species does not constitute being impossible to contain.
* '''Changelings''' - All changelings are to be considered hostile alien lifeforms and a direct threat to all personnel. All changelings are to be killed on sight and immediately cremated. Forensic evidence and/or direct testimony from Mindshielded personnel is necessary to establish proof they are a changeling. Personnel who provide false testimony are to be charged with Murder if the supposed changeling is killed and attempted murder if it is not.
* '''Surrendering EoCs''' - Enemies of the Corporation that willingly turn themselves into Security of their own accord are to be kept in Permanent Imprisonment so long as they aren't impossible to contain. Defectors and captives are to be transported to Central Command via the Crew Transfer Shuttle; they are to be treated as dangerous enemies, but also protected from retribution and provided for.
* '''Parole for EoCs''' - See: [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure#Parole|Legal SOP, Parole Section]]
== Use of Deadly Force [[File:Laser Gun.png|32px]]==
* All [[#Contraband Listing|Contraband]] is to be confiscated and placed in Evidence Storage, this includes tools used in a crime. These are '''not''' to be returned.
Situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between. In the vast majority of cases, Security is expected to use non-lethal tools which are generally more effective in defusing situations. It is preferable to capture personnel through non-lethal means unless a situation warrants otherwise. Failure to adhere to this principle '''will''' result in discipline, demotion, and even job bans.
* Make routine checks on the Permabrig, Solitary or Labor Camp areas if they happen to be occupied.
There are, however, circumstances where deadly force is permissible:
== Legal Representation and Trials [[file:gavel.png|32px]]==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #ffee99;"
! colspan="1" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #6FD15C;" | Non-EOCs / Petty Criminals
|- style="background-color: #B4FFA5;
| style="width:100%;" | Should lethal force be levied against a target that is not an EoC (such as a cultist), is not set to DNR, or is not set to Execute/Kill on Sight via lawful order the person is to be revived and sentenced/deconverted as soon as possible. Petty criminals met with lethal force are to be given immediate medical attention when captured.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #ffee99;"
! colspan="7" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #EAD672;" | Lethals Authorised - Post-Combat Treatment/Revival Required
| style="width:20%;" | '''Armed and Dangerous'''<br>(Stun Weapons, Lethals, etc.)
| style="width:20%;" | '''Multiple Assailants'''<br>(Armed or Otherwise)
| style="width:20%;" | '''Cultists'''<br>(Flag Robes, Highly Armed, etc.)
| style="width:20%;" | '''Possessing Explosives'''<br>(Grenades, TTVs, etc.)
| style="width:20%;" | '''Enhanced Individuals'''<br>(Stimulants, Implants, Bio-Chips, etc.)
| '''Revolutionaries'''<br>(Non-Heads)
| '''Armoury Trespassers'''<br>(Armed or Otherwise)
| '''Thralls'''<br>(Vampires or Otherwise)
| '''Hostile Environment'''<br>(N2O, Fire, Space)
! colspan="7" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #ff6655;" | Lethals Recommended - Posthumous Revival Potentially Required
|- style="background-color: #ffaa99;"
| '''Vampires'''<br>(Dark Passage)
| '''Heavily Armed'''<br>(.357, eSword, etc.)
| '''Cultists'''<br>(Halos)
| '''Holoparasite Users'''<br>(Irrespective of Type)
| '''Hostile Exosuits'''<br>(Any Chassis)
|- style="background-color: #ffaa99;"
| '''Non-Crew'''<br>(Golems, Ash Walkers, etc.)
| '''Uncontainable Individuals'''<br>(Bloodcrawl, Jaunt, etc.)
! colspan="7" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white" | Lethals Authorised - Kill on Sight
|- style="background-color: #E2E5E7;"
| '''Fully Powered Vampires'''<br>(Irrespective of Hostilities)
| '''Nuclear Operatives'''<br>(Including Infiltration Teams)
| '''Cultists'''<br>(Summoning Deity)
| '''Perma Escapees'''<br>(Outside Permabrig/Isolation)
| '''Exogenous Threats'''<br>(Xenomorphs, Terror Spiders, Changelings, etc.)
|- style="background-color: #E2E5E7;"
| '''Abductors'''<br>(Including Other Hostile Aliens)
| '''Cult Constructs'''<br>(Irrespective of Type)
| '''Bluespace Entities'''<br>(Demons, Wizards, Revenants)
|'''Revolutionary Heads'''<br>(Non-Standard Revolutionaries)
== Additional Clarifications [[file:filingcabopen.png|32px]]==
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Brig Procedures'''</span>
See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
While prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation, '''Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it.'''
Special precautions are to be taken aside from Standard Brigging Procedures:
Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process. However, Internal Affairs Agents have '''zero''' authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing. Internal Affairs Agents attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, ignored.
* Ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located. '''Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them.''' In such a case where their clothes have to be changed, '''expedience is mandatory.'''
If an Internal Affairs Agent continuously acts as a disruptive influence, Security is permitted to confiscate their access and remove them from the Brig.
* All [[#Contraband|Contraband]] is to be confiscated and placed in Evidence Storage, including tools used in a crime. These are '''not''' to be returned.
In instances where a conflict of opinion arises over the sentence of a prisoner, the following chain should be followed, in order of authority: Magistrate > Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Officer / Detective.
* Routine checks on the Permabrig, Solitary or Labour Camp areas are encouraged when occupied.
== Use of Deadly Force [[file:laser.png|32px]]==
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Executions'''</span><hr>
As a member of the station's Security force, you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal weaponry.
Executions can be done '''only''' by [[Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure##Execution: Electric Chair|electric chair]], [[Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure##Execution: Lethal Injection|lethal injection]], [[Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure##Execution: Firing Squad|firing squad]], [[Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure##Execution: Gas Inhalation|gas inhalation]] or [[Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure##Execution: Asphyxiation|asphyxiation]].
Situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between. In the vast majority of cases, you will be expected to use your non-lethal tools, which are many times more effective than lethal options, to diffuse a situation.
* Other means of Execution are illegal, constituting a charge of [[#Murder|5-02 - Murder]], unless a prisoner explicitly requests them.
* Cyborgification, posthumous or otherwise, may also be used. See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]] for more information regarding executions.
There are however certain circumstances where deadly force is permissible:
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Crime Stacking'''</span><hr>
* '''Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective''' - Targets impervious to non-lethal weapons, such as Exosuits, Xenomorphs, Cyborgs, and Hulks. Lethal force may be used against these targets if they prove hostile.
* '''Severe Personal Risk''' - Scenarios in which significant personal risk is present should an arrest be attempted. Changelings, Wizards, situations with multiple hostiles, criminals in hostile environments (space, fire, plasma leaks, etc.), and criminals in possession of high explosives all fall into this category. Petty criminals met with lethal force in this manner are to be given medical attention when captured.
* '''Armed and Dangerous''' - Suspects in possession of weapons, including stun weapons, with reasonable suspicion that they will utilize them. In the majority of cases, it is still preferable to attempt to detain them non-lethally. Unauthorized personnel in the Armory are considered by default to be Armed and Dangerous. Maximum force is permitted to subdue such targets.
In general, if it is possible to capture personnel non-lethally you should. If you do not, expect to have to justify yourself to Internal Affairs to not get fired, and Administrators to not be Jobbanned.

== Enemies of the Corporation [[file:emag.png|32px]]==
The rules regarding crime stacking (charging someone with multiple crimes simultaneously) are:

Occasionally, you will encounter personnel that are working for an enemy of Nanotrasen (such as the Syndicate) and/or are working to undermine Nanotrasen's operations.
* Crimes with the same category code (last two digits) can never be charged together. e.g: 1-02, 2-02, 3-02 do not stack.
* Otherwise, crimes '''can''' be stacked together; the timers are added together for stacking.

Current enemies of Nanotrasen include but are not limited to: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), the Space Wizards Federation, Changelings, Shadowlings, Vampires, and other intelligent hostile forms of life that seek to cause major damage to the station and or crew.
''For instance, breaking a window to steal something can be charged with [[#Trespass|1-08 - Trespass]], [[#Petty Theft|1-07 - Petty Theft]], and [[#Damage to Station Assets|1-00 - Damage to Station Assets]]''

* '''Execution/Imprisonment''' - If the Enemy of the Corporation has not committed any Capital Crimes (see below), they are to be placed in Permanent Imprisonment (Permabrig/Solitary/Labor Camp) without exception. Otherwise, Execution is permitted at the discretion of the Magistrate. If no Magistrate has been assigned, or is otherwise unable to authorize an execution, the Captain may authorize executions in accordance with [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]].
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Escape & In-Cell Vandalism'''</span><hr>

* '''Uncontainable EoCs''' - Hatched Shadowlings are to be killed on sight. Powered Vampires, or any other Enemies of the Corporation that cannot be contained safely in the Brig, are to be executed or exiled irrespective of their crimes. Head Revolutionaries are to be executed or exiled as soon as they are positively identified. Being a space-proof species does not constitute being impossible to contain.
Often, prisoners may attempt to escape from the brig. In this case, heed the following definitions and clauses:

* '''Changelings/Testimony''' - All changelings are to be considered hostile alien lifeforms and a direct threat to all personnel. All changelings are to be killed on sight and immediately cremated. Forensic evidence and/or direct testimony from Mindshielded personnel is necessary to establish proof. Personnel who provide false testimony are to be charged with Murder if the supposed changeling is killed, and attempted murder if it is not.
'''E-01 - In-Cell Vandalism:''' A prisoner breaking things non-essential to confinement. Examples include:
* Breaking lights and furniture.
* Damaging or destroying equipment in permabrig.

* '''Surrendering EoCs''' - Enemies of the Corporation that willingly turn themselves into Security of their own accord are to be kept in Permanent Imprisonment assuming they aren't impossible to contain. Such defectors and captives are to be transported to Central Command via the Crew Transfer Shuttle. They are to be treated as dangerous enemies, but also protected from retribution and provided for.
'''E-02 - Attempted Escape:''' A prisoner attempting to break or subvert confinement barriers. Examples include:
* Breaking cell windows and airlocks.
* Attacking an officer inside a cell.
* Coercing another party to assist with an escape.

* '''Parole for EoCs''' - Parole can be offered to Enemies of the Corporation at the discretion of the Captain or Magistrate. This should only happen in emergencies where extra hands are desperately needed. Paroled Enemies of the Corporation are to be stripped of all their belongings and given basic Civilian access.
'''E-03 - Escape:''' A prisoner exiting their designated holding area ''without'' permission from security. Examples include:
* A prisoner exiting from a temporary cell while the timer is running.
* A permanent prisoner exiting from prisoner-accessible areas within permabrig.
* A prisoner in isolation exiting from the isolation block (moving between cells is not escaping).

