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Space Engineers


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Anyone currently playing it in their off time? It's finally in Beta after following it for some 3 years or so which is fantastic and finally runs a lot smoother. Been having an itch to play lately so likely going to play it in my off tiime if anyone is down for making a Faction on some Multiplayer server.

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Depending on the server there's entire faction based PvP. Most servers are PvPvE so space pirates and hostile players that wish to destroy everything you own.


Currently it's in mid stage beta after 4 years of following development so I'm pretty excited about it again since it has a lot of improvements from what I used to play even during hte Alpha. 


Been checking out servers so far there are two which are most enjoyable to me anyways since they arent always high popped which get full; and a lot less laggy since the game has to render, ping, etc every single item person and object that is around every single player.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's still quirky (VERY quirky) and can get annoying from time to time, but very good. It's a voxel based construction game.


Video is worth a thousand words. This is probably one of the best videos to showcase.




Edited by Anticept
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Gotta ask, since i haven't gotten around to re-installing this yet due to my router and steam not liking eachother, do the planets still cause massive lag?

Also, that fleet part was pretty damn awesome, gotta admit.

Edited by saywat_the_15th
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Not really. Multiple planets like more than 3 on some servers can be pretty bad if they arent built to handle it well. It also sucks badly when servers dont automatically reset planets and moons etc which means every hole people dig stays that can create massive lag. Other than that they're pretty fine. Minor rubberbanding still but that's because of server hosting being meh for most servers.

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