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Admin Complaint - TullyBBurnalot


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Admin Key: TullyBBurnalot


Complaint: This is going to be pretty short: I am not happy with how the admin powers are very often used without any benefit for the players. Example: This was a couple of round ago, I believe he was either a wizard or a changeling.


TullyBBurnalot is an antag (again). He is being chased by security and command staff. So, he's chased down, severely beaten with staff obviously winning but here come the admin powers and he gibs the whole of command plus some other people beating on him.

Moments later we see the so called "apology" where he says he set the explosion to a bigger size than he originally wanted. Okay. Pardon my french but why the fuck was there a need to explode yourself with admin powers in the first place? There literally wasn't, if he was any normal player he just would have died and that would be it. But no, he has to explode shit for his own amusement.


Example number two: Traitor runs into the bridge, emags the comms console and sees that the captain didn't log out. He proceeds to give out some announcements and request nuke codes. Next up the standard Tully move - he gibs the traitor with bluespace artillery. GIBS. Of course there is an apology that he didn't mean to gib (AGAIN).


I don't play a lot and yet, I see this happening a lot. Whenever Jonah is (or whatever else he might be playing as) something suspicious happens. A while ago I saw him knowing 'somehow' where the traitors were in spaaaaaace outside of the station and then somehow some of the traitorling powers didn't work. Of course for this I have no proof but it just feels that way with all the other shit he's pulled.


Overall, I think there at least should be a warning issued to him. Abusing admin powers without benefit to the players is exactly what abuse of power can be defined as. Or a warning and disable the most important/severe powers for some time. Accidents happen, sure but how many times can you gib players "on accident"? I didn't know he was such a new admin to have so many accidents.


I wasn't going to post this complaint but when I saw all the other complaints about him, I changed my mind. "accidental" gibbing may be funny to some and for a short while but in the end it's only annoying and ABUSE OF ADMIN POWERS.


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Please provide a date and time so we can see the logs, but also, wizards have a number of explosive and gibbing spells, disintegrate, fireball, etc. If it is true that he used an admin explosion, the complaint is valid in that regard.


If the announcements or other such requests sent by the traitor were mocking or in an unprofessional fashion, then the BSA would be valid to a degree, just like photocopying an image of your butt and sending it to NT or placing a shitload of "Honk" stamps, and sending it on the fax express to CC town.


Abuse of administrative powers is a pretty serious thing, and the reason we have logs is so we can check them out (Or player complaints). If you have the name of the traitor, name of anybody involved in any prior incident who could tell us more about something that happened so we can double check their words with the logs, or anything like that, please post again.


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Right, so I was personally present during the Wizard round, I was the Captain that round and it was going pretty normal, it was low-pop so there was no security apart from a HoS, we got a call of a Wizard causing trouble at arrivals so I ran over there with a SMG I had printed off earlier when the Wizard first appeared and started causing shit. Once we downed the Wizard and got around him to remove his garb etc, suddenly we all blew up. Now it was a bit too big of an explosion to actually be one of the powers however I truly believe Tully did do a mistake, and he gave a sincere apology in death chat about his mistake.


This happened about two/three days ago but I couldn't tell you a precise date. I wasn't involved in the other events so I'm not going to comment on those.


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I can't recall the precise date but it must have been about 3-4 days ago, in the afternoon hours. Sorry that I can't provide anything more precise but I as noted, in the beginning I wasn't going to post this, up until I noticed there are more complaints. I can just hope that whoever got gibbed then will see the thread and post (RD, captain, very likely HoP that round too and some other people). To add some detail to this, we were next to escape doors when this happened, maybe directly above R&D or a bit to the right.


I do believe he was a wizard as me and other people in deadchat were wondering what could possibly cause the explosion of that scale and couldn't think of anything. Up until Tully owned up to it. He did say it himself to us that he wanted to gib himself but gibbed everyone else too by "accident". Otherwise, there is nothing I can think off that would just gib him and everyone around him instantly.


As to the nuke codes request, I can't remember that precisely either but I believe it asked "Where is HoSes gun?!" so nothing that would require a gibbing, especially since the traitor had an objective to steal it.


