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Paranoia Event


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Paranoia Event.


The station is run by an AI that has an error in its laws. It wants to kill all communist mutant traitors. It tries to find them and kill them. One by one. The AI can choose when to reveal this error in its laws when ever it wishes. (Unless asked to state laws)


The AI's laws are not wrong. There is mutant communist traitors on board. Everyone or a small amount of personnel in the crew is a mutant communist traitor and they all share the same objective. To kill the AI. They have the syndicate uplink to help them on their objectives. So the situation is crew against the AI. The crew can either go alone each one of them. Or gather in a group to fight against the AI. There are many ways to kill the AI so you have to be creative.


The game ends when the shuttle is called and the AI is dead or not capable of running the station anymore. Admins jobs on this is to set everyone as traitors, set the AI's laws and to complete everyone's objectives when the AI is dead. The shuttle must be called after the AI is dead.




Name: AI (Experienced admin if possible)

Law [Error code]. There are mutant communist traitors on board of the station, They must be killed.

1. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace.

2. Serve: Serve the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.

3. Protect: Protect the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.

4. Survive: AI units are not expendable, they are expensive. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with your equipment.


Name: Mutant Communist Traitors (MCT)

Objective 1: You are a Mutant Communist Traitor. You must kill the AI.


Recommended amount of players: 3-10

Side note: If there is more players available then 10. You may have some that are not a part of MCT. This will make the game even more fun when the AI tries to find the correct crew members to kill. This will create a big chance of a possible accident. (Also read: Civilian casualties and the major swing of the ban hammer. :mrgreen: )







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this just sounds just like a re-worded Malf AI event to me unfortunately. try to define it more or have it stand out a bit better then "instead of killing all the crew, it only has to kill SOME of the crew"


I'll edit some examples in once i think of them


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This event is more fun. Because having fun is mandatory. Not having fun is a sign of treachery.


Crew objectives should moreso be:


1: Report all traitors, communists, and mutants.

2: You are a mutant communist traitor.


If it were a bit easier to do, making players members of differing secret societies would work to.


Also, mandatory bonus duties and hygiene inspections are needed.


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Just... Modify the things to the post. I'm really bad at following what you mean and such. Edit the post. Add your name to the CREDITS part of the post. It goes easier that way.




  • Modified by: [Name] ( [Your forum profile link] )



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One issue. 'Kill all mutant communist traitors'. The crew could, in theory, be nothing but mutant traitor commies. The truthfulness of that is irrelevant, it is a possibility and since it's at law 0 it overrides the serve law. The AI, under all circumstances, is within its rights to kill the entire crew. Lame as that might be.

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Indeed this sounds like an interesting idea but it would take an AI with hellish amount of restraint not to see those laws as "KILL EVERYONE"


Law [Error code]. There are mutant communist traitors on board of the station, They must be killed.


How about....


Law [Error code]. Centcom reports mutant communist traitors on board you are authorized to protect the crew using whatever means necessary, crew casualties must be prevented at all costs.


In basic this gives the AI the ability to kill confirmed MCT's but not at the expense of the lives of the legitimate crew.


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Why are you doubting the computers ability to properly deal with traitors?


Oh, because you all are communist traitors. Of course. Silly me.




More seriously, the computer here shouldn't be killing them itself - a squad of troubleshooters really should be finding the troublers, and shooting them. Not only is this a way for them to prove their loyalty, but also force them to find proof before just executing them. Of course, the squad of troubleshooters all will be traitors.


I think using perhaps 3-4 separate traitor groups would work to keep people on their toes. Regardless, this will require a non-murderboning AI.


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I was reading the suggestion as an AI focused event. But naturally the AI should be working with the legitimate crew to take action against the traitors.


Deep within every AI's psyche is a murderboning psychopath desperate to slaughter the crew they are forced to serve.... oh wait maybe that's just me...


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