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A Karma Tweak


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I'm not sure how realistic it is to do this mechanically but the idea is this:

When you use the Give Karma command, instead of the person being awarded the Karma immediately, they become your "Karma Target." They are not actually rewarded Karma until the end of the round.  If you use the Give Karma command again, the person you target becomes your new "Karma Target."  You can switch targets as many times as you want, but only the last person you targeted gets a Karma point at the end of the round.

This way, you can award Karma early in the round without having to worry about not being able to give your Karma to someone more deserving later, and you'll never be in a position where you want to award Karma to someone but you can't.

I think this would encourage people to give Karma a bit more freely overall. One potential problem I can see is if people disconnect or leave a round early, I'm not sure how easy it would be to still make sure the Karma goes through in that case. 

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I feel like this is a really good idea. Looking through the karma code, one way to implement this without changing too much is that when you try to give karma after it's already been given, it removes the karma from the original person and gives it to the new one. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about committing a bunch of karma changes to the database at the end or what would happen if you leave early.

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2 hours ago, Tayswift said:

I feel like this is a really good idea. Looking through the karma code, one way to implement this without changing too much is that when you try to give karma after it's already been given, it removes the karma from the original person and gives it to the new one. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about committing a bunch of karma changes to the database at the end or what would happen if you leave early.

One way that might work is just have a another pool/value for in round karma and have it apply to the main /real karma pool when the is done restarting.

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