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Temperature Control


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Currently Air Alarms have only a marginal effect on room temperature. The adjustable temperature has has a to low span and no impact at all, besides a very little pressure change.

I would love to see that the temperature range you can set on air alarms has a larger range.

A normal one from -30 °C  to 60 °C. The Freezer Room -80 °C to +20 °C. The temperature changes should be feel-able by the people working there.

At the moment it is no difference for humans and so on, if you have 10 or 30°C. They did not even notice there is a change at all.

People should sweat over 35 ° and get a Heat shock and get sick. Also they should react to temps lower then 10 °C, they should get a cold.

RP like this would be reptilian races should prefer warmer rooms around 20-40 if they have their own office the should be able to change that. Drask on the opposite should be able to create cool rooms for themselves.

If you are extended to a temperature span your race is not build for and you have not the right equipment ( clothes, suits..) you should have drawbacks.


Maybe hackable to produce really cold or hoter environments. A room with a temperature about 120 Degrees would not usable by normal means if not handled by a atmospheric tech.

Maybe the Airalarms are prone to malfunctions. Even more work to do for engineers and atmospheric techs.


All who state the our pipe distribution don´t deliver such temperature, i think it should be handled as a  air conditioning system. They should act independent.  Maybe colder and hoter temperatures require a higher energy amount to maintain ( faster apc depletion ).

Edited by BiberDark
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Well, you can already RP about the temperature, but you would basically always have to check your PDA of the temperature if your character would be to hot/cold. It would be nice to get flavour messages when you are uncomfortable, to play with it, and automatic emotes like "sweats" or "shivers" if you get the hud warning that tells you it's hot/cold. You can also edit the air alarms temperature to diffrent levels if you unlock them, and/or if you do change the alarm limits. It would be realistic that without any authorisation, you can only change to a temperature between some completely save settings, to make it comfortable for certain races. Beeing able to set the temperature to -30°C as civilian, well, you would end up frozen, only very harsh winters do reach that kind of temperature in more commonly populated areas.

About the energy drain for heating/cooling, i think that should be rather easy, there is the message when an air alarm does start to cool/heat the room, and when it ends, where that message gets generated, just raise/lower the energy need.

Drawbacks if you are in a wrong temperated area would be nice, but i'm not sure how well you can do that, i think insulation currently does work that you would be better off running through a warm area, if you started in a cold one, with a winterjacket than without, as in, you end up beeing cooler with the jacket than without. I think it just slows the rate at which your temperature does equalize with the surrounding, not, which would be needed for that, to make your own body heat raise faster and higher, while keeping to slow the heat exchange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could there be not something like a trigger in the code. Maybe all 5 seconds mob tests for the temprature on the  tile. If greater x kelvin do this ... if colder y Kelvin do that ?

Edited by BiberDark
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  • 2 weeks later...

This brings up something else, the lowest temperatures you can set air alarms to (it does lower/higher than default if you change the temperature thresholds) still doesn't allow you to set the temperature extra low even on server room. When I tried to make a cold room for a Drask I had to either isolate or turn off the air alarm because the lowest settings would heat my -200C room and cause massive overpressure.  If we had a heat-proof species this would apply on the upper side too.

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