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ID Locked Items


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CM has this mechanic where if you try to use a taser or stun baton as someone other than an MP, the taser or stun baton will tell you that it is ID locked and administer a non lethal stunning shock to the person that tried to use it. On CM, marines can get actual firearms, and don't have much of a use for tasers and stun batons. On servers like paradise, people would do a lot for something like a taser or stun baton. An officer can pull out their stun baton on a perp, but the problem is that their baton can be easily used on themselves after a lucky disarm or push. Once a taser runs out of charges, someone quick enough can run up to the officer and try to swipe that taser. Stun batons and tasers are powerful things on servers like paradise, and sometimes I've found lightly used tasers on the floor in hallways. Adding ID locks to stun batons and tasers would put the officer at ease of the fact that their two most used items would not be able to be used against them. A trade off would be that if a perp without sec access tried to pull the trigger or change the mode on a taser, it would shock them and floor them for a time equal to a taser's, using up a charge of that taser. Using a baton without sec access would do the same.

If the perp had security access though, it would work normally.

Edited by ContactDenied
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This has come up before and it's worthy of noting that Traitors with access to emags are not the only antagonists on the station. I would only be happy with such a change if there were ways to obtain similar items for antagonists as the makeshift items are lacklustre to say the least.

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This has come up before in the guise of firing pins that detect loyalty implants and such - A very strong security buff, and as pointed only traitors have a counter to this - Vampires and shadowling thralls would be most impacted by this, changelings could live with this change.

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Well this seems a bit more simple with obtaining a security ID. If you have the ID (or a made by the ID console) then you'll be able to use the gun. This will allow any antag to be able to use it if they work for it.

Edited by Jovaniph
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A simple fix in that regard is making it just scan for the ID. If an antag somehow managed to get a security hybrid taser, then they likely have or even any weapons access would do. I'd imagine AEGs wouldn't have this requirement as they aren't standard security made items.

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I feel this (or something like it) would help balance shadowling rounds a decent bit. Any time I've been a sling, once my thralls get thier hands on one taser I suddenly have an endless supply of thrall victims  (literally faster than I can actually thrall them) and ascension comes quickly and boringly.

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An officer can pull out their stun baton on a perp, but the problem is that their baton can be easily used on themselves after a lucky disarm or push.



Once a taser runs out of charges, someone quick enough can run up to the officer and try to swipe that taser.

This sounds like something that should happen? The officer missed every shot, if I'm reading this right, so why is the chance of him being disarmed a problem?


Adding ID locks to stun batons and tasers would put the officer at ease of the fact that their two most used items would not be able to be used against them.

Beyond "Tasers are strong", there's still no reason given as to why this should be the case.


A trade off would be that if a perp without sec access tried to pull the trigger or change the mode on a taser, it would shock them and floor them for a time equal to a taser's, using up a charge of that taser. Using a baton without sec access would do the same.

This isn't a trade-off, this is a second buff.

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There's also the implication in this thread that non-antagonists suddenly having almost no chance against an officer, even if the officer is careless, is fine. 

This would also affect situations inside the Brig, making a fair bit of Security almost trivial. Escaping perma via careless officer would be significantly harder, since most people rely on stealing their baton or taser to do this, after slipping them. There would be no risk at all to brigging normal prisoners, outside of escape, and pepper spray would be redundant.

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I had originally wrote a bunch of pro sec salt then realized that both anti sec and pro secs animosity towards each other mostly spawns from experiences with players who have most likely been banned at this point.

Pretty sure this will be a pain in the was code wise so I wouldn't worry about it being implemented. Bigger fish to fry.

Edited by ZN23X
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I don't find that very good really, as if anything happens you can't have a way to use the tazer unless you are a officer
Example: A Shadowling thrall slips the officer that is holding the tazer and you get it, you gonna fire and get shocked
but not only that,as not being able to use a tazer because you aren't a officer is a incredible buff, as you can't counter a officer as a civilian

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I like the idea but this is too hard to balance, it's going to nerf badly a lot of antags. 

I understand the idea is to keep taser only for security because they are really strong, but I think the problem is the taser himself. I'm totally up to see them removed and replaced by the pistol  .45 with rubber bullets. 

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