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Bag of holding change: Copyloth


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Can we drop that subject of a reference because the reference itself is completely wrong? Putting a bag of holding in a bag of holding only invalidates the inner bags magic, causing it to be a normal bag. It's when you use a bag of holding with a PORTABLE HOLE that the rift to the astral plane happens.


Actually that was a 3.0 change. AD&D and First Edition, attempting put any extra-dimensional spaces in each other had very bad and often destructive results.


I think my wizard got a bit of mental trauma from a glimpse at the far realm... fukken mind flayers and beholders...


Also, as we've said before, Singularity griefing is not commonplace, in-fact it's incredibly rare. This sort of grief requires high bluespace research, cooperative scientists and miners, miners that do their jobs, and competency. The singularity effect may be a reference, but it's a perfectly reasonable effect nonetheless.


Except the BoH is also massively expensive on both minerals to make it AND needing a lot of research done. The times when it is used are often by traitors or a greifer, in which case he gets banned and wasted like what, and hour and a half of his time to do it.


This would have been a valid concern back when BoH were widespread as Christmas presents, but as of right now its kinda laughable to think of anyone doing this super often.


Also as to why it's in, it's a DND refrence I recall.


There was ONE case of BoH grief in the past month, you were the victim. The player who did that was taken care of. You can put away your pitchfork for now, it's not a widespread issue and I see no reason to need to coddle and bubblewrap the server even more by removing this scientist-antag feature.


As a form of grief, I've never seen BoH in BoH being used, INCLUDING in the past month. Until I see actual abuse of the item, I see no reason to remove it's functionality.


You were a victim of this action last night...you complained about it endlessly in OOC--to the point you were told to stop. I see you've taken this to the forums as well.



The only time BoH grief has ever been a consistent problem is during a stint at Christmas when you could easily acquire 2-3 at round-start...even then, it didn't happen every single day.


It's a rarely used mechanic and one that's hardly ever abused, let alone utilized....literally the only time I consistently see it is as an end of the round party trick.


I could go on, but here's the full thread. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4659&hilit=bag+of+holding


If your reasoning is still the same, Surrealistik, discuss a change rather than how stupid the mechanic is. You've already said your part about that, and we've said ours. Quit derailing threads with "this is stupid" and keep them on track with "how can we make it not stupid". If you want it to change, you'll say how, and if you don't want it to change, you'll say why. Discussion over references and whether or not something has a use won't help us give it a use. Discussing what we should add to it to make it have a use should be your priority instead of arguing with opinions. If your idea is genuinely good, we'll see through the responses people give to it.


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Wow nice, way to cherry pick the thread to make me look like the bad guy without providing any context or responses; very classy and exactly what I've come to expect from staff that hold a view contrary to my own. Fuck it, I've said my bit on this dumb as shit grief grail, and I don't think there's one replacement I'd propose that would be accepted; I've got better things to do, like polish my Medborg PR so it can be rejected from merging regardless because it makes them 'too good' or some other equally stupid excuse/rationalization.

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In light of that, changes.


While the BoH in BoH is very rarely seen, it doesn't exactly have to remain the same. Could make it into a dimensional tear, much like the tear to the astral plane, although it loses the whole suck everybody in effect, it still creates a tear in reality and creates bluespace horrors. That or both the bag you had and the bag you put in are deleted, removing them and their contents from existence. Maybe a randomized effect utilizing the food, drink, mob, and paint slime cores. It doesn't absolutely have to change, so I'm not against nor for the possibility of a rework.


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Wow nice, way to cherry pick the thread to make me look like the bad guy without providing any context or responses; very classy and exactly what I've come to expect from staff that hold a view contrary to my own. Fuck it, I've said my bit on this dumb as shit grief grail, and I don't think there's one replacement I'd propose that would be accepted; I've got better things to do, like polish my Medborg PR so it can be rejected from merging regardless because it makes them 'too good' or some other equally stupid excuse/rationalization.

Just saying mine wasn't a direct poke at you, it was irking me you all were talking about that, is all. Sorry if it felt that way.


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