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Remove Plant-spread-vine-thingy.


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What it says on the tin. If I had a screenshot of the banana tree spreading thing, I'd show you, but it gets that bad. One round, the whole of botany told me, "Fuck you, we're making spreading glowshroom plants." Later in that round, I had little supplies left.


Not to mention that it makes the whole station a mess, goooooooooood whyyyyyyyyyyy.


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The trait you're talking about is the "It is able to be planted outside of a tray." stuff.


I think someone must have modified how it works when porting to paradise, or maybe bay fixed it? either way:


currently on paradise, "It is able to be planted outside of a tray." is on its own separate gene, and anything with this uses the glowshroom spreading code, which is kindof brokenly hilarious on paradise.


An example: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/q4rh5b1xvlddnlm/plants.png


And yes, only wheat and tomatoes were planted like that, and only one of each. They spread like that in under five minutes. Also using weed killer on them sometimes mutated them into other plants that turned invisible, and spread into things like tower caps and chantriel and such. I also noticed that when the spawn code couldn't find a free space, it'd spread ontop an already existing non-tray-planted plant sometimes. Also it doesn't really seem to respect windoors?




Currently on bay dev: the "It is able to be planted outside of a tray." gene is on the vigour loci, and glowshrooms start with a maturation rate of 15 and a production rate of 1. This effectively means you need mutagen/ray gun or exotic seeds to even start making fast growing spread stuff.

I also notice that on bay-dev, things with that trait don't actually spread. They just sit there and grow, and don't duplicate or grey goo at all. Or at least, I've been sitting here for 30 minutes and haven't seen a single spread but I haven't modified the maturation below 15 so maybe it's a growth thing?


Either way, maybe the better fix would be "update to bay dev botany"?


On a side note, Baydev botany trays also have super fancy features like labeling the tray and a built in light that you can toggle if the area is powered with settings for exact level of lumens.


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The trait is hilarously broken and should be removed/nerfed/restricted to certain varieties of plants. The rate of spread is also ridiculous, Space Kudzu was never that fast, nor was the baystation biomass. I always use a circular saw since it does as much damage as a welder and needs no eye protection or fuel, and I can barely click fast enough to cull the shit back to the main hallways when it gets into RnD.


And I say this as the guy who usually gives Botany 2-3 Somatorays and 3+ buckets (360u) of mutagen as part of my RnD/Science checklist of things to help other people do their jobs.


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I planted these on baydev over three hours ago.


They haven't spread once.


I think just porting latest baydev would fix the problem. Unless the problem is someone making a custom spread proc for glowshrooms on paradise's end. In which case they should stop that shit because it's hilariously broken.


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Hey there, feel I should PROBABLY chime in on this, since i did the port.


So, first off, let me address the spread here vs no spread bay thing: It's broken on Bay! Go figure.


I actually fixed it for us, because it literally did not spread in the initial tests of the port. Apparently, on bay-dev, it still doesn't work. Problem is... it kinda spreads too much and too fast. One thing I'd like to do is some sort of limiting check on the spread, so it doesn't spread over a certain amount. I also need to probably go through and nerf the spread chances AGAIN, since they are still too damn high.


But yes, this is not exactly "broken", but it is in need for further balancing. It's on my checklist, and should hopefully see work quite soon.


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Honestly even a little spreading seems to lag 90 pop servers pretty hard.


How about quartering spread speed per potency (because paradise has a low ticklag and bay doesn't), and basing how far the plant will spread on the inverse of the maturation speed? Also preventing them from spreading onto tiles that already have plants/trays.


Then attach the spread trait back to vigour.


That way, the plant controller won't hammer the server quite as hard, and you can set a limit to how big of a hot mess it makes.


You could make the baseline glowshroom by upping the maturation speed to what works the best, and in order to make uberfast vines you'd either need luck with an exotic seeds crate or a stomato ray/mutagen to bump the maturation speed way down to 1 in order to get the furthest spread.



*Honestly, if there were a way to make these *plant outside of trays* plants not spread at *all* then I'd still use them. For the efficiency value*


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How about quartering spread speed per potency (because paradise has a low ticklag and bay doesn't), and basing how far the plant will spread on the inverse of the maturation speed? Also preventing them from spreading onto tiles that already have plants/trays.


This is roughly what I was thinking, have the potency or something factor into the spread chance, so that the super-fast vines aren't GONE, but rather more difficult to get if that's what you're after. Limiting the spread might be a little trickier, but I'll poke it and/or the other coders to see what can be done there. If I can get limiting working, I'd probably tie that to yield though, over maturation time.