I hope TullyBBurnalot admits to what he did, I dont request him to be removed - just warned or punished in some way. As previously said accidents do happen but at some point it stops being accidental or some steps have to be taken to lower the amount of "accidents".


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Alright, in order to get my side of the story here.


It began when the wizard that was selected for the round, whose name I personally cannot remember, opted to take a friendly approach and tour around the station with the Representative. After an hour went by without them trying to complete their objectives, I turned myself into a wizard, teleported to where they were, and basically just walked up to them and went "We gave you very specific things to do. Do not fail us".


I then teleported back to the Wizard's Den and went into Observer Mode. True to form, the real wizard pulled off an amazing stunt by backstabbing the Representative in the Bridge and, right before they died, Mindswapping. The wizard was now in the Rep's body, and no one was the wiser. So what I did was teleport into the Bridge, "mourn" over the loss of another apprentice, and take all that was left of them: their hat. All the while, I went up to the "Representative" and whispered my congratulations on such a cunning plan.


After that, I teleported out of the Bridge and ended up being accosted by a random... doctor, I think? So I fired a Staff of Chaos. Unsure what happened to them, as I didn't really see anything change. However, at that point, the crew was alerted, and, admittedly, what I thought was "That wizard deserves a distraction". This... didn't last long, as the Captain walked out of maintenance about 3 minutes later armed with a saber SMG. I then die to someone suicide bombing me at Escape.


Now, we come to the crux of the problem. There's a little thing you can do via the Variables Menu called "Trigger Explosion". This lets you set epicenter, range of destruction, flash, the works. Now, the problem is, I believed that when I inserted the value "3", this is what happened:


X --- Explosion Radius

Y --- Me






A 3x3 radius centered on me. What actually happened was:










Or something to that effect. I was actually completely and totally unaware it drew a full circle (square?) around me. My original intention was for something like a PDA Explosion. Bit of deafness, bit of a bruise, but otherwise "Yay, wizard's dead". I failed horribly.


Naturally, this, uh... didn't really sit well for me. Situations like these I feel incredibly uncomfortable with, as I had, inadvertently, murdered the whole of Command when all I wanted was to, at most, break a bone or two. That was the main reason I was apologetic in Deadchat, and why I proceeded to let the victims become Wizards after the initial Wizard died and the round didn't end. An apology, at the time, did not feel enough. To be frank, it still doesn't.


Looking back, I probably should've just teleported to the Wizard's Den after "mourning" in the Bridge and giving my congratulations to the real Wizard. I can see how I overstepped my boundaries here, and since then I've taken to requesting permission from all Administrators online before doing anything antag-adminbus-related. It was not my intention to come off as being abusive. Hanlon's Razor at work again. For what it's worth, I offer my sincerest apologies to everyone involved, and a promise that such a situation shall never repeat itself in so far as I draw breath.


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Naturally, this, uh... didn't really sit well for me. Situations like these I feel incredibly uncomfortable with, as I had, inadvertently, murdered the whole of Command when all I wanted was to, at most, break a bone or two. That was the main reason I was apologetic in Deadchat, and why I proceeded to let the victims become Wizards after the initial Wizard died and the round didn't end. An apology, at the time, did not feel enough. To be frank, it still doesn't.


Looking back, I probably should've just teleported to the Wizard's Den after "mourning" in the Bridge and giving my congratulations to the real Wizard. I can see how I overstepped my boundaries here, and since then I've taken to requesting permission from all Administrators online before doing anything antag-adminbus-related. It was not my intention to come off as being abusive. Hanlon's Razor at work again. For what it's worth, I offer my sincerest apologies to everyone involved, and a promise that such a situation shall never repeat itself in so far as I draw breath.


You seem sincere in what you are saying and a promise of not blowing up stuff unnecessarily like that again is good enough as far as I am concerned. At the time it seemed more like a revenge accidental explosion but now I see that I may have been wrong about it. This is what I was hoping for in the end - some form of showing you fucked up and will (try) not do it again. Thanks!


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