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Privacy shutters for QM


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Private things in private places.

It's a medium-sized office with lots of windows. Back in old cargo it used to be deep within, now it's exposed.



It's an office. QM's office. Private things in private places!


Prepare for the upcoming Gang mode.


Also make separate buttons for the cargo lobby and mining part.


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I see no reason why not to do this but if it makes it harder to break in via windows then maybe it could be a problem. I wouldn't know though, ask someone smarter than me

One camera snip, close the shutters, no one will ever ever know your hoarding gigantic amounts of crates in there.


Also what is happening in the rounds that people can easily get into the QM's office without being hauled off by Cargo or Security?



Atmost, the windows could be elecrified, but privacy shutters are too much.


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Honestly I'd just want the QM office moved back behind the cargo office, similar to how Warden's office isn't exposed to lobby. Mining could be rotated to trade some places for the office or something else could be placed there.

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I don't think I've ever had my office invaded during shifts as a QM...

The privacy shutters are so you can talk IN PRIVATE, not fend off greytide. It's not a problem of invasions, but a matter of privacy. The way you speak of privacy shutters means that these little things are a little too strong for what their name implies.

Hell, the RD doesn't even have shutters on his/her office windows. Add those. :P

Thank you for raising this. RD is a head, QM is not. CMO has privacy shutters, but it's probably because the office is exposed to patients - there's less trespassing in Science than in Medbay. Likewise, HoS is a head but doesn't have privacy shutters, as the office is located deep within Brig, where you'd expect to see only loyalty implanted personnel. CE? CE is in Engineering. No interaction with the outside world, no shutters.

HoP is exposed out there in the hallway - privacy shutters. Has regular contact with civilians and he's second in command.

Chef? Chef had privacy shutters installed because of trespass issues, but now it appears that the windoors have solved it. I don't think he's supposed to prepare meals in secrecy.

Robotics and RnD front desks? Privacy shutters, for whatever reason. Keep in mind that they are actual front desks, complete with a windoor and metal table.

Who knows, the chef could be hoarding gigantic amounts of bodies behind his shutters

His shutters? Unlikely. Mind the botany and the animal pen. Kitchen freezer? Definitely.

Atmost, the windows could be elecrified, but privacy shutters are too much.

The problem is, it doesn't address the privacy problem at all. It's a solution to a problem that never was.

Honestly I'd just want the QM office moved back behind the cargo office, similar to how Warden's office isn't exposed to lobby.

That's the sanest response so far - I agree. It used to be the case, now it's not.

Sure, it's kinda cool to have his office adjacent to the lobby so he can talk out of it, but more often than not - the QM is expected to man the front desk anyway. And since most of you deem privacy shutters to be too powerful in their current incarnation, it's logical to move the office itself.

What I think would be cool is if we had Bay's 'electrochromatic glass'. It's in a few heads offices, and basically you press a button and it turns the blue reinforced into tinted black windows you can't see into.


we do have that, it's not mapped in anywhere though, because it's shutters without the advantage of protection

Here's an interesting alternative. What do you people say?


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