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Ban end of round bombings.


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It's still pretty shitty that the sixty seconds one gets to relieve themselves of any stress of the round is instantly ruined because one person (Player or otherwise) decided that they were going to make a bomb just for the purpose of EOR shenanigans. On the admin spectrum, you just made a PR that cuts out attack logs of everything, so there's really no reason to use it other than a "'Hey guys, fuck you' -admins".

"Hey, Kei, why did you bring a bomb on the shuttle?"

"So he can gank you when the shuttle gets to CentComm. Hue hue."


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Highlander as soon as the shuttle lands would freeze the server for a good bit as well, particullarly mixed in with round of end scoring and having to change every single persons attire to the highlander stuff.


But more importantly, it would ruin highlander. The fun of it is that it comes so rarely, so that would just devalue the rounds we use it.


I respectfully disagree, highlander at most has lagged the server for me in rounds with 50 or mored people at roundstart for 15 seconds, which is a hell of a lot more tolerable than the 5-10 minte lag fests that happen when vince or some other sekrit kem acolyte decides to male a self sustaining bomb that throws chocolate, gibs and dozens of toxins around the room forcing and admin restart and/or the server gets overloaded and requires Mel to do a hardware reset. We've had easily avoidable downtime of the server for hours because some decided to grief test a bomb.


As for highlander being special... its rarity isn't what makes it fun, its the semiunique mechanic and chance to test out your robustness against others in a no holds bar battle royale. And as I alreadysaid this doesn't have to be kilts and claymores, it can be basicaly anything that grants a mostly even playing field to the entire surviving crew. Greysuts and toolboxes, stun prods, spears, syndi smgs or xray guns. There could be random events, xenos or monsters on the station, shuttle breking down and attacked by pirates(randomly selected from ghost players) or slamming into a diona gestalt ship like in the lore. There is a decent reason to extend the reset and let people go nuts and have fun while giving incentive to stay in the round and not spend the last 10 minutes of a shift making boms, chems and gathering weapons or mech suits for that damn brawl.


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Oh so the bombs are caused by people? They are so frequent I thought they were automated or something.


Just set the bomb cap to 1 after the shuttle lands so the bomber only gibs himself, hue. And maybe also empty all beakers or something, or freeze all chemical reaction procs to stop nerd chemist griefers goddamn.

Perhaps this, then?



That's a whole lot of snowflake for 0.7% of the round.



If i go to check someone's attack logs but they get gibbed by a bomb before i click them, then yes it is important, because the evidence i was about to use just got blown up and the griefer got away. But then you say "you can use the server-logs.txt". Yeah.... sod off, I would rather let the RDMer get away this time rather than spend the next 15 minutes searching for the proper logs.


The shuttle becomes tense even before it docks to the station, because the escape hallway is already full of weaponized asshats that are anxious to try their brand new gun/crossbow/crowbar/durand/chembomb/rubberducky/whatever on the baldie next to them. I always try to take the pods because fuck that shit.


And you have absolutely NO reason to not disable attack logs at round end. I would like my client not to freeze every 5 seconds after the shuttle lands thank you very much.


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To be fair, Adr, Fox put up a PR to remove attack logs after end round and it was merged.

Gotta agree with you on the rest, however.


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It's still pretty shitty that the sixty seconds one gets to relieve themselves of any stress of the round is instantly ruined because one person (Player or otherwise) decided that they were going to make a bomb just for the purpose of EOR shenanigans. On the admin spectrum, you just made a PR that cuts out attack logs of everything, so there's really no reason to use it other than a "'Hey guys, fuck you' -admins".

"Hey, Kei, why did you bring a bomb on the shuttle?"

"So he can gank you when the shuttle gets to CentComm. Hue hue."

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Buy a clown bop bag if you suffer too much from stress. End-round isn't that important anyways, why not?

It seems a bit backwards banning for most actions while shuttle is in transit but you still cant use one form of action even when *everyone* is allowed to kill eachother.

Bombing being bannable will lose potentially good players like stated before.

It's too much of a trade for 60 seconds.


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This is, for me, is less about how being blown up, poisoned or hit with a lethal hellmix makes it impossible to fight back, and more about how our code/byond just can't possibly handle it all and it invariably lags out the server if not does a hard crash, making for what should have been a 10 second funny moment turning into nobody getting play on the server for a good 2-6 hours, depending on how long it takes for Mel to be contacted/realize the server overloaded and shutdown.

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... Davidchan, do you understand how byond works at all?


A lethal hellmix isn't going to lag the server so much that the daemon crashes, that is extremely rare. At worst, a max size bomb will lag the server for a minute, but that's standard for gibbing a bunch of mobs in the same place.


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I openly admit I know next to nothing about the coding that goes into byond. But I do know what I have seen, and aside from Singuloth chewing it's way through the station and Atmos somehow not getting hit and thus struggling to compensate, the infinite hellmixes, megabombs and what ever ludicrious things happen on the shuttle that effect 30+ mobs at once in 5-15 ways at once have crashed the server, not my client. In other cases, the final moments of the game are lagged out so bad it takes nearly a minute for the server to process 3-5 seconds of game time, so those final 60 after the bomb goes off can be lagged out and extended well past the 15 minute mark if the reaction/effect is still going on.

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