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Giving Vox raiders a fighting chance

Mrs Dobbins

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As it stands, Vox raiders are pretty poorly equipped. For whatever reason, the vox dart guns contain only healing chems and not knockout chems as advertised. This leaves the vox with only lethal weapons which they can't use because using them would normally mean that they've violated the inviolate and taking someone alive with lethals and no way of stunning them is pretty hard. Vox also get no access (even to maint), meaning that they have to hack each door they go through. Giving the raiders one or two emags would help, after all Vox raiders should have access to some traitor items, presumably having traded for them, as even the shoal wouldn't send Raiders in equipped like well-equipped assistants.

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Actually, there is at least one dart gun with sedatives, but they never work effectively, from experience.

What would be neat is to give them [spoiler2]a nuke[/spoiler2] a vox-like taser of sorts.


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Semi off topically, bay has replaced raider rounds with raider 2.0, which is more like heisting pirates.


Slightly more on topically

The inviolate is:


Kill as little as necessary.

Waste as little as necessary.

Preserve the arkships.

Preserve materials.

Adapt and expand to all circumstances.,


This is important, because it does not say you cannot kill, and it does say 'Adapt and expand to all circumstances.'


While I agree that Vox raiders could use some more non lethal options; If some fuck is leveling a shotgun at you with intent, and all you have is a lethal weapon, then you use that and be safe in knowing it was necessary.


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Get me sprites for unique Vox equipment and I'll gladly implement them. I wholeheartedly agree that they need more stopping power, but I don't want to give them basic Syndicate gear or hybrid tasers.


Post your weapon/sprites and I'll see what I can do.


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Actually, there is at least one dart gun with sedatives, but they never work effectively, from experience.

What would be neat is to give them [spoiler2]a nuke[/spoiler2] a vox-like taser of sorts.



Thats because Goonchem it nerfed the good sedatives


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Phaser does slightly burn damage weaker laser does not go trough Windows

Prefered by space criminals


Also has a button to make shots a little powerfuller but takes more charge

Recharges by itself

Also has a disabler mode


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Agreed. It'd be great if the vox raiders had their own kind of stun weapon, there's absolutely no way to defend yourself with the 'weapons' supplied to the vox at the start currently.

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To preface, I am by no means a coder or spriter, I'm just brainstorming, if anyone can take these ideas, balance them and make them reality, have at it.


What about net/bola guns? A slow(er than a taser or dart) that will trip and leg bind the person it hits, much like a bear trap. Takes 15-30 seconds to self-unbind and 5 seconds for someone else to do it, would give Vox a bit of an edge on their capture targets or the rambo valid hunter that charges them.


A delayed taser/shocker could be cool too. No idea how you would code it, but a gun/device that fires out (manually loaded) shockers that will taze/zap 5-10 seconds after impact, using an empty hand resist will allow a person to remove the shocker before it zaps them. Being shocked by these would be a double length stun.


Security/Military Vox getting smoke grenades would go a long way since they spawn with Thermo-monocoles, could even be a tear gas or ether smoke that stuns, blinds or otherwise hampers anyone who goes through the smoke without a gasmask and/or internals.


Scout drone would be nice. Maybe link it to a terminal, like security cameras, a vox can launch the drone and scout the ship, use it to vent crawl and hide, give it a small spite so it would be hard to notice yet still pretty obvious that it's not NT made.


Stun mines. Could be planted under a floor tile (crowbar up tile, deploy mine, cover with tile) and left as a trap, using a remote signaler could be used to enable/disable the mines. T-ray would uncover the mine, as could mesons or thermal vision maybe? Mine blows the tile up wards, dealing minor brute and a moderate stun that disorients anyone ontop of the tile and people in close proximity being effected as though a flashbang went off?


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I love the idea of them getting wallace and gromit or orky gear, which works in a roundabout way (meaning its either highly impractical or has a chance of failing). I also love the idea of scout drones, not just for voxy ladies. Goon as the ability to create drones which range from cameras for the AI to full on cyborg chassis for the AI to use and get it's hands messy.

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