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Klara Rio


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Name: Klara Rio

Age: 30

Gender: Female+

Race: Tajaran

Blood Type: O+

General Occupational Role(s):

- Blueshield Lieutenant



Despite being Tajaran, Klara was born and raised in human space among humans. As such, she adopted most of the mannerisms of the humans she lived with and around, and a more human sounding name to separate herself from the rest of her kind. Though she is fluent in Siik'Tajr, she resents its use. Early on she had an interest in the sciences as they continually advanced and progressed, and wanting to, in her words "be on the forefront of technological advancement". She was recruited into NanoTrasen when she was 17 and has worked various odd jobs while getting special education. She was turned down for a Scientist position, despite it being what she had wanted to do, and instead received forensic training.



- Command Training

- Security Training

- Forensic Training

- Weapons Training

- Basic Engineering Knowledge

- Basic Medical Knowledge

- Basic Surgical Knowledge


Employment Records:

Since joining the corporation, Klara has had a meritorious service. After an initial rotation through various jobs in her early days as she received forensic training, she was quick to adjust to the role of a detective and was not one to stand by idly as a station was threatened. That was what, rapidly, jumped her from Detective to Head of Security by saving and protecting a Captain. Her service as Head of Security was typically very eventful, dealing with various threats both internal and external and gathering the prejudices and lessons that shaped her current career.


Eventually she reached a level of Captaincy due to her achievements, and as such settled down into a more stable role. After some time she was chosen as a candidate for the Blueshields, and rapidly rose to become a Lieutenant. She still does odd jobs on the NCS Cyberiad, but focuses primarily on the jobs that brought her to her current level within the corporation.


There are rumors that Klara is feared among the xenomorph hives, though all rumors are unconfirmed.


Previous Occupations:

In Order from First to Most Recent:

- Cargo Technician

- Security Officer

- Detective

- Head of Security

- Captain

- Blueshield


Security Records:

All around Klara has a clean security record aside from minor incidents and an "attempted murder" charge after shooting an officer with a shotgun during her initial rotation. Any other crimes have been whitewashed or pardoned due to minor faults or proper corporate service.


Medical Records:

Mostly fit and healthy, Klara has lost her right arm and right leg, having them replaced with robotic prostheses. She received a new, mechanical heart after extensive damage to her chest caused her natural one to cease functioning. Her eyes were replaced with mechanical eyes after another accident on the job. Otherwise she's as healthy as a Tajaran woman can get at her age.


Klara has been noted on records, for quite a while, as being a known vampire and actively working with NanoTrasen due to enjoyment of employment. Unlike many, she keeps thirst in check most of the time, which causes a falling off of her abilities during that period.


Mental Evaluation:

While mentally stable, Klara has a particular hatred of the Unathi for currently unknown reasons, or at least reasons that she will not share. Typically shrugs off generally racist remarks, but is known to threaten violence for more overt and hostile remarks directed at her.



Only known family - the only family she'll admit to having - are all also employed by NanoTrasen in various roles. Her biological mother, Kyla Rio, works chiefly as a Roboticist on various stations. Her stepsister, Luca Rio, works as a Virologist and is a former Chief Engineer, and a Blueshield before that. She is recently married to Si'Makra, a fellow Tajaran.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

Standing just under five and a half feet tall, Klara is hardly intimidating for a person of her standing and experience. Were she to remove her uniforms, she'd show seemingly countless scars on her body from the fights she was in and the actions she partook in over the many years working for NanoTrasen. She keeps herself neatly groomed though, covering up the worst of the scars and maintaining an excellent appearance overall. One thing that stands out from the clean appearance she keeps are blue silks around her tail as part of Tajaran culture, signifying a marriage.


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:

-Medal of Robustness. (In delivery process)


Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


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After almost a year of tumbling the commendation around intense debate between the CentComm's command staff it has been decided that, for defeating alone a full team of highly trained and extremely competent syndicate strike ops, for making a swarm of grown xenomorphs flee in terror, and for above average performance as Blueshield despite how prone is the heads of staff are kill theirselves, Klara Rio will be given the Medal of Robustness, wear it with pride.

(As the person in question could not be found, the medal will given to the next Head of Security of the NSS Cyberiad for safekeeping, someone tell him to keep it in a dry place or it will rust.)


Glory to NanoTrasen.


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After almost a year of tumbling the commendation around intense debate between the CentComm's command staff it has been decided that, for defeating alone a full team of highly trained and extremely competent syndicate strike ops, for making a swarm of grown xenomprhs flee in terror, and for above average performance as Blueshield despite how prone is the average head of staff to kill himself, Klara Rio will be given the Medal of Robustness, wear it with pride.

(As the person in question could not be found, the medal will given to the next Head of Security of the NSS Cyberiad for safekeeping, someone tell him to keep it in a dry place or it will rust.)


Glory to NanoTrasen.


You're late :P


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You're late :P


A NanoTrasen functionary is never late, nor is he early, he gets shit done precisely when he means to.


That sounds like something a wizard would say.


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You're late :P


A NanoTrasen functionary is never late, nor is he early, he gets shit done precisely when he means to.

What if he means to get it done late?


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Hmm...I don't see REDACTED anywhere when I look at it.

Good enough for me!



Also, Nanotrasen is a mystical entity and dont you dare question their methods


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