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I'm a very inconsiderate player who pisses people off a lot and has someone managed to not be perma banned yet.

That said, if you see Queeg Ultor Zegax John Quitacre Honkekeke or Ougadouharwhatsit (No I can't spell it either) then it means it me behind that particular sprite.


Been playing SS13 for about a year, heard about it on the Paradox forums, first server I joined was Best RP and I was promptly perma banned for beating myself to death with a crowbar, joined Goon a few times and had no idea what to do, gave up, quit for a while, got bored of Skyrim and reinstalled BYOND, logged into paradise since it was the most populated, and have played here almost exclusively since.


Learned to play by playing captain, was remarkably not a comdom (I remember getting an admin PM from Cian on my second ever round telling me how not useless I was), first actual job I learned off by heart was chemist, followed by R&D, switched to cargo, then back to science, got a tonne of karma after a few rounds as a robust antag, was an IPC for while then a slimebeast, currently mostly a Vox transitioning to Grey.


I'm a young (ish) male adult from the north England, Google apparently knows this so you can too.

I tend to hoard items a lot, I always go for the yellow gloves, though recently I've been trying to be less of a powergamey asshole.

I enjoy max cap bombs, napalm grenades, and insulated gauntlets.

I don't really RP much, I do however always stay IC (apparently I have really good Vox grammar), the only RP I'm usually involved though is when sec arrests me for thermiting into EVA.

I understand people enjoy the game differently, but if I see any snowflakes being dicks then yes, I will troll them (all IC of course!).


I'm not very robust, which is why I usually play sneaky, I never ever rambo unless I have no choice/have a double esword/am a kidan.

I've been banned once, for three days for excessive violence, specifically a rage incident involving holo carp.

Favourite antag role would have to be wizard, who doesn't love jaunting around being weird and giving everyone horseheads?


The thing that annoys me most: BS loyalty implants, yes, its rev and you should be implanting suspicous folks, no, implanting random people in the hallways 4NORAISON is not okay, especially when its isn't actually rev, and that guy was a traitor who didn't do anything to draw suspicion to himself, whose round you just ruined and RAGHH EAT HOLOCARP COMDOM -banned-.


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