== Additional Clarifications [[file:filingcabopen.png|32px]]==
''If placed in isolation, a temporary prisoner's timer continues running. Temporary prisoners who escape or attempt escape from isolation are subject to execution at the Magistrate or Captain's discretion.''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 70%; background-color: #aaffaa;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
| style="width: 6em;"  | Prisoner<br>Classification {{anchor|Escape}}
| style="width: 16em;" | E-01<br>In-Cell Vandalism
| style="width: 16em;  | E-02<br>Attempted Escape
| style="width: 16em;" | E-03<br>Escape
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Temporary
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | Reset Timer
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Reset Timer +/- Isolation (Discretionary)
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Reset Timer + 10 Minutes
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Permanent
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | Isolation
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Isolation
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Re-Detained, Executed, or KoS (Discretionary)
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Isolation
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | Straightjacket
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Straightjacket or Execution (Discretionary)
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Re-Detained, Executed, or KoS (Discretionary)
= Space Law [[file:Spacelaw.png|32px]]=
== Reference Tables ==
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Crime Codes Quick Reference'''</span><br>
Use this to quickly find Crime Code Numbers. You can click on the name of a crime to immediately navigate to it.
Executions can be done '''only''' by electric chair, firing squad, CO2 inhalation, or lethal injection. Other means of Execution are illegal unless the prisoner requests them. Cyborgification, either as a means of execution or posthumously, is also a valid option. See [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure]] for more information regarding executions.
Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_-xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed by the Severity Number (X-__).
In cases where the final sentence is equal to, or greater than, 60 minutes, it is to be changed to a Permanent Imprisonment sentence.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 70%; background-color: #aaffaa;"
! style='background-color:#092337;' Width='20px'  |<span style="color: white">Code</span>
The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing. If someone breaks into the AI Core in order to destroy it when it is Malfunctioning, there is no need to charge them. The intent of Space Law is to protect the station and the crew, not to hinder them.
! style='background-color:#092337;' Width='180px' |<span style="color: white">1-XX - Minor<br>(0–5 minutes)</span>
! style='background-color:#092337;' width='180px' |<span style="color: white">2-XX - Medium<br>(5–10 minutes)</span>
! style='background-color:#092337;' width='180px' |<span style="color: white">3-XX - Major<br>(10–15 minutes)</span>
! style='background-color:#092337;' width='180px' |<span style="color: white">4-XX - Exceptional<br>(Permabrig)</span>
! style='background-color:#092337;' width='180px' |<span style="color: white">5-XX - Capital<br>(Permabrig/Execution)</span>
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 00
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Damage to Station Assets|Damage to Station Assets]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Creating a Workplace Hazard|Workplace Hazard]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]]
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 01
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' |
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Kidnapping|Kidnapping]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' |
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]]
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 02
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Battery|Battery]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Assault|Assault]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | [[#Attempted Murder|Attempted Murder]]
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' | [[#Murder|Murder]]
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 03
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Drug Possession|Drug Possession]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Narcotics Distribution|Narcotics Distribution]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' |
|style='background:#ffaa99;' |
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 04
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' |
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Possession of a Weapon|Possession of a Weapon]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item|Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' |
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 05
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Indecent Exposure|Indecent Exposure]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Rioting|Rioting]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Inciting a Riot|Inciting a Riot]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' |
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' | [[#Mutiny|Mutiny]]
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 06
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Abuse of Equipment|Abuse of Equipment]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Abuse of Confiscated Equipment|Abuse of Confiscated Equipment]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Possession of Contraband|Possession of Contraband]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' |
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 07
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' | [[#Robbery|Robbery]]
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Theft|Theft]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | [[#Grand Theft|Grand Theft]]
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 08
|style='background:#B4FFA5;' | [[#Trespass|Trespass]]
|style='background:#ffee99;' |
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | [[#Major Trespass|Major Trespass]]
|style='background:#ffaa99;' |
|style='background:#E2E5E7;' |
<span style="font-size:1.2em">'''Modifiers Quick Reference'''</span><br>
Use this to quickly find [[#Modifiers & Special Situations|Modifiers]] and their values. You can click on the name of a modifier to immediately navigate to it.
Some modifiers, such as [[#Repeat Offender|Repeat Offender]], [[#Aiding and Abetting|Aiding and Abetting]], and [[#Parole|Parole]] have special clauses and conditions.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 70%; background-color: #B4FFA5;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
| style="width: 245px;" class="unsortable" | Situation
| style="width: 210px;" class="unsortable" | Modifier
| style="width: 245px;" class="unsortable" | Situation
| style="width: 210px;" class="unsortable" | Modifier
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Refusal to Cooperate|Refusal to Cooperate]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | 50% addition
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Cooperation with Security|Cooperation with Security]]'''
| 50% reduction
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Repeat Offender|Repeat Offender]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | +10 mins on 2nd same offense
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Parole|Parole]]'''
| Parole Until Release
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Aiding and Abetting|Aiding and Abetting]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | Partner's sentence; minimum 5
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Surrender|Surrender]]'''
| 50% reduction
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Resisting Arrest|Resisting Arrest]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | +0-5 mins to sentence
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Medical Attention|Medical Attention]]'''
| Running Timer
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Immediate Threat to Prisoner|Immediate Threat to Prisoner]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | Immediate Release/Relocation
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Self Defense|Self Defense]]'''
| Immediate Release
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Offense Against an Officer|Offense Against an Officer]]'''
| style="background: #ffee99;" | +5 mins to sentence
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Hostile Brainwashing|Hostile Brainwashing]]'''
| Deconversion & Release
! style="font-weight: normal;" | '''[[#Central Command Directive|Central Command Directive]]'''
| style="background: #D4E7F2;" | Sentence Overridden
! style="font-weight: normal;" |

= Space Law [[file:SpaceLaw.png|32px]]=
== Crime Codes ==
=== Minor Crimes ===
=== Minor Crimes ===
All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between a simple warning and 5 minutes in the Brig at the discretion of Security.
All of these crimes are punishable by a warning or sentence up to 5 minutes at the discretion of Security.
{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#ffee99;' border=1 cellspacing=0
[[File:LawCell.png|frame|Security temporarily transfers a permabrig prisoner to a smaller cell due to safety concerns.]]
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' Width='20px'|Code
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #B4FFA5;"
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' Width='1px'|
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' width='135px'|Crime
| style="width: 2em;"  | Code
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' width='350px'|Description
| style="width: 1px;| Image
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' width='350px'|Notes
| style="width: 9em;| Crime
| style="width: 17em;" | Description
|                      | Notes
! 101
! 1-00
|[[File:Resisting Arrest.PNG]]
|[[File:SL_Damage to Station Assets.png]]{{anchor|Damage to Station Assets}}
|'''{{anchor|Resisting Arrest}}Resisting Arrest'''
|'''Damage to Station Assets'''
| To resist an officer who attempts a proper arrest.
| To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent.
| Personnel that have been illegitimately arrested cannot be charged with this law. Screaming over comms is not Resisting Arrest. The person must be actively attempting to either run away, or attack the arresting officer.
| [[Pets|Departmental Pets]], [[Cyborg]]s, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]].
| 102
! 1-02
| To use minor physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure them.
| To use minor physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure them.
| Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, or stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see [[#Assault|Assault]].
| Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), shoving into walls, tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see [[#Assault|Assault]].
| 103
|'''{{anchor|Abuse of Equipment}}Abuse of Equipment'''
| To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion.
| The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties.
| 104
! 1-03
|[[File:SL_Drug Posession.png]]{{anchor|Drug Possession}}
|'''{{anchor|Drug Possession}}Drug Possession'''
|'''Drug Possession'''
| To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel.
| The unauthorized possession of recreational use drugs such as ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, or THC.
| Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. For distribution, see [[#Narcotics Distribution|Narcotics Distribution]].
| Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.
For distribution, see [[#Narcotics Distribution|Narcotics Distribution]].<br>
For drugs from illicit sources (ketamine, synaptizine, etc.), see [[#Possession of Contraband|Possession of Contraband]].
| 106
! 1-05
|[[File:SL_Indecent Exposure.png]]{{anchor|Indecent Exposure}}
|'''{{anchor|Indecent Exposure}}Indecent Exposure'''
|'''Indecent Exposure'''
| To be intentionally and publicly unclothed.
| To be intentionally and publicly unclothed.
| Running around the station naked or otherwise unclothed.
| Running around the station naked or otherwise unclothed.
| 107
! 1-06
|[[File:SL_Abuse of Equipment.png]]{{anchor|Abuse of Equipment}}
|'''{{anchor|Damage to Station Assets}}Damage to Station Assets'''
|'''Abuse of Equipment'''
| To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent.
| To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion.
| Departmental Pets, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not Damage to Station Assets. For serious damage to station property, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]].
| The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties.
! 1-07
|[[File:SL_Petty Theft.png]]{{anchor|Petty Theft}}
|'''Petty Theft'''
| To take items from areas one lacks access to or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.
| Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Petty Theft includes unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in amounts up to 250.
Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see [[#Theft|Theft]] or [[#Robbery|Robbery]].
| 109
! 1-08
| To be in an area which a person does not have access to. This counts for general areas of the ship.
| To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station.
| Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespassing and theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see [[#Major Trespass|Major Trespass]].
| Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and [[#Theft|Theft]] are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see [[#Major Trespass|Major Trespass]].