Spreading onto the same tile as plants or trays shouldn't happen. I'll look into that since that sounds like a bug or oversight that I missed.


*Honestly, if there were a way to make these *plant outside of trays* plants not spread at *all* then I'd still use them. For the efficiency value*


That was another thing I was considering, perhaps making a 3rd value for the trait that does the planting without spreading. So it would be something like:


TRAIT_SPREAD = 0 //Requires tray, no spread

TRAIT_SPREAD = 1 //Can be outside tray, no spread

TRAIT_SPREAD = 2 //Can be outside tray, shroom spread (glowshrooms)

TRAIT_SPREAD = 3 //Can be outside tray, vines spread (kudzu)



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one round me and this one orange vulpkanin botanist were doing our thing. growing some stuff (morphine :D) and suddenly the other botanist who was coo all round was like 'THIS IS A BLOB ROUND NOW' and released a couple of what certainly turned out to be the the plant analog of a blob (first nettles then shrooms)


there was definitely admin intervention during that round as I spent most of my time fighting the organic tide-- having to knock back bare morphine to sate my addiction all the while dropping my hatchet pitifully


then, i heard a voice from beyond-- a holy chorus


and almost all the blob plants were goned-- a fighting chance! this had to happen three times over the course of the round


in the end, the plant scourge was vanquished. thnx admins, thx mr skeltal.


amen. nerf spread 2559 or whatever year it is


Mind you, it did give me and a couple other plant-fighters something to do other than our jobs


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Just a reminder on this (will probably still be semi-relevant even if i get these requested changes in) that the weed control crate has plant-b-gone grenades and a scythe. Also, the janitorial ERT gets telescopic scythes. Don't be afraid to call for a clean-up team!

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Please do this. Please. I see this about every other round and it annoys me to no end. To this day I still don't see a point to it. Literally the only thing I ever see these cause are death or... A JANITORIAL ERT. Cue the collective gasp

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Spreading onto the same tile as plants or trays shouldn't happen. I'll look into that since that sounds like a bug or oversight that I missed.


Yeah, that picture I linked earlier, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/q4r ... plants.png

Notice the plants not giving a hoot about trays, and also its hard to see but a lot of those tomato plants are more than one per tile. For an actually visible example, some of the mutant chantrel in the upper right are ontop of tomato.


I also noticed sometimes that spraying wheat stocks would turn them invisible or mutate them, and then suddenly a minute later a mutant strand would pop up elsewhere. Only tomatoes and wheat were planted on the ground that round, so those random wall climbing mutants came about on their own or from spraying.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if somehow the invisible plant trays used for vine spreading in baycode were sticking around invisibly and randomly growing mutants.


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Linking the spread to another trait is useless as long as the required value exists in some other plant's gene. E.g. it's quite easy to make potency 50 spreading plants.


As master botanist, the current code "outside a tray" mode annoys me because the spread gene is an easy way of growing strange plants in quantity for chemistry, but there's definitely no need to grow so many.


The behaviour is also wrong in the sense that it acts like the kudzu gene, with the only exception that the kudzu gene changes the appearance of the plants and can block sight.


I have to say also that botanics is quite cramped, and xenobotany should be in its own airlock space. The other day I had, but didn't release, a nitrogen producing "outside a tray" plant that would have ended the station. Still not as dramatic as what Virology, Xenobiology, Atmos and Engineering can do, but Botanics is missing the "things will be ok as long as the stuff is contained" -- because there's no proper contained area for hypercrops.






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one round me and this one orange vulpkanin botanist were doing our thing. growing some stuff (morphine :D) and suddenly the other botanist who was coo all round was like 'THIS IS A BLOB ROUND NOW' and released a couple of what certainly turned out to be the the plant analog of a blob (first nettles then shrooms)


there was definitely admin intervention during that round as I spent most of my time fighting the organic tide-- having to knock back bare morphine to sate my addiction all the while dropping my hatchet pitifully


then, i heard a voice from beyond-- a holy chorus


and almost all the blob plants were goned-- a fighting chance! this had to happen three times over the course of the round


in the end, the plant scourge was vanquished. thnx admins, thx mr skeltal.


amen. nerf spread 2559 or whatever year it is


God damn I remember that round and god damn I remember that plant-spreading botanist -.-


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Some butt put these on the shuttle, they grew up on somebody when they were still in chair, and he couldn't move. I was trying to get rid of it, but security thought I was attacking the person and arrested me. Heh.

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