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Administrative Complaint: Psyentific/Necaladun


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IC NAME: Janet Williams

BYOND KEY: Psyentific

DATE OF BAN: ~5:00pm Pacific, Feb 10, 2014


ADMIN BYOND KEY: necaladun

REASON FOR BAN: Calling me an idiot. Player PM from-Psyentific/(Janet Williams): I still say that was dumb, and you're dumb for doing it - regardless of disagreements, I've warned you before about personal attacks.. - EN: Paraphrased: "Admin Disrespect"



This isn't an appeal. I'm fully expecting to stay banned, and if I was trying to get unbanned, I'd have given myself a good week off, or at least a next-day cooldown. That said, I hope you'll give me the courtesy of reading this and locking the thread, instead of just smacking the delete button. I'll try and keep it short.



I want my ban to state the real reason, and not 'admin disrespect'.



I don't think I'm in the wrong, don't expect me to change. I respect people that deserve respect, which is why you so seldom see me acting respectfully. Respect is earned, not given freely, and certainly not taken. The reason I don't respect you, as an Administrator, is because of exactly this; You're letting your personal feelings get in the way of objective judgements. I told you what you did was bad, what parts of it were bad, why they were bad, then called you an idiot for doing it in the first place. I'm doing exactly the same thing here. Idiot.



Security cannot throw somebody in the brig for making rude gestures or insulting their mothers. Likewise, you cannot ban somebody because they called you a name and still call yourself a Good, Responsible Administrator. You certainly cannot permaban somebody because they called you an idiot, then went to the trouble of telling you why and how to do better.



If you want me to respect you, you need to be a responsible administrator and a good player. You've done neither. Furthermore, you've given me multiple examples of you being a bad player and a bad administrator. I could go into detail, but I think I'm getting long enough here.


Back to respecting the players? I don't. Very few of them deserve respect, even fewer care enough about SS13 to be good at it. The tinest minority care about Paradise as a Community, and there's exactly one who is actively contributing without being staff. In a phrase, the majority of your players are transient pubbies, deserving of no more consideration, respect, or mercy than the bald black-eyed greytiding assistants they so proudly play. Most of the players worth keeping are lurking the forums and probably reading this thread right now. If you'd rather have one less competent player whipping these dickbutts into line, then I'll leave.


Really, I'm sad to see it end like this - this server had potential. I was actually enjoying playing SS13 here, which is something I haven't done since The Good Ol' Days.


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If you think you being a competent player gives you the right to abuse admin, then you're wrong.


You do not get to break rules just because you can robust people and know the game.


Again, you've personally insulted me here.


So I will respond thusly:


Fuck off. Your attitude is toxic to this server and you have been trouble over and over again.


If you think your competence at a video game makes you special, you need to sort out your priorities in life.


If you get so upset you can't control yourself in a video game, you need psychological help.


Huge amounts of the admin have had trouble with you and your attitude. As have players. I'd prefer a crew of newbies who are nice to people with your attitude.


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I'd actually love to hear the entire story. I know Psyentific from way back, and usually he doesnt flip out for no reason.


Not knowing they had removed loyalty implants, I went into Psy's character as a blueshield with a loyalty implant. Not being able to trust them, assuming they were loyalty implanted, and having seen an active implant, I assumed control to try to get it removed.


After getting a heap of abuse IC, I committed suicide, figuring I was screwed regardless, and not understanding why a loyalty implanted person would co-operate with a borer.


I admitted my mistake, and was personally attacked afterwards. I have talked to Psy numerous times about personal attacks, among other things.


Psy has a reputation amongst the staff here for flipping out over things. Flipping out is not an excuse to break server rules.


Psy clearly refuses to talk to admin here without personal insults, so Psy is no longer welcome here.


I'll leave this here for transparency for a few days.


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Being so self-entitled as to think you can force your mentality of "I don't respect anyone until they deserve it" unto other people is a clear sign of a diseased mind, or at the very least of someone being a huge douche. I wouldn't accept that behavior in anyone I frequent IRL, and I won't let you run roughshod over the rest of this community because they don't measure up to some egotistical imaginary standard of play that you've invented for yourself.

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