=== Medium Crimes ===
=== Medium Crimes ===
All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between 5 and 10 minutes in the Brig, at the discretion of Security.
All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 5 to 10 minutes at the discretion of Security.
{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#ffcc99;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' Width='20px'|Code
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' Width='1px'|
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #ffee99;"
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' width='135px'|Crime
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' width='350px'|Description
| style="width: 2em;"  | Code
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' width='350px'|Notes
| style="width: 1px;| Image
| style="width: 9em;| Crime
| style="width: 17em;" | Description
|                      | Notes
! 2-00
|[[File:SL_Creating A Workplace Hazard.png]]{{anchor|Creating a Workplace Hazard}}
|'''Creating a Workplace Hazard'''
| To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions.
| Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is.
For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter.]] Failure to follow legal security orders during Code Red may constitute Creating a Workplace Hazard, see [[Standard Operating Procedure#Alert Levels|Code Red SOP.]]
! 2-01
| To hold a crewmember under duress or against their will.
| Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping.
| 201
! 2-02
| To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
| To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
| To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember. For life-threatening harm, see [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]].
| To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances. For life-threatening harm, see [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]].
| 202
! 2-03
|[[File:SL_Narcotics Distribution.png]]{{anchor|Narcotics Distribution}}
|'''Narcotics Distribution'''
| To steal items from another's person.
| Remember to return the stolen items to the lawful owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and serious form of robbery. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed.
| 203
|'''{{anchor|Narcotics Distribution}}Narcotics Distribution'''
| To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown.
| To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown.
| Forcing or tricking someone to consume substances such as space drugs is [[#Assault|Assault]]. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see [[#Drug Possession|Drug Possession]].
| Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is [[#Assault|Assault]]. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see [[#Drug Possession|Drug Possession]].
| 204
! 2-04
|[[File:SL_Weapon Posession.png]]{{anchor|Possession of a Weapon}}
|'''{{anchor|Possession of a Weapon}}Possession of a Weapon'''
|'''Possession of a Weapon'''
| To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job.
| To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job.
| Items capable of a high level of damage, such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. If the item is part of someone's assigned duties, they are permitted to carry it. For restricted weapons, see [[#Possession of a Restricted Weapon|Possession of a Restricted Weapon]].
| Items capable of a high level of damage such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. If the item is part of someone's assigned duties they are permitted to carry it. For restricted weapons, see [[#Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item|Possession of a Restricted Weapon]].
| 205
| To hold a crewmember under duress or against their will.
| Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping. For kidnapping of Command/Security see [[#Kidnapping of an Officer|Kidnapping of an Officer]].
| 206
! 2-05
| To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen.
| To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen.
| It is required to order the crowd to disperse; failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly itself. Crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offenses. For the ringleader of a riot, see [[#Inciting a Riot|Inciting a Riot]].
| It is required to order the crowd to disperse; failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly itself. Crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offenses. For the ringleader of a riot, see [[#Inciting a Riot|Inciting a Riot]].
| 207
! 2-06
|[[File:SL_Abuse of Confiscated Equipment.png]]{{anchor|Abuse of Confiscated Equipment}}
|'''{{anchor|Creating a Workplace Hazard}}Creating a Workplace Hazard'''
|'''Abuse of Confiscated Equipment'''
| To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions.
| Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is. For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter.]]
| 208
|'''{{anchor|Petty Theft}}Petty Theft'''
| To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.
| Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see [[#Theft|Theft]].
| 209
|'''{{anchor|Abuse of Confiscated Equipment}}Abuse of Confiscated Equipment'''
| To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence.
| To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence.
| Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see [[#Abuse of Equipment|Abuse of Equipment]].
| Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see [[#Abuse of Equipment|Abuse of Equipment]].
| 210
! 2-07
|'''{{anchor|Breaking and Entry}}Breaking and Entry'''
| Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas.
| To steal items from another's person.
| Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. Simply destroying windows, grilles or walls, or hacking open doors, is to be considered [[#Damage to Station Assets|Damage to Station Assets]]. Does not stack with [[#Trespassing|Trespassing]]. For secure areas, see [[#B&E of a Restricted Area|B&E of a Restricted Area.]]
| Remember to return the stolen items to the lawful owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and serious form of robbery. This includes the theft of up to 250 credits. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed. For robbery of more valuable items, see [[#Theft|Theft]] or [[#Grand Theft|Grand Theft]].

=== Major Crimes ===
=== Major Crimes ===
All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between 10 and 15 minutes in the Brig, at the discretion of Security.
All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 10 to 15 minutes at the discretion of Security.
[[File:LawProc.png|frame|Security processing a suspected cultist.]]
{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#ffaa99;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' Width='20px'|Code
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #ffcc99;"
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' Width='1px'|
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' width='135px'|Crime
| style="width: 2em;"  | Code
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' width='350px'|Description
| style="width: 1px;| Image
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' width='350px'|Notes
| style="width: 9em;| Crime
| style="width: 17em;" | Description
|                      | Notes
| 300
! 3-00
|'''{{anchor|Possession of Contraband}}Possession of Contraband'''
|To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of two or more contraband items, or committing a crime with one, makes you an [[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]].
| To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions.
| For information on what items are contraband see [[Contraband]]. Multiple instances of the same item are considered one (IE: 2 emags or 20 c4 charges.). A gun and its ammunition are counted as a single item. Contraband items from the [[Gateway]] are covered by this law. Personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law.
| Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling power for a small area of the station, destroying cyborgs, and constructing barricades are all examples of sabotage. For more violent forms, see [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]].
| 301
|'''{{anchor|Kidnapping of an Officer}}Kidnapping of an Officer'''
| To hold a member of Command, Security, or any Central Command VIP under duress or against their will.
| Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping of an Officer. For kidnapping of non-Command/Security, see [[#Kidnapping|Kidnapping]].
| 302
! 3-02
|[[File:SL_Aggravated Assault.png]]{{anchor|Aggravated Assault}}
|'''{{anchor|Assault of an Officer}}Assault of an Officer'''
| To use excessive physical force against a member of Command or Security without the apparent intent to kill them.
| To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see [[#Resisting Arrest|Resisting Arrest]].
|-{{anchor|Aggravated Assault}}
| 303
|'''Aggravated Assault'''
|'''Aggravated Assault'''
| To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm.
| To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm.
| Breaking bones, disfiguring, causing internal bleeding, or otherwise beating someone into a critical state. If the victim dies as a result of their injuries, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]] or [[#Murder|Murder]].
| Breaking bones, disfiguring, causing internal bleeding, or otherwise putting someone into a critical state. If the victim dies as a result of their injuries, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]] or [[#Murder|Murder]].
| 304
|'''{{anchor|Possession of a Restricted Weapon}}Possession of a Restricted Weapon'''
| To be in possession of a restricted weapon without prior authorization such as: Guns, Batons, etc.
| Any item that can cause severe bodily harm. The Captain, HoP, and Security personnel have unrestricted license to carry weapons. The Barman is permitted his double barrel shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds. Only the Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits. For non-restricted weapons, see [[#Possession of a Weapon|Possession of a Weapon]].
| 305
! 3-04
|[[File:SL_Posession of a Restricted Weapon.png]]{{anchor|Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item}}
|'''{{anchor|Possession of Explosives}}Possession of Explosives'''
|'''Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item'''
| To be in possession of an explosive device.
| To be in unauthorized possession of restricted weapons/items such as: Guns, Batons, Harmful Chemicals, Non-Beneficial Explosives, Combat Implants (anti-drop, CNS rebooter), MODsuit Modules (Power Kick, Stealth), etc.
| Scientists and Miners are permitted to possess explosives only whilst transporting them to the mining asteroid, otherwise all bombs must remain within the Science department. This includes offensive grenades whether explosive, foam, or smoke based. For illegal detonation of explosives, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]] or [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]].
| Any item carried by an unauthorized person, including chemicals, that can cause severe bodily harm. The Bartender is permitted their shotgun and beanbag rounds. The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits.  
For non-restricted weapons, see [[#Possession of a Weapon|Possession of a Weapon]]. For detonation of explosives, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]] or [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]].
| 306
! 3-05
|[[File:SL_Inciting a Riot.png]]{{anchor|Inciting a Riot}}
|'''{{anchor|Inciting a Riot}}Inciting a Riot'''
|'''Inciting a Riot'''
| To attempt to stir the crew into a riot.
| To attempt to stir the crew into a riot.
| The offender should also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be given a tracking implant. For second offenses or violent uprisings, see [[#Mutiny|Mutiny]].
| The offender should also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be given a tracking bio-chip. For second offenses or violent uprisings, see [[#Mutiny|Mutiny]].
| 307
! 3-06
|[[File:SL_Posession of Contraband.png]]{{anchor|Possession of Contraband}}
|'''Possession of Contraband'''
| To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions.
|To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an [[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]].
| Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling the power network, and constructing barricades are all examples of sabotage. For more violent forms, see [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]].
| For information on what items are contraband, see [[#Contraband|Contraband]]. Contraband obtained from non-Syndicate sources ([[Lavaland]], etc.) is still illegal under this law. Personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law.  
For non-Syndicate derived poisons, see [[#Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item|Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item]].
| 308
! 3-07
| To steal restricted or dangerous items.
| To steal restricted or dangerous items from either an area or one's person.  
| Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as spacesuits, and jetpacks. <br>Note that Cargo breaking open crates to illegally arm and armor themselves are guilty of theft. For theft of minor valuables, see [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]].
| Weapons, valuable objects, locked cargo crates, restricted access safes, or limited items such as (spacesuits and jetpacks) fall into this category. Unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in amounts between 251-1000 is considered Theft. Even if the contents are not taken, breaking into restricted access safes or locked cargo crates through any means is still considered Theft.
For theft of minor valuables, see [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]].
| 309
! 3-08
|[[File:SL_Major Trespass.png]]{{anchor|Major Trespass}}
|'''Major Trespass'''
|'''Major Trespass'''
| Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research.
| Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research.
| To enter an area one does not have access to through an existing opening such as an open door. This law does not stack with [[#B&E of a Restricted Area|B&E of a Restricted Area]]. For non-restricted areas, see [[#Trespass|Trespass]].
| To enter an area one lacks authorized ID access for through either forcible entry or an existing opening. For non-restricted areas, see [[#Trespass|Trespass]].
| 310
|'''{{anchor|B&E of a Restricted Area}}B&E of a Restricted Area'''
| Breaking into any Security area, Command area (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins research.
| Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. This law does not stack with [[#Major Trespass|Major Trespass]]. For destruction of external surfaces or hacking doors without entering, see [[#Damage to Station Assets|Damage to Station Assets]].

=== Exceptional Crimes ===
=== Exceptional Crimes ===
These crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Exile, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.
All of these crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.

Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
* Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.

