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Ad hoc science opportunities.


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I feel that the uppermost tiers of science should depend on factors not known at round start. Like:


* findings from xenoarcheology

* capture of live wizard/ling/vamp/xeno

* goliath/basilisk.

* syndicate items.

* pda with TK.

* divine trickle onto the chaplain.

* artifacts found away missions.

* xenobio products.

* rare mining produce.

* Visitor trade.


These are just some ideas. But if these things, when encountered, presented a science opportunity that science would have to respond to in order to capitalize from, then that would make for some interesting gameplay. It would also allow for the classical adversarial positions of "we must kill/destroy it" vs "we must study it".


Live stuff would be more valuable than dead stuff. Reaching the absolute top tier stuff should be high risk and borderline irresponsible.


It would make science care about what happens elsewhere at the station.


And the means and facilities needed to capturing, containing and interacting with a hostile xeno would be an interesting setup.


I wrote this in the "Exotic materials" thread, but thought that it should be a separate suggestion.


I would want for these factors to be cross departments and preferably be at odds with conventional priority. To invite the classical clashes of concerns. "You're not bringing THAT thing onboard!! I don't care about your 'precious' research!!".


It could be a xenoarch site that hinders some big mining payoff. A greedy miner will wreck the xenoarch find.

It could be a pathogen that can be grown at xenobio, but so dangerous that armed guards would observe quarantine.

It could be, my favorite, that a live vamp/ling/xeno should be contained and studied whereas the Captain/HoS would need to quell the lynch mob. It could even be done under the radar (and exposed by IAA) for some mad scientist persona.


These are classical themes, unlocks considerable RP with lots of pop culture references, and also solves the candy crush'esque nature of Science at SS13.


I realize that there is some coding challenges here, but it doesn't have to be more than a device that should be pointed at a live changeling on a regular basis (maybe five times with at least a minute interval) for huge gain, autopsy artifacts for medium gain, trace materials for small gain etc.

How one would go about applying those would be up to regular gameplay.


And, if a vampire is captured and studied, maybe it should allow construction of a vampire compass or something that would help in locating other vampires. It would create some interesting dynamics. HoS would have to distribute his/her assets to safeguard the research vs safeguarding the public through regular patrols.


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I really like the idea of studying lings or vampires. It would add a whole new level to both cooperating and non-cooperating antags, as well as gameplay as security and command staff as they could risk the procedure instead of executing. This could possibly lead to making searching for vamps easier (shouldn't be too OP though) or even finding a way to cure vampirism.


I'm sure someone could come up with dozens of new and fun gadgets RnD could get for doing sp00ky science.


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This could possibly lead to making searching for vamps easier (shouldn't be too OP though) or even finding a way to cure vampirism.

Vampires are a weak and boring gamemode already.

I'm against giving more tools to robust antags.


Curing vampirism, however, sounds like a neat idea. Imagine it as a loyalty implant tailored specifically for vampires, but one that works with consent - so instead of getting executed, the vampire may be cured and let out of Brig as a non-antag.

It does, however, conflict with our current bluespace lore. It's logically impossible to cure a bluespace creature of being a bluespace creature; it's as if you invented a drug that would fix humans being human.


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