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Psy Ops - Mind Over Matter



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Good Day, I ve had an idea for a rework of some genetical powers and maybe making them finally useful.

So my idea is that Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis ( We dont have it, YET) , Empathetic Thought, Remote Viewing, X-Ray Vision, Psy - Resist, Telekinesis,Telepathy and Remote Viewing will be reclassified as "Psionic Powers"

These powers do not cause genetical instability together ( meaning you can actually acquire all ) and are given to each player in quantity of 0-2 each roundstart based on pure chance ( Grey get +1 so for them its 1-3, Vox get -1 so 0-1 for them because Vox is Pox and it fits with their blue space hivemindey lore )

So... what actually happens? When you get a power it is in the same state as its now, so telekinesis throws thing remote viewing only allows to see through eyes of people who also have remote viewing. Boring. The idea is that the more of these powers you acquire, the more psionic power you ammass( I also thought of having some drugs to stimulate it like plasma dust or earthsblood which allow to attain transcendce quicker ) So with 3 other perks Remote Viewing allows for you to see through the eyes of people who are not: mindshielded, chaplain, converted by cult, slings vampires traitor chaplains ( any type of mind control ) at 5 perks they can see view anyone and with all perks it allows to ghost manifest and tp to any mob (as an observer). As you progress abilities are added and moprhed for example you get ability to jaunt for a few blocks ( sling shadowwalk or wizard jaunt )  which at all perks becomes free to use. Or Empathetic Thought which at max level allows you to form a bond with persona or personas enabling you to share damage and pain. The possibilities are endless! I d like some suggestions and whether you d like it or not.


Edit1: It seems the primary concern with the idea is the overpowerment of genetics this will incur. Despite that I must state that the idea does NOT depend on genetics, the powers can be acquired elsewhere through chemicals or other players ( as they round spawn with them I d imagine the exchange is possible ) Please when considering this do not fear the genetics for it is not the intention of this suggestion to solely hand out more power to the Department.

Edited by Monstrant
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What do you mean? I am suggesting making it into a skill tree basically and giving players an option of getting the powers beside genetics

Edited by Monstrant
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Psyker Ascension or something, because it is implied that final tier is pretty much equal to an ascended shadowling. I intended this as an offset to chaplain, ( because now someone else has the power to stir the round another way ) vampire ( psyker will be able to follow them with their jaunt ) , sling ( implied that their psionic presence can be used to rid someone else of mind control )  and wizards because hey we have a wizard of our own. I feel that it solves the over reliance on chaplain and gives people a fun find and use minigame. I mean i shake in horror at the picture of force choking grey tiders so the spawn rate of roundstart powers will be really small ( unless everyone picks grey )

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Besides that i think the code that would be needed for this would be quite hard, sure is interesting to think about it.

I think a skill system would be better than scaling the strength with the ammount of powers, as you would need to become a jack of all trades getting every power to boost your powers. This way, you can focus on one certain skill, and get that powered up. And you could make it that you get the powers by combining some of your skills: If you have remote viewing and telepathy skilled enough, you can "unlock" the ability to projekt yourself for the other person you are viewing. If you get empathy leveled up, you can make it that your projected char can listen to other around the remote viewer, not only them. Better telepathy, and you can talk/be seen normally. Get telekinesis, and you can basically play a holoparasite for them.
Leveling should probably done by either general use, experience like level, or doing certain minigames/activities, like meditation for psy-resist, or trying to guess what someone is thinking for empathy.

There would be a problem about people abusing powers, like there are problems with genetics, including telekinesis already. For one, you should probably have a cooldown/fatigue mechanic, to limit the usage, things like braindammage for getting attacked as the holoparasite like remote projection. The other would be making a new role, beeing dedicated Psy-agents. They would at least start with good Psy-resist, which would make them able to projekt a psy resist field, to protect an area against other Psy-users. They basically would function like Babylon 5s Psi Corps. So they can assist in the training of new gifted, and help security to deal with rogue Psy-users.

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@MarsMond this is very accurate of what I was thinking, the reason i have not presented a fleshed out idea was that all of interconections and dependencies are extremely difficult to imagine for a solo person. I had a an idea where the less developed psykers cannot over rule the more developed ones. Like a level 3 psy agent can take over telekinesis of an item of a level 1 agent. I also thought of making it a sec karma ( I know it hurts but its too easy to abuse ) role which gets something like 2-5 starting powers. I do agree with specialization because you can just expand into cyorkinesis and have a freezing aura, be immune to cold, grant immunity etc etc. The tree is huge.

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