If the prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
* If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
[[File:LawSabo.png|frame|The Chief Engineer ransacks the RD's office and blows the borgs in an act of Grand Sabotage.]]
Any personnel that escape Permanent Imprisonment may be detained or killed on sight, at the discretion of Security.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #ffaa99;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#FFFFFF;' border=1 cellspacing=0
| style="width: 2em;"  | Code
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' Width='20px'|Code
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! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' Width='1px'|
| style="width: 9em;| Crime
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='135px'|Crime
| style="width: 17em;" | Description
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='350px'|Description
|                      | Notes
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='350px'|Notes
! 4-00
|[[File:Compromising_Station_Integrity.PNG]]{{anchor|Grand Sabotage}}
|'''Grand Sabotage'''
| To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station.
| Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the engine, disabling the gravity generator, disabling power for a department or equivalently large portion of the station, subverting or destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, detonating multiple cyborgs, and activating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]]. If death was caused, see [[#Murder|Murder]].
| 402
! 4-01
| To cause death to a person via negligence or injury without apparent intent.
| To cause death to a person via deliberate attack or excessive negligence, without any intent to kill.
| Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to [[#Murder|Murder]]. If any evidence of intent exists, see [[#Murder|Murder]].
| Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to [[#Murder|Murder]]. If any evidence of intent exists, see [[#Murder|Murder]].
| 403
! 4-02
|[[File:Attempted_Murder.PNG]]{{anchor|Attempted Murder}}
|'''{{anchor|Attempted Murder}}Attempted Murder'''
|'''Attempted Murder'''
| To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death.
| To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death.
| Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]].
| Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]].
| 407
! 4-07
|[[File:SL_Grand Theft.png‎]]{{anchor|Grand Theft}}
|'''{{anchor|Grand Sabotage}}Grand Sabotage'''
|'''Grand Theft'''
| To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station.
| To steal items of high value or sensitive nature from either an area or one's person.
| Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the electrical grid, destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, or detonating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]].
| Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include the nuke, hand teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain/HoP level ID cards, mechas, and departmental door remotes. Unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in excess of 1,000 is considered Grand Theft.
Almost all [[High-Risk Items]] fall in this category. For theft of less important property, see [[#Theft|Theft]] or [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]].
| 408
|'''{{anchor|Grand Theft}}Grand Theft'''
| To steal items of high value or sensitive nature.
| Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include Hand Teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, the Captain or HoP's ID cards, and Mechs. For theft of less important property, see [[#Theft|Theft]] or [[#Petty Theft|Petty Theft]].

=== Capital Crimes ===
=== Capital Crimes ===
These crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, Exile or Cyborgization.
All of these crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time or Cyborgization.

Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
* Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.

Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.
* Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.

If the prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
* If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.

Any personnel that escape Permanent Imprisonment may be detained or killed on sight, at the discretion of Security. Any personnel that escape from an Execution sentence are to be killed on sight.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #E2E5E7;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#FFFFFF;' border=1 cellspacing=0
| style="width: 2em;"  | Code
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' Width='20px'|Code
| style="width: 1px;| Image
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' Width='1px'|
| style="width: 9em;| Crime
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='135px'|Crime
| style="width: 17em;" | Description
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='350px'|Description
|                      | Notes
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='350px'|Notes
| 501
! 5-02
| To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means.
| To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means.
| Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder. Unauthorised executions are also considered Murder. If there is no evidence of intent, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]].
| Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder. Unauthorised executions are also considered Murder. If there is no evidence of intent, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]].
| 502
! 5-05
| To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.
| To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.
| Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.
| Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party.  
If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.
== Additional References==
=== Modifiers & Special Situations ===
=== Modifiers & Special Situations ===

{| width='930px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#aaffaa;' border=1 cellspacing=0
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 75%; background-color: #D4E7F2;"
! style='background-color:#55ff55;' width='150px'|Situation
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
! style='background-color:#55ff55;' width='230px'|Description
| style="width: 13em;" | Situation {{anchor|Aiding and Abetting}}
! style='background-color:#55ff55;' width='400px'|Notes
| style="width: 18em;" | Description
! style='background-color:#55ff55;' width='150px'|Modifier
|                      | Notes
| style="width: 14em;" | Modifier
|'''Hostile Brainwashing'''
!'''Aiding and Abetting'''
| To be under the mind control of a Cult, Shadowling, or other mind-controlling circumstances.
| To knowingly assist a criminal.
| Any brainwashed person is to be detained non-lethally and deconverted or dethralled via the use of Holy Water or Surgery. Deconverted/dethralled persons are to be immediately pardoned of their crimes and released. Any contraband on their persons at the time of deconversion is to be confiscated without punishment.
| Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, and willingly rendering medical aid. If the aided prisoner ends up receiving no charges, apply five minutes to the offender. {{anchor|Central Command Directive}}
| Immediate Release
| style="background: #ffee99;" | '''The original criminal's sentence; 5 minute minimum'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Central Command Directive'''
| To be issued a pardon/sentence modification by Central Command.
| Central Command may waive sections of Space Law. Irrespective of the original crime, if a pardon or modification to a sentence is issued it is to be followed immediately. {{anchor|Cooperation with Security}}
| style="background: #C6FFC6;" | '''Immediate Release/Modification'''
!'''Cooperation with Security'''
| Willfully surrendering to Security.
| Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender. Brig time should be reduced by 25%, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.
| 0-15 minute reduction
| To be released, under parole, before the allotted sentence for a crime is up.
| For non-Capital Crimes, Parole may be offered at the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate. For Capital Crimes, see [[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]]. Parolees are to be kept under surveillance and, should they commit another crime, be charged with it on top of their original sentence. Breaking parole disqualifies any chance of future parole. Prisoners breaking parole from Capital Crimes are to be executed upon capture.
| Parole Until Release
|'''Cooperation with Prosecution or Security'''
| Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning.
| Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning.
| Note that the information must be true in order for this modifier to apply. Prisoners giving false information to officers should not be awarded time off. Brig time should be reduced by 25%, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.
| Note that the information must be true in order for this modifier to apply. Prisoners giving false information to officers should not be awarded time off. {{anchor|Hostile Brainwashing}}
| 0-15 minute reduction
| style="background: #aaffaa;" | '''50% reduction'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Hostile Brainwashing'''
| To be under the mind control of a Cult, Head Revolutionary, Vampire, or other mind-controlling circumstances.
| Any brainwashed person is to be detained non-lethally and deconverted or dethralled. Deconverted/dethralled persons are to be immediately pardoned of their crimes and released. Any contraband or dangerous items found at the time of deconversion are to be confiscated without punishment. {{anchor|Immediate Threat to Prisoner}}
| style="background: #C6FFC6;" | '''Deconversion & Release'''
|'''Immediate Threat to Prisoner'''
!'''Immediate Threat to Prisoner'''  
| A severe threat to a prisoner's person.
| A severe threat to a prisoner's person.
| The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location or otherwise immediately release them.
| The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officers must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location or otherwise immediately release them. {{anchor|Medical Attention}}
| Immediate Release/Relocation
| style="background: #aaffaa;" | '''Immediate Release/Relocation'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
|'''Medical Attention'''
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Medical Attention'''
| A sick or injured prisoner requires medical aid.
| A sick or injured prisoner requires medical aid.
| Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time.
| Prisoners are entitled to medical aid if injured or sick. In cases of self-harm, aid may be rendered at the discretion of Security. The timer continues to run during this time. {{anchor|Parole}}
| No Modification
| style="background: #C6FFC6;" | '''Running Timer'''
|'''Self Defense'''
!'''Offense Against an Officer'''
| Acting to protect one's self, coworkers, or workplace.
| To batter, assault or kidnap an Officer.
| Persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, not self-defense. Self-defense typically involves attempts to disarm or disengage, beating someone while they're down should be considered [[#Assault|Assault]] unless the defender's life was in danger.
| An Officer is defined as any member of Security, Command, or of Dignitary status (Magistrate, Blueshield, Representative). This modifier is specific to the charges of [[#Battery|Battery]], [[#Assault|Assault]], [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]], and [[#Kidnapping|Kidnapping]]. {{anchor|Offense Against an Officer}}
| Immediate Release
| style="background: #ffee99;" | '''+5 Minutes to Sentence'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Parole'''
| To be released, under parole, before the allotted sentence for a crime is up.
| Several requirements must be met in order for parole to be granted.
See: [[Legal Standard Operating Procedure#Parole|Legal SOP, Parole Section]]
| style="background: #C6FFC6;" | '''Parole Until Release'''
|'''Escape from Brig'''
!'''Refusal to Cooperate'''
| To flee successfully or unsuccessfully from a lawful sentence.
| Non-cooperative behaviour
| If a prisoner flees confinement for any reason other than to escape impending lethal danger (fire, hull breach, murder), reset their timer to their full original punishment.
| While already detained inside the brig and awaiting a sentence, acting in a manner which makes security waste time processing you. Fleeing from processing also counts as refusal to cooperate. {{anchor|Repeat Offender}}
| Reset Timer
| style="background: #ffee99;" | '''50% addition'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Repeat Offender'''
| To be brigged for the same offense more than twice.
| Offenses must not be committed as part of one crime spree, and must be separate repeat offenses. Upon the second sentencing for the same crime, ten minutes is to be added. An additional ten minutes is to be added for every successive imprisonment. After two applications of this modifier (on their fourth same-crime offense), the perpetrator is to be permabrigged. {{anchor|Self Defense}}
| style="background: #FFF0A8;" | '''10 minute cumulative addition on 2nd/3rd offense'''
'''Permabrig on 4th offense.'''
|'''Aiding and Abetting'''
!'''Resisting Arrest'''
| To knowingly assist a criminal.
| To resist or impede an officer legally arresting or searching you.
| Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: Interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, providing medical care (unless paired with a large dose of ether).
| Non-combative action such as fleeing, blocking access, or slipping is considered resisting. Minor combative actions, such as repeated shoving or disarming, should be charged as [[#Battery|1-02 - Battery]] in addition to this modifier. Resisting Arrest can be applied independent of other offenses: even if no crime was committed, the modifier still applies. {{anchor|Resisting Arrest}}
| The same sentence as the original criminal.
| style="background: #ffee99;" | '''+0-5 Minutes to Sentence'''
|-style="background: #E5F5FF;" |
! style="background: #F9FCFF;" | '''Self Defence'''
| Acting to protect one's self, coworkers, or workplace.
| Persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, not self-defence. Self-defence typically involves attempts to disarm or disengage, beating someone while they're down should be considered [[#Assault|Assault]] unless the defender's life was in danger. {{anchor|Surrender}}
| style="background: #C6FFC6;" | '''Immediate Release'''
|'''Refusal to Cooperate'''
| Non-cooperative behaviour/repeated attempts to escape.
| Willfully surrendering to Security.
| While already detained inside the brig and awaiting a sentence, acting in a manner which makes security waste time processing you. This modifier almost entirely refers to repeated attempts to unbuckle or escape from cuffs. Brig time should be increased by 25%, up to 15 minutes. This modifier can result in Permanent Imprisonment if it brings the sentence above 60 minutes.
| Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done, and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender.
| 0-15 minute addition
| style="background: #aaffaa;" | '''50% reduction'''
|'''Repeat Offender'''
| To be brigged for the same offense more than twice.
=== Contraband ===
| Offenses must not be committed as part of one crime spree, and must be separate repeat offenses. Upon the third sentencing for the same crime, five minutes is to be added. An additional five minutes is to be added for every successive imprisonment. After three applications of this modifier (on their sixth same-crime offense), the perpetrator is to be permabrigged.
| 5 minute addition
* It is the duty of everyone on station to turn in C or S grade Contraband when found. Failure to turn in Contraband will result in charges.
* Conversely, personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition should not be charged.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 70%; background-color: #ffffff;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #092337; color: white;"
| style="width: 20px;" class="unsortable"  | Code
| style="width: 300px;" class="unsortable" | Explanation
| style="width: 400px;" class="unsortable" | Standard Charges For Possession
| style="width: 400px;" class="unsortable" | Exceptions
|- style="text-align: center; background-color: #B4FFA5; color: black;"
| Non-Contraband items.<br>Having one of these is not a crime.
| No charges.<br>May be confiscated if utilized in the commission of a crime.
| None
|- style="text-align: center; background-color: #ffee99; color: black;"
| Standard Contraband items.
| Confiscate and charge the owner with [[#Possession of Contraband|3-06]].<br>The amount or variety of C-grade Contraband is irrelevant to the charge, it only applies once. If used in committing a non-contraband related [[#Major Crimes|Major Crime]], the charge is automatically upgraded to [[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]].
| Can be possessed legally if obtained in maintenance or off-station '''and''' the owner is authorized by the Magistrate, Captain, or HoS.
|- style="text-align: center; background-color: #ffaa99; color: black;"
| Dangerous Contraband items.  
| Confiscate and charge the owner as an<br>[[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]].
| Security may legally use syndicate headset keys. All other S-class contraband can only be used with '''direct permission''' from Central Command.

