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Game mode: infection


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So it'd be an infection type mode, meaning that one person is the starter of the "plague" and would be a specific species, or something specifically indentifiable, but easily spread via bite, or contact, or something. and the goal would be for the infected to spread to everyone they could, and this could maybe affect IPC too just so it's not the IPC with infected monkeys deal, and the bite could be so it is not as out of control as infected monkeys again.

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This idea's been shot down before because it basically amounts to murderboning. Other similar events, such as xenos and terror spiders, at least have some mechanics among the opposing faction aside from infection via physical contact.

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Well, we could just port TG's Romerol. It's basically a zombie virus that sits dormant until you die, at which point you turn into a zombie. It costs 25 crystals meaning you have to work with another traitor to afford it(Or get super lucky with a surplus crate) and the initial item is a bottle of the virus with a dropper and you can go squirt it in people's eyes to infect them.

Would essentially allow for your infection mode with a few changes and another interesting tator item.

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Yea. When a romerol zombie attacks you(They have claws btw that do like fifteen damage and with TG's object health system it does enough damage to smash down doors with time. It was to prevent zombies using tasers for example.) you're automatically infected. If someone does organ manipulation on your head they get a fluff message about a web of stringy, disgusting pus filled stuff on your brain and they can remove it to cure you. (This can also be done to active zombies to cure them. Decapitation also disables zombies permanently.)

Finally, because people would cheese them endlessly, Romerol zombies are immune to stuns, and they regenerate health if they haven't taken damage in the last few cycles.

To be fit for the paradise community they might need some tweaking and probably be relegated to a hijack only item or some such. Most romerol outbreaks tend to consume the entire crew because the person with the virus bottle goes around and can infect half the crew and then once the first zombie rises it quickly gets out of hand.

Edited by KingPhilipIII
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