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Add Grues as an event

John Smith

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As the title says, add Grues, from Zork

My suggestion for what they could do is have them able to port anywhere that is dark, and cannot die. But if they enter a lighted area, they dissipate, until they renter a dark area.


Also, may want to somehow disable them if the round is shadowlings, or not.


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make people fear going into unlighted areas.


This notion by itself is a decent concept to consider. What if there is a high chance of tripping and dealing minor brute damage if you run in a completely dark area? Perhaps a 5% chance that tripping in the darkness will break a bone, and a 20% chance that tripping will knock you unconscious for 30 seconds, with a bleeding head wound and minor brain damage. Any trip would cause you to fall prone for 3-5 seconds. Tripping can be avoided by walking, or using lighting of some variety.


Maybe not grues, but the notion of actually avoiding total darkness is a good one.


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