=== Crime Codes Quick Reference ===
{{:Space Law/Contraband}}
Use this to quickly find the Crime Code Numbers.
Crime codes are made up of a Category Code (_xx), which are a collection of similar crimes on a line for ease of use, prefixed by the Severity Number (X__).
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#FFFFFF;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#FFFFFF;' Width='20px'|Code
! style='background-color:#ffee55;' Width='200px'|1XX - Minor
! style='background-color:#ffaa55;' width='200px'|2XX - Medium
! style='background-color:#ff6655;' width='200px'|3XX - Major
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='200px'|4XX - Exceptional
! style='background-color:#FFFfff;' width='200px'|5XX - Capital
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">
| name      = Human
| image      = Human.png
| karma      = Free
| homeworld  = Earth
| system    = Sol
| language  = Sol Common (:1)
| height    = 180cm
| lifespan  = 95 years
  | breathes  = Oxygen
==New Horizons==
<div style="box-shadow: 0 0 .3em #999; border-radius: .2em; margin: 0 0 0.5em 0; padding: 1px; width: 100em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
''. . . And so, my fellow Americans, as we chart new waters, as we lay the first tracks on Mars, we must remember. We must remember the great men and women who came before us. We must remember that this Nation, that we as a people, are destined for great things. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.''
''A generation of explorers. A generation of scientists. A generation who when asked why they seek out the unknown, turn not to doubt, but answer "because it is there."''
''Thank you.''
''- President John F. Kennedy, Excerpt from "Launch of the Angelos I," 1967.''</div>
A species of soft-skinned humanoids notable for their ability to adapt to a range of environments, Humans are one of the more populous species in the galaxy. Though originally hailing from the Sol System, much of humanity now originates from colony worlds and artificial deep space facilities.
Greetings, esteemed crewmember!
In an effort to encourage inter-species cooperation and workplace efficiency, Nanotrasen has compiled a series of helpful guides on the various species that you may be working with!
(NOTE: If you are a member of the species this guide pertains to, please give it to the nearest crewmember of another species)
This particular guide refers to the species known as the Humans (singular: Human).
===Human Naming Schemes===
The Human naming scheme is currently the basis for the most common system in the galaxy. It consists of a first name, sometimes inherited from a recent ancestor, as well as a last name, denoting long-term family association.
It is generally considered rude to use a Human’s first name in professional situations, but it’s perfectly acceptable in less formal settings, even without previously making acquaintance.
===Human Physiology===
Humans are of average height, both males and females standing at around 175&nbsp;cm to 185&nbsp;cm in height. Human skin can take on a variety of colors and hues from very dark shades of brown to almost white beige. Skin color is hereditary.
Humans have plantigrade legs with round construction and small nails. Most clothing onboard NT vessels is modelled specifically for Humans, and as such they will have the most comfort while wearing it.
Human bodies are covered in small hairs, generally used to combat excessive sweating and provide sensory input.
===The Sol Common Language===
Sol Common is a synthesized language, created by combining Old Earth Chinese with Old Earth English. The language came into existence in the early 2100s and has been used very widely in the Sol system over the following centuries. In the 26th century, however, large amount of immigrants physically incapable of speaking it forced Sol to switch to the more friendly Galactic Common, starting to slowly phase the language out.
Sol Common is no longer used outside of very informal settings and is not a mandatory subject at Sol schools. Every Sol-born Human should be proficient in the use of Galactic Common.
===The Human Homeworld===
The homeworld of the Human species is Earth.
Following centuries of heavy industrial exploitation, Earth had turned into an industrial wasteland. With toxic bodies of water and nigh-unbreathable atmosphere, living outside of specifically terraformed parts of the planet was impossible. That all changed, however, as during the 26th century Sol Government put large amounts of resources towards an eco-revitalization project, meant to bring Earth back to its former state.
Eventually, the project proved successful, bringing much of the long-lost life back onto the planet.
Currently, most of Earth is protected by incredibly strict anti-pollution laws, making it one of the most beautiful places in Sol. The breathable atmosphere and lush plant life make it a very popular tourist destination for most of the galaxy.
Earth is considered one of the most expensive places to live in the galaxy, with most of the population employed in the financial sector of the ever-growing economy of the planet.
The planet is currently in control of the Trans-Solar Federation and is generally very open to immigration from outside of the system. Currently Earth is has the second-highest GDP in the galaxy ranking behind Mars.
==A Brief History [[File:Earthflag.png|32px]]==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 00
|style="text-align:center;"|<font size="2">Earth</font>
|style='background:#ffee99;' |
|}Human history is not unlike that of many other species. For centuries, Mankind fought many internal wars, leading to rather sparse technological progress. In the year 1945, as a result of the aftermath of one of the largest worldwide conflicts of the time, the United Nations of Earth came into existence. While not perfectly effective at stopping internal conflict, they were partially able to tone down the scale of conflict earlier present on the planet. Soon after followed the first space programs ran by different nations of the planet, leading to a swift colonization of the planet’s moon, and eventually, that of Mars.
|style='background:#ffcc99;' |
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Possession of Contraband
Generally, the progress of Humanity after those events is unanimous with the progress of the Trans-Solar Federation.
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
'''For further reading, please see: [[Trans-Solar Federation]].'''
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 01
===Human Culture===
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Resisting Arrest
Traditionally, the Human species values individuality, freedom and equality. A common belief among Humans is that one is the master of their own fate and there are no obstacles impossible to overcome in life. Humans are encouraged from their earliest years to think big and aim high.
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Assault
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Kidnapping of an Officer
Humans put much pressure on family values and education early in life. In Sol education up until the age of 16 is mandatory, but many continue on to finish higher education and obtain scientific degrees.
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Murder
Humans are very open to learning and cooperating with foreign species. They are well known for being one of the most welcoming species in terms of immigration, accepting millions on new arrivals onto their colonies every year. Capable of seeing the potential in such a diverse approach - an ideology which Nanotrasen proudly upholds - they have achieved unmatched superiority as one of the most influential government agencies in the galaxy.
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 02
With the advent of modern technology, most Human religions have been completely phased out. Currently, there are many different purely philosophical views on the meaning and inner workings of life, with the debate being fueled by constant new scientific discoveries regarding the nature of one’s soul, as well as those related to Bluespace.
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Battery
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Robbery
===Present Day===
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Assault of an Officer
Human culture has permeated many societies and cultures in the known galaxy. One can find a can of Space Cola in nearly every civilized settlement from Moghes to Aurum. With numerous Human organizations happily accepting other species into their ranks, Humanity has become a cultural trendsetter for most of the galaxy.
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Manslaughter
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Mutiny
Humans can easily be encountered in almost all of the civilized galaxy. The omnipresent species is easily the most numerous one, and is still growing in numbers.
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 03
Humans are no longer considered a player in the galactic arena by themselves, as nearly every organization initially started by them has been diversified by accepting more and more foreign individuals into their ranks. Generally, a non-Human won’t encounter any problems related to their species if they choose to move to a SolGov-controlled system, as species-related discrimination is generally considered immoral, as well as illegal.
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Abuse of Equipment
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Drug Distribution
'''Remember, knowledge, respect and cooperation are the key tenets of success and productivity!'''
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Aggravated Assault
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Attempted Murder
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 04
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Drug Possession
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Possession of a Weapon
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Possession of a Restricted Weapon
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 05
|style='background:#ffee99;' |
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Kidnapping
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Possession of Explosives
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 06
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Indecent Exposure
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Rioting
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Inciting a Riot
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 07
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Vandalism
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Workplace Hazard
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Sabotage
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Grand Sabotage
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 08
|style='background:#ffee99;' |
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Petty Theft
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Theft
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' | Grand Theft
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 09
|style='background:#ffee99;' | Trespass
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Abuse of Confiscated Equipment
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | Major Trespass
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
!style='background:#FFFFFF;' | 10
|style='background:#ffee99;' |
|style='background:#ffcc99;' | Breaking and Entry
|style='background:#ffaa99;' | B&E of a Restricted Area
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |
|style='background:#FFFFFF;' |

Latest revision as of 20:31, 29 December 2023

Useful Resources

Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the Nanotrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations.

Space Law applies to all Nanotrasen employees and authorized visitors of the station. Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law. Any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law.

Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit.

Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law.

Interpretation of the Law Documents.png

In order to facilitate productivity, an operating knowledge of Space Law is important for Nanotrasen employees. In-depth knowledge of Space Law is required for positions such as Magistrate, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, and the Head of Security. Some Space Law knowledge is required for the role of Captain who, in the absence of key Legal & Security members, may be required to render judgment.

With this in mind, please review the following sections.

An internal affairs agent argues for his client's acquittal based on a technicality.

The Pathos of the Law

Space Law is a tool to benefit the station, not a cudgel.

  • The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing.
  • Space Law is designed to protect the station and crew, not to hinder them.
  • Station-wide emergencies, such as a nuclear threat, take precedence over enforcement.

Behaviour may merit leniency or severity in sentencing.

  • Minor, Medium, and Major Crimes all have discretionary sentencing ranges.
  • Modifiers, where applicable, can also be applied to sentences.
  • Pending relevant approval, demotions may be a more effective tool.

