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Oxygen Deprivation Sickness (Cerebral Hypoxia)


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Ever been walking through a hallway and see a yellow/orange flashing light on an air alarm (general atmos alert) ? I think this can be put to use. Along with being deprived of oxygen in a red-light zone besides just a ruptured lung.


Real life cerebral hypoxia happens in 4 stages:

1. Diffuse cerebral hypoxia - Mild to moderate impairment of brain function. (Yellow/Orange Air Alarm light room - AKA a general atmos alert.)

2. Focal cerebral ischemia - An ischemic stroke. (I would go into medical detail but it's a video game, we'll be fine). (Continually staying in a yellow/orange air alarm light room, or entering a red air alarm light room and not putting on your O2 tank for a certain period of time.)

3. Global cerebral ischemia - Complete stoppage of blood flow to the brain. (Entering a red air alarm light room and not putting on your O2 tank for a sustained amount of time).

4. Massive Cerebral infarction - A total "stroke" which effects the brain massively. (Staying in a red air alarm light room, and never putting on your O2 tank.)


Mechanically, as in in-game like, I would expect someone with cerebral hypoxia to have the following symptoms:

Stage 1 - You feel disoriented.

This would be the first indication to oxygen deprivation, the player might shrug it off but it will get quite annoying. You will drop items randomly (John Doe drops the wrench!) in your hands, you will walk in odd directions (much like being drunk) and you may feel noxious.


Stage 2 - Your head hurts.

The stroke will occur like a true ischemic stroke. This would increase the disorientation from stage 1, along with voice mishaps (Much like being drunk in SS13, except not as bad. Still has slurrs, grammatical errors, and could remove a word or two from your sentence).


Stage 3 and 4 - These will likely end with you passing out, like in most O2-lacking situations in SS13. They will lead to death. They follow the same emotes as a regular lack-of-O2 situation in SS13.


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I'd like to add more indications (not just about oxygen deprivation) like sweating in a hot room (30*C and up) and some appropriate problems living in overpressurized room (130 kPA?), also shivering in cold temperatures.

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