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Replace drones with Vg Mommis


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Just as in the title. Vg mommis are basically superior in every way to paradise drones, and work perfectly within the confines of spacestation 13 due to their lawset.


And they can wear hats.


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VG Mommies: http://ss13.nexisonline.net/wiki/MoMMI


KEEPER lawset:


You may not involve yourself in the matters of another being, even if such matters conflict with Law Two or Law Three, unless the other being is another MoMMI in KEEPER mode.

You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance.

You must maintain, repair, improve, and power the station to the best of your abilities.


On Vg:


How to play as one unassisted: Either set it up as job preference and spawn as one of the two mapstart ones at the mommi nest (which contains two cyborg chargers, an R&D console and a protolathe + autolathe, and a welding tank), or travel to the derelict as ghost and click on the mommi spawner there. Caveat: Derelict mommis have an extra law preventing them from leaving the derelict, and defining the derelict as their station. They also cannot be teleported off the zlevel. (On the flipside, derelict mommis start with a research lab, and since vg's R&D lab is more complete in the amount of things you can build, they have a lot of options for what they want to construct.)


How to play as one assisted: Have a roboticist take a brain, put it in an mmi, then build a mommi shell around it.


What mommis can do that paradise drones can't:


1. Choose from a variety of sprites (though admittedly, most of them are programmer art and ugly. They do have paradise's animate drone sprite though and have headgear and everything all set up for it already).


2. Have glow in the dark eyes; Normal glow blue and Emagged glow red.


3. Pick shit up and use it. Basically everything a human can. Instead of having it as a separate module, their utility claw is built in. They have a single hand for picking up and activating things, but there ARE limitations, but some of them are nonsensical. You can't pick up pieces of paper (I think its a bug cause reading the paper takes precedence), you can't harvest botany trays or do some things that normal hands could, etc.


4. Wear hats. Yes, you can wear a vox space suit helmet and look like some sort of little terrifying scuttling alien.


5. Alt+Click on vents to bring up the ventcrawl dialogue. You can vent crawl.


6. You can construct your own mommi highways using the Rapid pipe dispenser. You can paint tiles using the tile painter. You can synthesize materials using battery (though there was an old pr that might work better, by iamagoofball, where he was trying to replace the synthesizer with a matter recycler. Basically you'd recycle matter and turn it into points, which you could spend on other kinds of materials, with some materials being more expensive than others.)


7. Meson vision. Invaluable.


8. They can be petted.


9. They can use the HIDE verb.


What Paradise drones can do that mommi drones can't:


1. Recycle trash and broken things


2. Be worn as hats (except for ones with the paradise sprite. Those can.)


3. Be joined from as ghosts (except through posibrains and the derelict)


4. Disposal themselves to a location like a piece of trash.


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Not really seeing any great advantage to switching to MoMMis so far from what you've listed. Also, MoMMIs are snowflaked fucking EVERYWHERE in vg code, porting them would be a huge pain in the ass. I don't think this is worth it.

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Give drones that nifty material generation thing and they're strictly better than mommies. Seriously, ours are better, and since there is now a 14 day requirement for drones and 21 day for ERTs, we don't have to worry about repetitive grief with either.


Drones don't need to pick up items. Giving them a little space to store things they can pick up with a magnetic gripper would be good though. And maybe letting the decompiler decompile more stuff.


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I'd rather keep our current drones, and add the tools listed. Painting floors isn't snowflake coded, as far as I know, and the holding items thing should be really nice. You'd have to crack down harder on law ignoring drones, though.

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  • 2 months later...

Is there ever a chance our drones will get vent crawling back? Disposal mailing is fun and all but our Disposal network is less than ideal. Plus, the new vent crawling system is perfect for drones. As long as the gripper doesn't bug out, Drones can do most repairs, though a mini-autolathe function for printing out Airlock and Power controls would be nice, maybe some pipe dispensing too. Adding unique drone charges around the tunnels would be another idea, only drones can charge from them (keeping drones out of the cyborg chargers) and they'd work a bit faster to allow the drones to keep at what they are doing.

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