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While I did not pay attention to what you did, I did follow the conversation between you and Regens, and during the entire thing he was civil, if not somewhat annoyed by you essentially killing a person in a fairly terrible way, slowly.


In regards to you also being banned, does not make this complaint valid as for me it seems like you are angry at the banning admin for banning you.


There is also the fact that you replied several times in a way that can be construed as being rude and mouthing of to an admin.


Bans are one part punishment, one part take a break and calm down.


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PM to-Regens: hey

Game Master PM from-Regens: Why the fuck did you drag rebecca out of medbay to die?


seems legit, what would make you think i'm angry? (i can sit out a day quite easy, just the principal that bothers me at all) Any other admins wish to weigh in on my appeal? Or can appeals be denied by the same admin that banned you..?


Edit also he's locked my ban appeal stating he's allowed to be vulgar at me because he had to contact me 3 times (i only actually see one time me not responding in the logs, and that regens admits himself was probably because of the spam on my screen) which is a bit hypocritical because thats apparently what i've been banned for :/


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