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"Rage Cage" rules suggestion


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So, "Rage Cages" and the like are apparently a problem on Para now, and are causing many headaches and issues for command, and admins.


I propose the following rule chucked under whatever heading fits best.


"Server rules apply regardless of location. Setting up a "Rage Cage", "Dodgespear" or other activity where non-antags are encouraged to break server policy with regards to causing harm will be treated as self-antagging for all involved, including those responsible for setting up said area. The only exception to this rule is the round start boxing ring, with boxing gloves only."


As per Ansari, posting a suggestion thread.


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This is a symptom of a larger problem. You can make all the rules you like, but those that are bored will find some way to make themselves a nuisance for giggles. There's simply not enough for them to do.


In other words, this is putting a bandaid on a huge gash. Kyep's job slot PRs are just on the horizon and we're getting closer to implementing Lavaland. Those things will help significantly.


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Organised fights between willing participants are not a problem in my opinion. Love-To-Hug is right. The people who make rage cages are bored and just adding in more rules against things won't make the problem go away.


The only time it would be self antagging in my opinion is if the rage cage is used as an excuse to attack unwilling participants.


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Various rage cages have appeared regardless of population. Regardless of any other perceived problems, that doesn't mean some form of ruling wouldn't be helpful here.


I'm kinda against having such specifics in the rules, due to the bloat it causes. Tully stabs me for it too.


It might be more worth including in space law.


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Personally, I don't mind rage cages. I think instead however, that it be handled with guidelines. I'm not entirely sure how a "rage cage" SoP writeup would fit with space law though... but it IS consensual combat to the death and I don't think it's up to space law to deny it. Participants must have their name signed on any mutual combat agreements, ensuring security and command knows of its existence, and medbay being allowed to refuse service would be the key points in such a procedure before it can be put to use.

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It depends on how you look at things.

At the current level of population of Paradise it is kinda obvious that greytide is gonna to be a substantial part of it.

No matter of what would you do, there is simply not enough roles to accommodate all the people.

And yes, Rage Cages can be a pain in the ass for the medbay and security, but frankly...

I preffer them breaking their own faces, instead of breaking equipment on the station.

And as Birdtalon mentioned, it's bad when they force you to participate, bu other than that...

...in general, I see an ambition to improve the RP aspect of the server, and in that matter consequences for such behavior should be more ICly, rather than OOCly, really. This touches on whole different problem - IC punishing.

On how brig should be reworked, on how perma and labor camp should be used more often with such large population in mind...

...and on how they should still provide something to do, instead of making people go ssd, despite being punishment.


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Setting up a rage cage isn't illegal.


But don't be surprised if you as a participant gets charged with assault/aggravated assault/murder.


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I still say that its against the current space law already without any alterations.


Participants are committing battery/assault, and those creating it but not participating are enabling workplace hazards.


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I still say that its against the current space law already without any alterations.


Participants are committing battery/assault, and those creating it but not participating are enabling workplace hazards.

Completely accurate.


But it begins to cross into an OOC problem, as Security must dedicate substantial resources to uphold the law because of this tomfoolery. I saw a shuttle called the other day because they couldn't handle the rage-cage idiots and run-of-the-mill traitors at the same time.


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