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Discrepancy When Uploading New Images to Existing Files.


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Page URL(If applicable): Guide to Editing the Wiki

Description of your suggestion or issue report: When you upload a new image to an existing file to update it, the past file will remain with the new image's dimensions on the page it's used, from the editor's side. The solution is simply to delete one's cache to force the browser to use the new image.

While this is an issue, I also have a suggestion.

In the section on "Uploading a New Image to an Existing File" in the Guide to Editing the Wiki, just add a disclaimer to delete one's browser cache to update the image on the page they are working on.

Again, this is just a suggestion, more thorough solutions would be much appreciated.

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Good to hear. However, the page is protected. Hopefully, someone with access can make the edit or find a more thorough solution.

Edited by Aligote
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