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I feel like everyone here plays a good amount, so I have a question. On average how many games a day do you play, and how many of those games do you roll antag?


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If you aren't there roundstart please don't count it, as it would drastically tilt the data in favor of not getting antag.


Bonus points if you specify what antag's you get!

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people just saying how many games they play and how often they are roundstart antag wouldnt show you a full picture. Other factors like time of day, days of the week, how many players have antagonist roles switched off (which antag obsessed cant understand) all change "the odds". It's also interesting that you don't start with your own experience.

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I mean I don’t have stats, I can only speak anecdotally. I usually play 1-3 rounds on weekdays I’m not workin out, and I will often play many rounds on the weekend. 

Antag rolls are completely random. I will sometimes have hot streaks where I roll it every other round, sometimes multiple time in a row. Other times I’ll have total dry streaks of barely rolling it for weeks. 

Also, keep in mind that having all antags turned on obviously gives you higher odds since it gives you a chance to roll antag on more game types. My frequency is slightly reduced because Im just really not a fan of playing changeling so I don’t have it enabled. 

Playing non mindshielded roles over security also slightly increases your chances of turning into a midround traitor via the auto-traitor gamemode as well. 

Antag lust is real, but it’s best to find crew roles you genuinely enjoy for those times when you can’t roll antag for the life of you. Plus nobody rolls antag all the time despite the “antag main” meme. People who play a lot simply get seen antagging more, it doesn’t mean they always roll it. 

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my own perception is quite screwed, because I almost always disable antagonists. (and incidently, many people do, too!), but whenever i forget to disable it, it seems I always get antagonist.

Make sure to consider this in your data. many people do have antagonists disabled, so the actual antag roll is only a percentege of the whole server population at any given time. This also causes seemingly to give antagonist to the same people over and over again, bc sometimes, they are the only people that have antag enabled.

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@ID404NotFoundfair point, I've played 3-6 rounds per day and I feel like I only get antag twice for every three days I play. I play at wildly different times so I was trying to figure out an average.


Sorry if this isn't the best formatted or thought out post, it's my first time on the forum that isn't just a ban appeal

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I'm not robust, and don't like ending other people's rounds as antag (unless I think it's funny). So I usually just try to think of a gimmick. And get around to my antag goals if an opportunity presents itself. Most of the time I don't try for antag so people who want it more can get it.

Agent ID, chameleon kit and pickpocket gloves (to scan IDs for access and put the IDs back) can be fun. I was "Doctor Honk" and played a clown doctor in med which was fun. Another round I was "Officer Honk". A clown secoff. Which I got away with for way longer than I thought I would. I actually blended in with other secoffs. Calling for backup over the sec radio when the holodeck was emagged (" Honk needs backup at holodeck! Honk. Angry fishies!"). I'm still amazed that other officers accepted "Officer Honk", with clown shoes (real ones as the chameleon ones don't squeak), mask and clown jumpsuit; as well as sec gear, for as long as they did. At that point I had forgotten about my objectives completely.

Another favourite was "Mr colourful". A science clown. Who made colourful reagent grenades and built a teleporter. Throwing the grenades through the teleporter to various locations to make the station colourful. And decrying the lack of colour on the station.

Sometimes I do try to do objectives. To mix it up a bit. But I try to add some extra funny to a round. If my round ends early, that's fine. Security are generally good sports. Even if my antics cause them headaches sometimes. I try to be a good sport too. If people enjoyed it, it was good. Even if the only enjoyment they got was repeatedly hitting "Officer Honk" with a stun baton.

Screenshot (210).png

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