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pAI change suggestions


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Ok so as a person who has played pAI regularly, I have a few suggestions.


First off, being a pAI is cool, but you can spend a long time doing nothing, even if your owner is doing stuff. So these changes make the pAI more of a usable tool, rather than someone to follow you around.


The ability to plug the pAI into computers or even the wall APC, giving them control of the devices in the room, or that device specifically, allowing the pAI to assist the owner more directly in their work.


Make the Universal Translator a basic app or make it cheaper; the pAI seems to absolutely need it to understand anyone.


give the pAI the ability to pull small objects in drone mode, so that they can bring tools to their owner.


The pAI also needs a flashlight, as a basic app.


These changes are mostly to give the pAI more versatility, and to make them more interesting to play and own. If only one change is made, I would love them to be able to be plugged into machines or APCs.


Thanks for listening.


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The ability to plug the pAI into computers or even the wall APC, giving them control of the devices in the room, or that device specifically, allowing the pAI to assist the owner more directly in their work.



I'd have it function similar to a doorjack, I like the idea.


Make the Universal Translator a basic app or make it cheaper; the pAI seems to absolutely need it to understand anyone.


Changes to the say code caused that - as they need it to speak at ALL now, It'd be nice to see it free to speak common (maybe tradeband and trinary as well?), and cost a small amount for other languages. Or be free.


give the pAI the ability to pull small objects in drone mode, so that they can bring tools to their owner.



Hesitant. It seems to go against the general idea of them, interacting with the world physically and what not. Especially as the nuke disk is small.



The pAI also needs a flashlight, as a basic app.





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pAIs should be able to edit security and medical records to have more use for doctors and officers as well as an ability to view the newscaster.


You should be able to insert pAIs into laptops. They can interface with the laptop when the lids shut and use all it's features. Preferably without ending up deaf and mute in the process.


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pAIs should be able to edit security and medical records to have more use for doctors and officers

Fuck no, not when all pAI's are slaved to their masters, it would be so easy to just get your pAI to set every officer to arrest, or remove your arrest status, or even purging your security records completely


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How about pAI's can do some sort of pain damage to another pAI, which would only cause the pAI to fold up again after about five to ten hits.

Then we can all play pAIkemon.

Get it?

I'll step out now.


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pAIs should be able to edit security and medical records to have more use for doctors and officers

Fuck no, not when all pAI's are slaved to their masters, it would be so easy to just get your pAI to set every officer to arrest, or remove your arrest status, or even purging your security records completely


Obviously there would be access limits. But it's a feature everybody wants because updating records is a bugger and a pAi is the perfect assistant to do so. It's suggested time and time and time again and it's never considered and often knee-jerk responses like that are the most consideration it ever gets.


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If the pAI were to change records, I would recommend making an ID swipe function built in, giving the pAI a sort of "basic access" code, so if it were security, it would also act like a security pAI, or same with the medical version. For this to work, however, i would also recommend that the only way for the pAI to be able to do this is if they are DNA-locked to the person wo swiped the ID.


and now that I'm thinking about it again, how about the pAI can fight viruses? like the ones that say they appear in the brig. And make it one of those button press RPGs like the arcade machines, then you can virus bust like megaman.exe, would be interesting too, if when the snack machines go crazy the pAI could plug into one and literally battle it, and if it wins it goes back to normal. Would need some sort of draw back if it loses.


Also pAI programs could add, in addition to the flashlight from before, a chemical mixing simulator, so the chemist can see what something will make before he makes it (could become available with a chemist ID swipe if that feature is added, locked programs for different jobs), a camera viewer (could also be locked to security and command), Newscaster app, online library viewer (Ebooks!), arcade app (though more suited to the actual PDA), ID locked app for RD or robotics could also be a borg status console (without the ability to lockdown or destroy them though maybe), access to requests console (based on what type of ID is swiped), and/or a security hailer (also locked to a SEC ID), OH, and maybe a hologram emitter, so the pAI can sort of move around like the AI in a room without going into drone mode, and looking spiffy as heck talking to people.


also what about plugging a pAI into a borg or spider drone, unoccupied, to give it free range? Though that would probably be a bit much.


though that gives me an idea...




evil pAI working with syndicate, full of evil technology!


Stealth doorjack, flash (1 use), stun baton (1 use), lock decryptor (for secure briefcase and wallsafes), fake beepsky drone sprite?


Could be interesting to add to syndicate rounds...


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I definitely feel that the pAI needs more utility and accessibility. They should definitely remain secondary roles. I feel the need to pre-emptively state this. I simply would like the pAI to become a much more mechanically useful and attractive assistant to people beyond the wisdom and companionship of a little thing in your pocket.


However, we need a coder genuinely interested in such a project to voice their interest. I often see the same ideas suggested over and over again over a variety of communities (at least, the ones that have pAIs) but it won't matter unless someone's interested in actually delving into the code buggy, weird little item/mob things.


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