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[Job proposal] Parole/probation officer


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Because of lots of people complaining about security ruining their "fun and roleplay" by brigging them I seems to be found some nice idea how to make playing along with and as security more fun and make less brigging for lesser crimes.

New role-play job Parole officer based on real life criminal justice system. Thats a special officer designated to work with people who was sentenced for their crimes and has been released. Check out their behavior, keep in touch with respectful head of staff about released offender - make sure that released crimimal will not return on road of crime. That would encourage security to use parole more often for minor offenders and concentrate on actual threats to station. Because its better to release petty thief with conditional parole(get job from HoP, restrain from consuming alcogol and commiting more crimes, visit psychiatrist in some cases) than keep them locked up in brig useless for Nanotrasen.


Indeed that job would require some equipment for successful work.

- Tracking anklet - special anklet attached to crewmember footwear. Footwear with anklet attached could not be removed without someone's help and if removed without swipe of security ID will send a warning over security channel. Basicaly a temporary version of tracking implant designed for paroled petty criminals. Transmits current location and work as pager as well - warden and parole officer can send a priority message on every active anklet. Warden also can set parole conditions on anklet, so paroled crewmember could check them out at any time. Advanced model could probably also double as chemical implant.

- Overwatch tablet - special tablet for parole officer. Allow to check data from tracking implants and bracelets remotely without use of prison console. Can send messages but nothing more.

Along with that gear parole officer would have unique jumpsuit, cap, vest, sechud, pair of handcuffs and telescopic baton for self-defence. This guy job is to check out released people not to catch criminals.


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I would like this. Especially if you could put a timer on the trackign band that expires and falls off after the time runs out. It can keep people out of the brig for minor crimes and gives people like the Warden or Magistrate more options to deal with those low level crimes, especially when busy. They can offer parol and a tracking band for say 15 minutes instead of dealing with a 5 minute prisoner who causes as much problems as possible.

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A part of me wonders if maybe we could just merge this with the IAAs, to give them a double purpose?


Adding a new job is always tricky, because you have to prepare a workspace for them, a new page in the SoP informing what they can and cannot do, how many can work the job, if it is karma locked or not, and if not, how long you have to wait to unlock it..


Something about it feels like it would be a fitting alternate task for the IAAs to work on in my opinion, since it would give them more to do on a slow shift. They already have an alternate title of Lawyer, so why not an alternate title of Parole Officer?


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I agree with the idea of including this as part of the IAA's job description. Most IAA rounds involve sitting around waiting for Security to make a big enough SOP breach and then hammering down on that until someone is disciplined for it, either by Command or by CentCom.


Being very much in favor of a parole system (something I already do when playing Security anyways) it would help to have someone to keep track of it and to me the IAA is the most logical choice. Often the Warden is too busy because they already have so many responsibilities - processing criminals, releasing people when their brig time is up, dealing with permabrigged prisoners who injure or kill themselves, handing out lethals and other equipment when necessary, going down to R&D/Robotics to pick up the latest equipment or mech. IAA in most rounds have little to do, and even when they do have a particularly busy round they can still spare a minute or two once in a while to check in on paroled crew.


If giving this responsibility to the IAA isn't an option I could agree with making it a karma job, maybe 5-15KP. Have the Parole Officer share an office with the Detective because there's plenty of room in there for another person plus the security terminal which would be necessary for the PO's job. Adding another prisoner management console (same as the one in the Warden's office) but adding functionality for tracking monitoring bracelets/anklets would also help. It's pretty rare to see the Detective using the evidence lockers at the back of his office (more often evidence goes to, surprise, the Evidence room near processing!) so it would be simple to remove those and add in a second desk.


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Nice idea, Kero. Detective would not be alone now when there is nothing to do and space will be used up better. But I still think detective could use some other kind of buddy. Maybe designated interrogator or someone like that. Brig phys already took some heat with dealing wounded prisoners on himself. PO would take some heat of dealing with minor criminals. Interrogator could take a function of... well person who interrogate detainees in brig, keeping track of that and accepting testimony from witnesses as well. But that should be a matter of new topic.


I have nothing against PO being a subjob of IAA and living along with them - they dont need that much space actually and placing some useful terminals along with access could give them some more work to do.

But the catch is that PO need to deal with criminals, yes paroled but still. So he should be better armed for self-defence and being a bit closer to actual security in mind. So making PO not very expensive karma job would be the best solution. Maybe same 5 karma as Brig physician. Both can be helpful to security but department can function without them.

And what about IAAs, I think they should have more access than now. Basic access to all departments so they could be a bit more proactive. Inspecting departments, talking to people who work there and if they spot something fishy and suspicious - ask the respectful head/security to tacke charge and investigate. That would be especialy good with science department which is pretty secluded from the rest of the station and unoverseered because of that.


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I like the idea of it being a part of IAA, we really don't need another job. IAA sits around for the most part, an entire job dedicated to one function seems like you would have two people sitting around.


The magistrate can approve parole, it only makes sense for their underlings to be a part of that too.


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Well, add Parole Officer as subjob and buff IAA alltogether? Because for now they have very little use. Yes, they can fax CC, but the responce from Gods is rare and not immediate. Legal subdepartment should have some use independant from Gods.

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Back in ye olden times, the IAA was known simply as a lawyer.. And was an RP job only. An assistant with a fancy suit..


Then I come to Paradise years later, and find the IAA, an advanced lawyer that can do so much more.. But still has room for improvement.


It would be nice to give them the option of becoming parole officers in their spare time, so I am with adding this to their job description.


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