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Make Drying Racks Not Rely On Power.


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This has been discussed before and I am primarily motivated for the same reason. I'd like ashwalkers to be able to make leather for things like goliath cloaks. I was able to make drying racks work on lavaland by changing 


    if(has_power() && anchored)
        stat &= ~NOPOWER
        stat |= NOPOWER

to just


        stat &= ~NOPOWER

along with changing the power consumptions to 0.

I dont know which change is the primary reason it works, but it works. There was the implied assumption that the PR would be looked into, and I guess it just never was. But now the work is mostly done, we can have a drying rack that doesnt need power and allow ashwalker to produce leather as a result. I'd love to see the drip :)

Edited by Aligote
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A la Cunningham's Law, here ya go.

There should be a variable on `/obj/machinery` that's called `requires_power`. You should set this to `FALSE` on the drying rack, and then remove any code on the drying rack that checks for it needing power, and after that, making sure it will always work!

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1 hour ago, DGamerL said:

There should be a variable on `/obj/machinery` that's called `requires_power`. You should set this to `FALSE` on the drying rack, and then remove any code on the drying rack that checks for it needing power, and after that, making sure it will always work!

Swapped for this solution.

Edited by Aligote
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