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Change Pill-Case to Fridge Drop


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This is pretty simple, and QOL.


Nobody likes pill cases being shoved into the fridge, like ever.


They already pick up everything with a click, but to empty them into the fridge you need to click & drag.


Modify the behaviour to be the opposite.


To put the pillbottle in the fridge, click & drag, to empty it simply click on the fridge.


This will keep new chemists from putting pillbottles in the fridge (which is a pain), and let old chemists stock the fridge with 50% less carpal tunnel.


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Err.. the chemistry satchels function exactly the way you want, Shadey. They pick up all pills on a tile and then, with the satchel in your active hand, left-clicking on the smartfridge empties them into the fridge.


I don't know who's using pill bottles to move pills from the chemmasters to the fridge but that's really just an unnecessarily difficult way of doing it.


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If you made Acetone bottles prior to making pills just move the bottles to the floor next to you or the table on the left side of the room. Or if you're not planning on using them immediately stick 'em in the chemical storage closet.


If you're making pills of some reagent and bottles of the same reagent then make the pills first and scoop 'em up with the satchel then make the bottles and do whatever you're gonna do with them. A significant portion of the time that you're making bottles of stuff you're going to be using them right away. If you're not using them right away they shouldn't be sitting on top of the chem dispenser. Also if you're making cryox or some other bottle of stuff that's going to be used by someone outside chemistry then it belongs in the fridge anyways.


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Yeah, Shadey did mention that in the OP, davidchan. He was just suggesting that it be switched around the functions of clicking the pill bottle on something and click-dragging the pill bottle onto something.

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Yeah, Shadey did mention that in the OP, davidchan. He was just suggesting that it be switched around the functions of clicking the pill bottle on something and click-dragging the pill bottle onto something.


Yeah, this.


Though I suppose the satchel potentially negates this?


Either way, the suggestion was to get people to stop putting everything in a pill bottle, then putting the pill bottle in the fridge (which helps nobody).


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As someone who used to stock the fridge before we had chem satchels or even goofchem, I definitely made use of pill bottles and would ensure that every doctor had a brute/burn, toxin and stabilizers bottles, specially for the Paramedic.


Can't say I see a reason for this suggestion though, as the satchel does exactly what he wants and there is no reason to use pill bottles unless you intend for yourself or others to walk around with small pharmacies of medication. ChemSatch holds over 50 pills and patches, bottles only get 14.


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