The Ethos of the Law

Sentencing conflicts are to be resolved by the 'Chain of Authority.'

  • If the Magistrate is present, their opinion outweighs all others sans Central Command.
  • Otherwise, obey the following: Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Officer / Detective.

The Magistrate is the final authority on Space Law.

  • If the Magistrate is not present, the Captain may perform duties (like authorizing executions) in lieu.
  • The Magistrate may be overridden at any time by Central Command.

The Logos of the Law

Space Law does not allow for multiple counts of the same charge.

  • Stealing every toolbox on station is only one count of Petty Theft.
  • Repeat offenses are to be prosecuted with the Repeat Offender modifier.

A sentence of sixty minutes results in permanent imprisonment.

  • This includes Repeat Offenders on their fourth same-type offense.
  • This applies regardless of the crimes or modifiers.

Knowingly aiding a criminal is Aiding and Abetting.

  • Offenders are to be charged with the same sentence as the person they helped.
  • The minimum charge is five minutes (even if the original offender only receives a warning).

To Resist Arrest is to resist the Law.

  • This includes resisting any legal arrest or search: a sentence of zero to five minutes applies.
  • Like Aiding and Abetting, this applies regardless of the crime committed (or lack thereof).

For certain crimes, intentionality is a factor.

Legal Representation and Trials Gavel.png

The detective files a report during his investigation on Punpun's murder.

See Legal Standard Operating Procedure.

While prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation, Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it unless otherwise specified by the Magistrate.

Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the sentencing process. However:

  • Internal Affairs Agents have zero authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing.
  • Internal Affairs Agents attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, ignored.
  • Disruptive IAAs can be barred from Security by the Magistrate, HoS, Warden or Captain.

An Internal Affairs Agent who continues to be disruptive, or ignores being barred from Security, may be demoted at the Magistrate's discretion. The Captain may approve their demotion if no Magistrate is available.

Enemies of the Corporation Emag.png

Occasionally, you will encounter personnel that are working for an enemy of Nanotrasen (such as the Syndicate) and/or are working to undermine Nanotrasen's operations.

Current enemies of Nanotrasen include but are not limited to: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), the Space Wizard Federation, Changelings, Vampires, and other intelligent hostile forms of life that seek to cause major damage to the station and or crew.

  • Execution/Imprisonment - If an Enemy of the Corporation has not committed any Capital Crimes they are to be placed in Permanent Imprisonment (Permabrig/Solitary/Labor Camp) without exception. Otherwise, Execution is permitted at the discretion of the Magistrate. If no Magistrate has been assigned, or is otherwise unable to authorize an execution, the Captain may authorize executions in accordance with Legal Standard Operating Procedure.
  • Uncontainable EoCs - Powered Vampires, or any other Enemies of the Corporation that cannot be contained safely in the Brig, are to be executed irrespective of their crimes. Head Revolutionaries are to be executed as soon as they are positively identified. Being a space-proof species does not constitute being impossible to contain.
  • Changelings - All changelings are to be considered hostile alien lifeforms and a direct threat to all personnel. All changelings are to be killed on sight and immediately cremated. Forensic evidence and/or direct testimony from Mindshielded personnel is necessary to establish proof they are a changeling. Personnel who provide false testimony are to be charged with Murder if the supposed changeling is killed and attempted murder if it is not.
  • Surrendering EoCs - Enemies of the Corporation that willingly turn themselves into Security of their own accord are to be kept in Permanent Imprisonment so long as they aren't impossible to contain. Defectors and captives are to be transported to Central Command via the Crew Transfer Shuttle; they are to be treated as dangerous enemies, but also protected from retribution and provided for.

Use of Deadly Force Laser Gun.png

Situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between. In the vast majority of cases, Security is expected to use non-lethal tools which are generally more effective in defusing situations. It is preferable to capture personnel through non-lethal means unless a situation warrants otherwise. Failure to adhere to this principle will result in discipline, demotion, and even job bans.

There are, however, circumstances where deadly force is permissible:

Non-EOCs / Petty Criminals
Should lethal force be levied against a target that is not an EoC (such as a cultist), is not set to DNR, or is not set to Execute/Kill on Sight via lawful order the person is to be revived and sentenced/deconverted as soon as possible. Petty criminals met with lethal force are to be given immediate medical attention when captured.
Lethals Authorised - Post-Combat Treatment/Revival Required
Armed and Dangerous
(Stun Weapons, Lethals, etc.)
Multiple Assailants
(Armed or Otherwise)
(Flag Robes, Highly Armed, etc.)
Possessing Explosives
(Grenades, TTVs, etc.)
Enhanced Individuals
(Stimulants, Implants, Bio-Chips, etc.)
Armoury Trespassers
(Armed or Otherwise)
(Vampires or Otherwise)
Hostile Environment
(N2O, Fire, Space)
Lethals Recommended - Posthumous Revival Potentially Required
(Dark Passage)
Heavily Armed
(.357, eSword, etc.)
Holoparasite Users
(Irrespective of Type)
Hostile Exosuits
(Any Chassis)
(Golems, Ash Walkers, etc.)
Uncontainable Individuals
(Bloodcrawl, Jaunt, etc.)
Lethals Authorised - Kill on Sight
Fully Powered Vampires
(Irrespective of Hostilities)
Nuclear Operatives
(Including Infiltration Teams)
(Summoning Deity)
Perma Escapees
(Outside Permabrig/Isolation)
Exogenous Threats
(Xenomorphs, Terror Spiders, Changelings, etc.)
(Including Other Hostile Aliens)
Cult Constructs
(Irrespective of Type)
Bluespace Entities
(Demons, Wizards, Revenants)
Revolutionary Heads
(Non-Standard Revolutionaries)

Additional Clarifications Filingcabopen.png

Brig Procedures

See Legal Standard Operating Procedure.

Special precautions are to be taken aside from Standard Brigging Procedures:

  • Ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located. Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them. In such a case where their clothes have to be changed, expedience is mandatory.
  • All Contraband is to be confiscated and placed in Evidence Storage, including tools used in a crime. These are not to be returned.
  • Routine checks on the Permabrig, Solitary or Labour Camp areas are encouraged when occupied.


Executions can be done only by electric chair, lethal injection, firing squad, gas inhalation or asphyxiation.

  • Other means of Execution are illegal, constituting a charge of 5-02 - Murder, unless a prisoner explicitly requests them.
  • Cyborgification, posthumous or otherwise, may also be used. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure for more information regarding executions.

Crime Stacking

The rules regarding crime stacking (charging someone with multiple crimes simultaneously) are:

  • Crimes with the same category code (last two digits) can never be charged together. e.g: 1-02, 2-02, 3-02 do not stack.
  • Otherwise, crimes can be stacked together; the timers are added together for stacking.

For instance, breaking a window to steal something can be charged with 1-08 - Trespass, 1-07 - Petty Theft, and 1-00 - Damage to Station Assets

Escape & In-Cell Vandalism

Often, prisoners may attempt to escape from the brig. In this case, heed the following definitions and clauses:

E-01 - In-Cell Vandalism: A prisoner breaking things non-essential to confinement. Examples include:

  • Breaking lights and furniture.
  • Damaging or destroying equipment in permabrig.

E-02 - Attempted Escape: A prisoner attempting to break or subvert confinement barriers. Examples include:

  • Breaking cell windows and airlocks.
  • Attacking an officer inside a cell.
  • Coercing another party to assist with an escape.

E-03 - Escape: A prisoner exiting their designated holding area without permission from security. Examples include:

  • A prisoner exiting from a temporary cell while the timer is running.
  • A permanent prisoner exiting from prisoner-accessible areas within permabrig.
  • A prisoner in isolation exiting from the isolation block (moving between cells is not escaping).

If placed in isolation, a temporary prisoner's timer continues running. Temporary prisoners who escape or attempt escape from isolation are subject to execution at the Magistrate or Captain's discretion.

In-Cell Vandalism
Attempted Escape
Temporary Reset Timer Reset Timer +/- Isolation (Discretionary) Reset Timer + 10 Minutes
Permanent Isolation Isolation Re-Detained, Executed, or KoS (Discretionary)
Isolation Straightjacket Straightjacket or Execution (Discretionary) Re-Detained, Executed, or KoS (Discretionary)

Space Law Spacelaw.png

Reference Tables

Crime Codes Quick Reference
Use this to quickly find Crime Code Numbers. You can click on the name of a crime to immediately navigate to it.

Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_-xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed by the Severity Number (X-__).

Code 1-XX - Minor
(0–5 minutes)
2-XX - Medium
(5–10 minutes)
3-XX - Major
(10–15 minutes)
4-XX - Exceptional
5-XX - Capital
00 Damage to Station Assets Workplace Hazard Sabotage Grand Sabotage
01 Kidnapping Manslaughter
02 Battery Assault Aggravated Assault Attempted Murder Murder
03 Drug Possession Narcotics Distribution
04 Possession of a Weapon Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item
05 Indecent Exposure Rioting Inciting a Riot Mutiny
06 Abuse of Equipment Abuse of Confiscated Equipment Possession of Contraband
07 Petty Theft Robbery Theft Grand Theft
08 Trespass Major Trespass

Modifiers Quick Reference

Use this to quickly find Modifiers and their values. You can click on the name of a modifier to immediately navigate to it.

Some modifiers, such as Repeat Offender, Aiding and Abetting, and Parole have special clauses and conditions.

Situation Modifier Situation Modifier
Refusal to Cooperate 50% addition Cooperation with Security 50% reduction
Repeat Offender +10 mins on 2nd same offense Parole Parole Until Release
Aiding and Abetting Partner's sentence; minimum 5 Surrender 50% reduction
Resisting Arrest +0-5 mins to sentence Medical Attention Running Timer
Immediate Threat to Prisoner Immediate Release/Relocation Self Defense Immediate Release
Offense Against an Officer +5 mins to sentence Hostile Brainwashing Deconversion & Release
Central Command Directive Sentence Overridden

Crime Codes

Minor Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a warning or sentence up to 5 minutes at the discretion of Security.

Security temporarily transfers a permabrig prisoner to a smaller cell due to safety concerns.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
1-00 SL Damage to Station Assets.png Damage to Station Assets To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent. Departmental Pets, Cyborgs, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see Sabotage.
1-02 SL Battery.png Battery To use minor physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure them. Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), shoving into walls, tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault.
1-03 SL Drug Posession.png Drug Possession The unauthorized possession of recreational use drugs such as ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, or THC. Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.

For distribution, see Narcotics Distribution.
For drugs from illicit sources (ketamine, synaptizine, etc.), see Possession of Contraband.

