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tsmarmite admin abuse for Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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Admin(s) Key: tsmarmite
Your ckey (Byond username):Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Your Discord name (if applicable): rat joker

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred):5/15.24

ROUND ID:Round 35794

Nature of complaint:   is abusing power
(Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): bulling and froce name change  and being a dick 

Full description of events by forcing pepole to chage there names  and banning theme and deing and aban apell for not being not convincing enough to the  tsmarmite expectaions of ban apell.

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Hi Kigor, and thank you for posting this admin complaint.

Abuse of power is a serious complaint, and I have reviewed your ban notes and the denied appeal. In this case, it appears you were banned for your attitude towards @ItsMarmite and repeated inability to follow the rules in a short time, culminating in you being asked to change your name, which you see as 'bulling' (by which I assume you mean bullying).

Upon review of your appeal, I must agree that I find it very lackluster, and it does not assure me you would be a good contribution to "pradice sation" as you call it, and am sadly forced to agree with Marmite that the appeal is not one worthy of having your ban lifted. Marmite suggested you appeal again, taking it a bit more seriously. If you read other ban appeals that were successful, you'll see many are, and that reading the rules can go a long way towards having said appeal accepted. Denying this is not classified thus as an abuse of power, as it is an admins responsibility to make sure the quality of player we have is high, and your appeal does not speak to being a high quality of player.

The "froce name change" is not an abuse of power, as that is required for admins to uphold our rules and naming standards, in the interests of creating an environment that is conducive to the level of roleplay we wish to see.

When it comes to "bulling" you, I see no evidence of Itsmarmite ramming you with a set of horns or being angered by the colour red.

Thus I will have to conclude this complaint is without merit, but I understand you have raised other complaints that need to be addressed, specifically: 

This are some serious allegations. @ItsMarmite having not heard of the past would be a shocking allegation against an admin, as understanding the linear flow of time and the differences between past, present, and future, are basic skills required to perform as an administrator. We cannot have someone confusing the past and future, because violations in causality could result in paradoxes. If they ban a player in the past for an action they will perform in the future, then the player will never be able to log in to perform said action, and this could result in the destruction of the universe. We will counsel @ItsMarmite about such things, to make sure they have heard of the past.


I have checked, and it does appear they have read the rules however, so be assured that when it comes to enforcement of these, in the past, present, or future, that our admin staff have indeed read these.


Additionally, personal bias is a worrying allegation. I have been unable to find any evidence of this however, as in the year or so since you were banned you were not in contact with Marmite. Please let us know what could have caused this bias - have you perhaps had romantic entanglements that did not end well, or were you promoted for a job that Marmite wanted? Are you of a race, class, or gender that Marmite is biased against? I can find no other reasons for Marmite to be biased against you, so such allegations will indeed need more evidence.

Finally, I wish to respond to the subject of your message to Marmite:


Fuck you too, buddy. Learn to spell, read the rules, and put some effort into actually being a worthwhile player before you try another appeal.

Complaint is without merit, hilarious, and denied.





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