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Give the NT Rep more pens


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I got the NT Rep relatively recently, and the very first thing I noticed (past the golden lighter and fancy cane) was the fact that I only had a pen in one color. I find that the documents I create are much more legible if I create it first in blue ink, and write the relevant information in black.


Playing IAA Before, I was able to get all of my documents in order before leaving my office, so I could be prepared before the crew started hassling me. I'm feeling a little bit gimped as an NT Rep, by contrast, because I have to go across the station to get a blue and a red-ink pen. I feel it would make the NT Rep's job much easier if he had access to pens of a different color from the start of the round.


Please give the NT Rep a blue pen!


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Yeah, that was actually one of the first things I tried when I saw the lack of pens. But nope; Internal Affairs has better paperwork equipment than the guy who's supposed to represent NanoTrasen.

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