1-05 SL Indecent Exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked or otherwise unclothed.
1-06 SL Abuse of Equipment.png Abuse of Equipment To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion. The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties.
1-07 SL Petty Theft.png Petty Theft To take items from areas one lacks access to or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Petty Theft includes unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in amounts up to 250.

Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery.

1-08 SL Trespass.png Trespass To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station. Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass.

Medium Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 5 to 10 minutes at the discretion of Security.

Sentencing Modifiers
Aiding and Abetting
Partner's sentence; minimum 5
Medical Attention
Running Timer
Central Command Directive
Sentence Overridden
Cooperation with Security
50% reduction (3-15 mins)
Hostile Brainwashing
Deconversion & Release
Immediate Threat to Prisoner
Immediate Release/Relocation
Offense Against an Officer
+5 minutes to sentence
Parole Until Release
Refusal to Cooperate
50% addition (3-15 mins)
Repeat Offender
+10 mins on 2nd same offense
Self Defense
Immediate Release
50% reduction (3-15 mins)
Code Image Crime Description Notes
2-00 SL Creating A Workplace Hazard.png Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions. Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is.

For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see Manslaughter. Failure to follow legal security orders during Code Red may constitute Creating a Workplace Hazard, see Code Red SOP.

2-01 SL Kidnapping.png Kidnapping To hold a crewmember under duress or against their will. Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping.
2-02 SL Assault.png Assault To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances. For life-threatening harm, see Aggravated Assault.
2-03 SL Narcotics Distribution.png Narcotics Distribution To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown. Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession.
2-04 SL Weapon Posession.png Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job. Items capable of a high level of damage such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. If the item is part of someone's assigned duties they are permitted to carry it. For restricted weapons, see Possession of a Restricted Weapon.
2-05 SL Rioting.png Rioting To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen. It is required to order the crowd to disperse; failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly itself. Crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offenses. For the ringleader of a riot, see Inciting a Riot.
2-06 SL Abuse of Confiscated Equipment.png Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment.
2-07 SL Robbery.png Robbery To steal items from another's person. Remember to return the stolen items to the lawful owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and serious form of robbery. This includes the theft of up to 250 credits. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed. For robbery of more valuable items, see Theft or Grand Theft.

Major Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 10 to 15 minutes at the discretion of Security.

Security processing a suspected cultist.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
3-00 SL Sabotage.png Sabotage To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling power for a small area of the station, destroying cyborgs, and constructing barricades are all examples of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage.
3-02 SL Aggravated Assault.png Aggravated Assault To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm. Breaking bones, disfiguring, causing internal bleeding, or otherwise putting someone into a critical state. If the victim dies as a result of their injuries, see Manslaughter or Murder.
3-04 SL Posession of a Restricted Weapon.png Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item To be in unauthorized possession of restricted weapons/items such as: Guns, Batons, Harmful Chemicals, Non-Beneficial Explosives, Combat Implants (anti-drop, CNS rebooter), MODsuit Modules (Power Kick, Stealth), etc. Any item carried by an unauthorized person, including chemicals, that can cause severe bodily harm. The Bartender is permitted their shotgun and beanbag rounds. The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits.

For non-restricted weapons, see Possession of a Weapon. For detonation of explosives, see Sabotage or Grand Sabotage.

3-05 SL Inciting a Riot.png Inciting a Riot To attempt to stir the crew into a riot. The offender should also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be given a tracking bio-chip. For second offenses or violent uprisings, see Mutiny.
3-06 SL Posession of Contraband.png Possession of Contraband To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an Enemy of the Corporation. For information on what items are contraband, see Contraband. Contraband obtained from non-Syndicate sources (Lavaland, etc.) is still illegal under this law. Personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law.

For non-Syndicate derived poisons, see Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item.

3-07 SL Theft.png Theft To steal restricted or dangerous items from either an area or one's person. Weapons, valuable objects, locked cargo crates, restricted access safes, or limited items such as (spacesuits and jetpacks) fall into this category. Unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in amounts between 251-1000 is considered Theft. Even if the contents are not taken, breaking into restricted access safes or locked cargo crates through any means is still considered Theft.

For theft of minor valuables, see Petty Theft.

3-08 SL Major Trespass.png Major Trespass Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research. To enter an area one lacks authorized ID access for through either forcible entry or an existing opening. For non-restricted areas, see Trespass.

Exceptional Crimes

All of these crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.

  • Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.
  • If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
The Chief Engineer ransacks the RD's office and blows the borgs in an act of Grand Sabotage.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
4-00 Compromising Station Integrity.PNG Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station. Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the engine, disabling the gravity generator, disabling power for a department or equivalently large portion of the station, subverting or destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, detonating multiple cyborgs, and activating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see Sabotage. If death was caused, see Murder.
4-01 SL Manslaughter.png Manslaughter To cause death to a person via deliberate attack or excessive negligence, without any intent to kill. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder.
4-02 Attempted Murder.PNG Attempted Murder To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death. Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter.
4-07 SL Grand Theft.png Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature from either an area or one's person. Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include the nuke, hand teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain/HoP level ID cards, mechas, and departmental door remotes. Unauthorized use or access of credits, from any source, in excess of 1,000 is considered Grand Theft.

Almost all High-Risk Items fall in this category. For theft of less important property, see Theft or Petty Theft.

Capital Crimes

All of these crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time or Cyborgization.

  • Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.
  • Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.
  • If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
5-02 Murder.PNG Murder To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder. Unauthorised executions are also considered Murder. If there is no evidence of intent, see Manslaughter.
5-05 SL Mutiny.png Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party.

If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.

Additional References

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Notes Modifier
Aiding and Abetting To knowingly assist a criminal. Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, and willingly rendering medical aid. If the aided prisoner ends up receiving no charges, apply five minutes to the offender. The original criminal's sentence; 5 minute minimum
Central Command Directive To be issued a pardon/sentence modification by Central Command. Central Command may waive sections of Space Law. Irrespective of the original crime, if a pardon or modification to a sentence is issued it is to be followed immediately. Immediate Release/Modification
Cooperation with Security Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning. Note that the information must be true in order for this modifier to apply. Prisoners giving false information to officers should not be awarded time off. 50% reduction
Hostile Brainwashing To be under the mind control of a Cult, Head Revolutionary, Vampire, or other mind-controlling circumstances. Any brainwashed person is to be detained non-lethally and deconverted or dethralled. Deconverted/dethralled persons are to be immediately pardoned of their crimes and released. Any contraband or dangerous items found at the time of deconversion are to be confiscated without punishment. Deconversion & Release
Immediate Threat to Prisoner A severe threat to a prisoner's person. The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officers must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location or otherwise immediately release them. Immediate Release/Relocation
Medical Attention A sick or injured prisoner requires medical aid. Prisoners are entitled to medical aid if injured or sick. In cases of self-harm, aid may be rendered at the discretion of Security. The timer continues to run during this time. Running Timer
Offense Against an Officer To batter, assault or kidnap an Officer. An Officer is defined as any member of Security, Command, or of Dignitary status (Magistrate, Blueshield, Representative). This modifier is specific to the charges of Battery, Assault, Aggravated Assault, and Kidnapping. +5 Minutes to Sentence
Parole To be released, under parole, before the allotted sentence for a crime is up. Several requirements must be met in order for parole to be granted.

See: Legal SOP, Parole Section

Parole Until Release
Refusal to Cooperate Non-cooperative behaviour While already detained inside the brig and awaiting a sentence, acting in a manner which makes security waste time processing you. Fleeing from processing also counts as refusal to cooperate. 50% addition
Repeat Offender To be brigged for the same offense more than twice. Offenses must not be committed as part of one crime spree, and must be separate repeat offenses. Upon the second sentencing for the same crime, ten minutes is to be added. An additional ten minutes is to be added for every successive imprisonment. After two applications of this modifier (on their fourth same-crime offense), the perpetrator is to be permabrigged. 10 minute cumulative addition on 2nd/3rd offense

Permabrig on 4th offense.

Resisting Arrest To resist or impede an officer legally arresting or searching you. Non-combative action such as fleeing, blocking access, or slipping is considered resisting. Minor combative actions, such as repeated shoving or disarming, should be charged as 1-02 - Battery in addition to this modifier. Resisting Arrest can be applied independent of other offenses: even if no crime was committed, the modifier still applies. +0-5 Minutes to Sentence
Self Defence Acting to protect one's self, coworkers, or workplace. Persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, not self-defence. Self-defence typically involves attempts to disarm or disengage, beating someone while they're down should be considered Assault unless the defender's life was in danger. Immediate Release
Surrender Willfully surrendering to Security. Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done, and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender. 50% reduction


  • It is the duty of everyone on station to turn in C or S grade Contraband when found. Failure to turn in Contraband will result in charges.
  • Conversely, personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition should not be charged.
Code Explanation Standard Charges For Possession Exceptions
NC Non-Contraband items.
Having one of these is not a crime.
No charges.
May be confiscated if utilized in the commission of a crime.
C Standard Contraband items. Confiscate and charge the owner with 3-06.
The amount or variety of C-grade Contraband is irrelevant to the charge, it only applies once. If used in committing a non-contraband related Major Crime, the charge is automatically upgraded to Enemy of the Corporation.
Can be possessed legally if obtained in maintenance or off-station and the owner is authorized by the Magistrate, Captain, or HoS.
S Dangerous Contraband items. Confiscate and charge the owner as an
Enemy of the Corporation.
Security may legally use syndicate headset keys. All other S-class contraband can only be used with direct permission from Central Command.
Non-Contraband Items (NC)
Cardboard Cutout.png

Adaptive Cardboard Cutout


Briefcase Full of Cash

Chameleon jumpsuit.gif

Chameleon Clothing (jumpsuit, hat, etc.)

