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Nitrous Oxide Upgrades


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So, we got this fancy N2O gas but the only thing it gets used for is anesthesia for medical which shouldn't ever run out. And 99.7% of rounds the N2O in atmos can't even really be utilized because it would be grief. So I propose some upgrades.


First of all, N2O is an excellent mono-propellant and could be used to either make jetpacks faster or just make them last longer.

Secondly, N2O, while inflammable at room temperature and pressure, is actually an excellent oxidizer once it gets heated up because it will decompose exothermically once it gets to around 600C, not only feeding its own reaction with the heat but also adding a ton of free oxygen to feed any secondary fires. I propose that N2O is made to decompose like this around 600C (or more for balance) into oxygen and nitrogen and release a small bit of heat in the process.

Thirdly, N2O is often used recreationally. However in-game this has some difficulties. Mainly due to the threshold between laughing all the time and passing out 95% of the time is less than 1%(at least according to previous tests) difference and mixing tanks to 0.1% tolerances is pretty damn hard. I propose that the threshold for passing out from N2O is raised very slightly to allow people to wear N2O/O2 mixed tanks to run around and be high. This may also require an adjustment for the visibility thresholds for N2O in the air and it wouldn't be bad to increase some of the effects of being on laughing gas like lesser hallucinations.

Fourth, N2O is often used for food sprays. If there was a way for the Chef to utilize cans of N2O to make like whipped cream cans, canned cheese, or cooking spray that would be cool. Possibly utilize small hand airtanks with a different color sprite to power the canned cheese which can be removed and recharged by atmos.

Lastly, is chemical use, I don't know how this would be done, I would assume it would require a new device that allows canisters to be attached and utilized in the production of a chemical, most specifically ROCKET FUEL! From rocket fueled space pods to rocket fuel bombs, rocket fuel bottle rockets, ROCKET SKATES! Rocket jetpacks! Rocket fuel campfires! Actual Rockets and Missiles! The possibilities are endless!


Feedback appreciated.

Edited by GelatinousGlob
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I'd just like to not be giggling like a school girl for the rest of the round whenever someone is put under for surgery.  It's kind of awkward to be laughing as the Brig Physican when you just ran into the OR dragging your bosses's decapitated body behind you. (That happened this weekend) It kind of ruins the immersion a bit, you know?

Edited by EvadableMoxie
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To use N2O recreationally, just hold the tank in your hand so when you pass out you drop it.

The giggling is due to a weird issue with exhalation, so the patient exhales the N2O and it slowly builds up. You can see similar from plasmamen who stand in the same place for a long time, but with more flammable goodness.

Last time I talked to coders about it it basically would require a massive overhaul of some life code to do it I believe, and coders aren't know for being good at life :P

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