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Diversity through Drunkenness: Alien reactions to alcohol


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It occurred to me that a readily visible mechanical difference which could support RP would be to give different species different reactions to alcohol. Not merely different tolerances, but different symptoms to reflect their alien physiologies. These could range from being differently buzzed to suffering differently from acute alcohol poisoning. Some potential examples:


* Slime people becoming flammable if they accumulate too much alcohol in their cytoplasm, and so needing some time to get it out of their system before regaining their usual sogginess


* Kidan suffering from seizures due to alcohol affecting their nervous systems / interfering with their hydraulic muscles by dilating their blood vessels.


* Skrell taking minor burn damage from strong beverages, or becoming slurred when any amount of alcohol enters their systems


* Grey broadcasting random inane thoughts into the brains of nearby crew members when sloshed.


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By snowflaking do you mean from a raw code perspective? (is that the standard usage in SS13?)


Is there a "drunk" flag that we could tie these effects to?


P.S If we can achieve this without marring the code too much, I'm all for radical debuffs if that meant balance wise we could get more unique mechanics on alien races.


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Well, not debuffs necessarily, more changing the kind of bad that each race experiences when they drink too much alcohol.


Codewise, I think everything to do with being drunk is currently handled within the reagent code for alcohol and the organ code for people's livers. Possible a couple things in on_life, but I'm not sure.


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Thus would be very easy to code in a clean manner.


I don't know how the fact that things are changed will impact things though. People are used to the way getting drunk works. If you take away from their bar-crawling ability they might dislike it.


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The extra slur/involutnary interactions of PDA someone, messaging them or maybe even pointing or random emoting at people (up to and including hugging/grabbing or maybe even hitting people near you if you are very drunk and walk into them)


That said the ideas that cause damage or additional stuns against Skrell and Kidan, species that have more debufss than buffs(if any) to begin with is a fat NO to me.


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Well the idea here is to come up with ways to diversify species through their reactions to alcohol. The other ideas are fine but they should probably go elsewhere. (We need ideas for both differences when people are merely buzzed and for when they are suffering from alcohol poisoning.)


The idea with the Kidan bit up there is that they'd get seizures instead of throwing up when severely drunk. So, not necessarily increasing their damage or stuns, just changing the symptoms of something that already stuns/hurts them


Another idea I had was that one species might start suffocating when suffering alcohol poisoning, rather than throwing up or taking brain/toxin damage. I'm not sure what species that would be appropriate for.


Racially-specific random drunk emotes could be good


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