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Anti-Griff Paradise Deliverence System AGPDS


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So you might be sitting there asking yourself, man what with all this ruckus, what could i do to protect myself better from griff?




Well I am glad you asked! As you can see, there is an unusual amount of wacky antics coming from all angles, specifically explosive misbehavior! All this can be solved by adding a function that by a single press of a button, remove all WMD's from a station and provide a alert to said station allowing them to know that they were remotely disabled.


That's not all folks! The plan is beyond some mere adminnery being present for your assured safety. As we bring back the vote function capability to activate this modification of safety and security to your fellow spessmans.


When you find yourself without admins and every round is being ruined by this mysterious masked stranger who keeps pretending to be from other sources. You feel helpless and as though it is just ruining your experience in this wonderful space wonderland! All you have to do is type in vote and your griffer can only do his filthy art by way of trying to outrobust your local security. Or atmos tech. Both of which are significantly dangerous people.


This is not cowing down to terrorists, it is about disarming an individual and then laughing at his future attempts in OOC.


Please note that it is not possible to diffuse all types of explosives this way, (The new chemistry is crazy enough without the tank transfer valves. Nor would we really want to baby-proof the server.) however the level of griff is dramatically reduced by complicating the needs of the individual. Rarely is a bomb a useful tool for the station, as this will not harm anyone's gameplay.


Alternatively, though with great debate, this option could provide the kill air command. This would make several strange issues in the air, not wholly hindering gameplay, but several will notice its effects. This would be intended to remove plasma griff. I do not feel this particular option is wholly needed and would only serve for loud bitching over the device then serve the station.


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"Ah, security, the nuke ops are throwing bombs"

Vote to remove bombs

"Nevermind, we're good"


In other words, a vote to remove explosive only screws over antags with a way that they can't counter. If someone self antags with a bomb, Ahelp it or post a player complaint.


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With a vote, all the players would be well aware of griff or not. Because this system would only work post a round or two of continued griff to make enough people all go, yeah, lets vote this thing in.


Your not going to have enough assholes who will activate this on a whim. And obviously not all WMD's. Obviusly the only thing really to touch would be the tank transfer devices. Traitor items would obviously be excluded.


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This will only be useful after the griffer has already ruined a round or two. but this will prevent them from destroying future rounds, as they are keen on doing it to each successive round.

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