Chameleon Module.png

Chameleon Module


Contractor Balloon


Contractor Zippo


Donk Pockets (Stimulants)

Mod EMP Shield.png

EMP Shield Module


Foam Force Riot Pistol

Cyber eyes.png

Kaleido Optics Eyes

Mod Night Visor.png

Night Visor Module


No-Slip Shoes

Mod Anti Slip.png

No Slip Module

Mod Plate Compression.png

Plate Compression Module

Razorwire Spool Arm Implant.png

Razorwire Spool Arm Implant


Safe Cracking Kit

Syndicate Playing Cards.png

Sharpened Playing Cards

Smuggler's Satchel.png

Smuggler's Satchel


Space Suit


Surgery Duffelbag


Suspicious Oxygen Tank


Suspicious Toolbox


Syndicate Balloon

Syndicate Smoke.png

Syndicate Cigarettes


Syndicate Mask


Syndicate Soap

Contraband Items (C)

Advanced Pinpointer


AI Detector


Banana Grenade

Binary Key.png

Binary Translator Key


Boozy Shotgun Shells

Camera Bug.png

Camera Bug


Camera Flash

C-Foam Launcher.png

C-Foam Launcher


Chameleon Flag

Chameleon Stamp.png

Chameleon Stamp


Clown Acrobatic Shoes


Contortionist's Jumpsuit


Contractor Pinpointer

Ritual Dagger All.gif

Cultist Items (Non-Chaplain)


Dart Pistol

DNA Scrambler.png

DNA Scrambler


EMP Flashlight


False-Bottomed Briefcase


Foam Force Riot Foam Dart Including Sniper Rounds

Biochip Syndicate.png

Freedom Bio-chip


Holo Cigar

Hyper-regenerative Medipen.png

Hyper-regenerative Medipen


Jestographic Sequencer


KA Pressure Mod


Military/Traitor Belt

Organ Extractor.png

Organ Extractor


Overgrown Revolver

Black Gloves.png

Pickpocket's Gloves


Poison Bottle (Non-Lethal)

Biochip Syndicate.png

Prototype Freedom Bio-chip

Qani-Laaca Sensory Computer.png

Qani-Laaca Sensory Computer


Standard Ammunition

Sticky Tar Applicator.png

Sticky Tar Applicator


Sticky Tar Grenade

Biochip Syndicate.png

Storage Bio-chip

Suspicious Implant Autosurgeon.png

Suspicious Implant Autosurgeon


Syndicate Knuckleduster


Syndicate Pistol

The Lovers Card.gif

Tarot Card


Thermal Imaging Glasses


Thermal Safe Drill

Mod Thermal Visor.png

Thermal Visor Module


Trick Revolver


Universal Gun Part Kit


Universal Suppressor

Gas mask.png

Voice Changer

Voice Modulator.png

Voice Modulator

Dangerous Contraband Items (S)

.357 Revolver


Access Tuner

Biochip Syndicate.png

Adrenal Bio-chip

Advanced Mimery.png

Advanced Mimery

Id regular.png

Agent ID Card


Atmos Grenades

Biochip Syndicate.png

Basic-Adrenal Bio-chip


Bearserker Pelt


"Big Brother" Obfuscation Suit

Hackerman Implant.png

Binyat Wireless Hacking System

Syndi Magboots.png

Blood Red Magboots

Mod Syndicate.png

Blood Red Syndicate MODsuit


Box of Throwing Weapons

Breach Cleaver.png

Breach Cleaver


Briefcase Full of Bees


Cane Shotgun

Cham counter.png

Chameleon Counterfeiter

Chameleon projector.gif

Chameleon Projector


Chameleon Security HUD


Chef Excellence's Special Sauce


Composition C4


Composition X4


Contractor Baton


Contractor Space Suit


Contractor Uplink


CQC Manual


Cryoregenerative Enhancer


Cryptographic Sequencer (Emag)




Dehydrated Space Carp

Pda cartrige.png

Detomatix Cartridge

Double Energy Sword Red.gif

Double Energy Sword




Emergency Extraction Flare

Emp bomb.gif

EMP Bomb




Energized Fire Axe


Energy Dagger


Energy Sword


Experimental Krav Gloves

Pda cartrige.png

F.R.A.M.E Cartridge


Feral Cat Grenade


Fibre Wire Garrote


Fireproofing Nanite Injector

Frag Grenade.png

Frag Grenades


Gloves of the North Star


Hacked AI Upload Module

Mod DNA Lock.png

Heavily Modified Springlock Module

Mod Emergency Tether.png

Hidden Holster Module

Artistic Toolbox.png

His Grace



Biochip Syndicate.png

Magillitis Serum Bio-chip

Meat Cleaver.png

Meat Cleaver


Mind Batterer

Biochip Syndicate.png

Mindslave Bio-chip

Energy crossbow.png

Mini Energy Crossbow

Godstaff blue.png

Missionary Starter Kit


Mysterious Scroll (Sleeping Carp)


Nanocalcium Injector


Non-Standard Ammunition


Pizza Bomb


Poison Bottle (Lethal)


Poison Pen


Power Beacon

Biochip Syndicate.png

Power Bio-Chip





Biochip Syndicate.png

Proto-Adrenal Bio-chip


Proximity Mine


Radio Jammer


Rapid Syringe Gun


Raw Telecrystal


Safety Scissors


Skipjack Spikethrower




Sleepy Pen

Biochip Syndicate.png

Stealth Bio-chip



Supermatter Theft Tools.gif

Supermatter Extraction Tools

Supermatter Plutonium Core Containers.gif

Supermatter or Plutonium Container

Syndicate Bomb.png

Syndicate Bomb


Syndicate Chainsaw


Syndicate Documents

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Synthetic Supercharge Bio-chip

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Tarot Box


Technocracy Advanced Cloning System



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Titanium Push Broom

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Uplink Bio-chip


Viral Injector

Basic Information
Homeworld: Earth
Language: Sol Common (:1)
System: Sol
Height: 180cm
Lifespan: 95 years
Breathes: Oxygen

New Horizons

. . . And so, my fellow Americans, as we chart new waters, as we lay the first tracks on Mars, we must remember. We must remember the great men and women who came before us. We must remember that this Nation, that we as a people, are destined for great things. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.

A generation of explorers. A generation of scientists. A generation who when asked why they seek out the unknown, turn not to doubt, but answer "because it is there."

Thank you.

- President John F. Kennedy, Excerpt from "Launch of the Angelos I," 1967.

A species of soft-skinned humanoids notable for their ability to adapt to a range of environments, Humans are one of the more populous species in the galaxy. Though originally hailing from the Sol System, much of humanity now originates from colony worlds and artificial deep space facilities.

Greetings, esteemed crewmember!

In an effort to encourage inter-species cooperation and workplace efficiency, Nanotrasen has compiled a series of helpful guides on the various species that you may be working with!

(NOTE: If you are a member of the species this guide pertains to, please give it to the nearest crewmember of another species)

This particular guide refers to the species known as the Humans (singular: Human).

Human Naming Schemes

The Human naming scheme is currently the basis for the most common system in the galaxy. It consists of a first name, sometimes inherited from a recent ancestor, as well as a last name, denoting long-term family association.

It is generally considered rude to use a Human’s first name in professional situations, but it’s perfectly acceptable in less formal settings, even without previously making acquaintance.

Human Physiology

Humans are of average height, both males and females standing at around 175 cm to 185 cm in height. Human skin can take on a variety of colors and hues from very dark shades of brown to almost white beige. Skin color is hereditary.

Humans have plantigrade legs with round construction and small nails. Most clothing onboard NT vessels is modelled specifically for Humans, and as such they will have the most comfort while wearing it.

Human bodies are covered in small hairs, generally used to combat excessive sweating and provide sensory input.

The Sol Common Language

Sol Common is a synthesized language, created by combining Old Earth Chinese with Old Earth English. The language came into existence in the early 2100s and has been used very widely in the Sol system over the following centuries. In the 26th century, however, large amount of immigrants physically incapable of speaking it forced Sol to switch to the more friendly Galactic Common, starting to slowly phase the language out.

Sol Common is no longer used outside of very informal settings and is not a mandatory subject at Sol schools. Every Sol-born Human should be proficient in the use of Galactic Common.

The Human Homeworld

The homeworld of the Human species is Earth.

Following centuries of heavy industrial exploitation, Earth had turned into an industrial wasteland. With toxic bodies of water and nigh-unbreathable atmosphere, living outside of specifically terraformed parts of the planet was impossible. That all changed, however, as during the 26th century Sol Government put large amounts of resources towards an eco-revitalization project, meant to bring Earth back to its former state.

Eventually, the project proved successful, bringing much of the long-lost life back onto the planet.

Currently, most of Earth is protected by incredibly strict anti-pollution laws, making it one of the most beautiful places in Sol. The breathable atmosphere and lush plant life make it a very popular tourist destination for most of the galaxy.

Earth is considered one of the most expensive places to live in the galaxy, with most of the population employed in the financial sector of the ever-growing economy of the planet.

The planet is currently in control of the Trans-Solar Federation and is generally very open to immigration from outside of the system. Currently Earth is has the second-highest GDP in the galaxy ranking behind Mars.

A Brief History Earthflag.png


Human history is not unlike that of many other species. For centuries, Mankind fought many internal wars, leading to rather sparse technological progress. In the year 1945, as a result of the aftermath of one of the largest worldwide conflicts of the time, the United Nations of Earth came into existence. While not perfectly effective at stopping internal conflict, they were partially able to tone down the scale of conflict earlier present on the planet. Soon after followed the first space programs ran by different nations of the planet, leading to a swift colonization of the planet’s moon, and eventually, that of Mars.

Generally, the progress of Humanity after those events is unanimous with the progress of the Trans-Solar Federation.

For further reading, please see: Trans-Solar Federation.

Human Culture

Traditionally, the Human species values individuality, freedom and equality. A common belief among Humans is that one is the master of their own fate and there are no obstacles impossible to overcome in life. Humans are encouraged from their earliest years to think big and aim high.

Humans put much pressure on family values and education early in life. In Sol education up until the age of 16 is mandatory, but many continue on to finish higher education and obtain scientific degrees.

Humans are very open to learning and cooperating with foreign species. They are well known for being one of the most welcoming species in terms of immigration, accepting millions on new arrivals onto their colonies every year. Capable of seeing the potential in such a diverse approach - an ideology which Nanotrasen proudly upholds - they have achieved unmatched superiority as one of the most influential government agencies in the galaxy.

With the advent of modern technology, most Human religions have been completely phased out. Currently, there are many different purely philosophical views on the meaning and inner workings of life, with the debate being fueled by constant new scientific discoveries regarding the nature of one’s soul, as well as those related to Bluespace.

Present Day

Human culture has permeated many societies and cultures in the known galaxy. One can find a can of Space Cola in nearly every civilized settlement from Moghes to Aurum. With numerous Human organizations happily accepting other species into their ranks, Humanity has become a cultural trendsetter for most of the galaxy.

Humans can easily be encountered in almost all of the civilized galaxy. The omnipresent species is easily the most numerous one, and is still growing in numbers.

Humans are no longer considered a player in the galactic arena by themselves, as nearly every organization initially started by them has been diversified by accepting more and more foreign individuals into their ranks. Generally, a non-Human won’t encounter any problems related to their species if they choose to move to a SolGov-controlled system, as species-related discrimination is generally considered immoral, as well as illegal.

Remember, knowledge, respect and cooperation are the key tenets of success and productivity!