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Selena Quinn


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I was AI playing a round where CentCom was doing everything possible to cut costs and raise profits. Eventually they demand 2000 units of plasteel. They send in ERT to help make it. The ERT does alright at first. Then they sort of lost track of their mission. They started plundering and murdering in the name of profit. They took everything not nailed down. This could have been forgiven, but they began to kill people. Assistants, security, scientists, Blue Shield, the Captain. I called them out on this. I seal their shuttle doors and demanded that they be arrested for murder. So naturally their leader, Selena Quinn, breaks into my core and cards me for defying them. I later see her spawn in things using admin powers.


What the fuck guys.


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Although it still upsets me how complacent the crew was.


We still have people dying in radiation storms despite the massive alarm, explicit message and flashing lights across the station. I think the NT loyalty brainwashing might have side effects on the crew.


The purpose of admin-run special events is to subvert the expectations that develop since people are used to seeing only what's directly coded into the game itself. Basically to break the assumptions that fuel metagaming. A hostile ERT seems like a good example of this principle.


I wasn't involved in this event at all, so I'll leave further commenting to anyone familiar with the situation.



M Kenner.


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