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Posts posted by IamnotDave


    Here's a scatter brained idea I had to make Virology more useful in situations other than outbreaks. With mutating microbes and manipulating their RNA with radium (you know, the "mutant strain detected" method) to create a particular microbe that can breed rapidly and form together to become a singular entity (like an adamantine golem or maintenance drone) that can be controlled by dead players. By altering their RNA further (or DNA in the case of bacteria) you can change the shapes they can form together into.


    The forms I have in mind are the adamantine golem-like one I mentioned earlier, and maintenance drone type ones who can plug breaches and make floors and walls by splitting off parts of themselves that breed (be created) in ten seconds, at the cost of 10% of their health, that regenerates quickly or dissolve them (or living beings) with the same bacteria (that then comes back to them, giving the health back, also in 10 seconds). They could also be affected by hunger, dissolving virus food (nutrient agar?), food and living beings to restore hunger, and they don't have to obey their creators (the Virologist's) wishes (but are still under space law), making it impossible to use their abilities to kill or break (Virology antag is already easy enough for assassinations).


    If someone could tell me how it can be implemented (if it's even possible) and I will go into further detail. Griefing rules will (naturally) apply.


  2. I think a good idea would be to have the Captain, a Blueshield with all access and an ERT that spawns at the round start be there to be impartial and attempt to uphold space law, but they'd need to use the brig and possibly chemistry (if they run out of lethal injections), unless it would be vigilante style space law.


    As the title says, post your funniest and strangest rounds here.


    Mine was when I was a psychologist turned virologist. Aliens arrived near the beginning of the round and their AI offered peace in exchange for 15 humanoids, naturally everyone refused. Then we managed to negotiate so we gave them monkey men, and they would leave us be. Still, most people were opposed, saying they were lying and would kill us anyway. Then I got in a massive argument over radio chatter on whether or not to accept the deal (I took the alien AI's side). This devolved into yelling and then the Alien AI, after about a hour, claimed that humans are to stubborn for their own good. We were screwed and the emergency shuttle was called. Needless to say people were yelling things like "Fuck you!" and "You're a betrayer to your own race!" IC, then people started calling for my head (pettiest lynch reason I've ever seen), even the CMO was yelling at me. Then my fellow virologist and an engineer (who were fortifying the lab at the time) claimed I was infected, injected me with something, took my ID, stuffed me in a locker and left me to die. I still never knew whether or not the AI

    would keep their promise...



    Granted, but they can summon immovable rods with every movement.


    I wish that virology could genetically engineer hives of microbes that can form together and act like adamantine golems or maintenance drones.


  5. I'm up for any excuse to make a fort or muck about in chemistry and virology., but this seems better as an event that starts later in the round to me, 12 minutes then crazy-murder-cannibal time seems a bit unfair on the crew to me. Also easier dismemberment for zombies (I don't know how dismemberment works in this game, can a coder or anyone clarify on this?) could be used as a minor nerf to the painless killbeasts.


    Back in ancient times before medical became a thing, barbers doubled as surgeons. Why not make the barbers razor functional as multi-purpose ghetto-surgery tool?


    I'd like to see some Sweeney Todd references, but I can't think of a good one.


    If you have a chef as a fellow traitor, you could make some "long pork pies" together, or kill the captain while you're shaving his beard or cutting his hair? Just make a barber called Sweeny Todd, enable traitor, and have fun.



    Name: David Fierro

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s): Virologist, Engineer, Roboticist


    Biography: David Fierro was born in the far North-East of England, but his parents moved to Lowell City, Mars soon after his siblings' births when he was five. In the city his family got by on a somewhat low income due to his mother being unable to work,but years of study, he got into the Alpha Centauri Research Institute. Where he proceeded to study Synthetic Biology and Mechanical Engineering. After several months of working a a bartender in Lowell City, he managed to land a job as a Synthetic Biologist for the Research Institute of Mars and after two years of work in various scientific disciplines, he was eventually transferred to the NCS Cyberiad after being fired from Hesphiastos Industries blowing up his shared lab and losing his left hand in an explosives experiment.


    Qualifications: - PhD in Synthetic Biology

    - M.D in Mechanical Engineering

    - Degree in Chemistry

    - Numerous training courses in all subjects listed above.

    - Basic First Aid


    Employment Records: - Synthetic Biologist in the Research Institute of Mars

    - Biomechanical Engineer for BioTech Solutions

    - Weapons Designer for Hesphiastos Industries

    - Bartender at Cuban Pete's Rumba House



    Security Records: Unauthorized use of high explosives - served 7 months in prison.

    - Assault - 900 hours community service.


    Medical Records: - Social Anxiety Disorder

    - Suspected Pyromania.

    - Mild Myopia.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Standing at around 6'4 and of a moderate build, David is not a particularly imposing man, but not weak either. He has grey eyes, messy, mid-length black hair, a goatee, robotic left hand and a somewhat Mediterranean skin tone.


    Commendations: None noted


    Reprimands: None noted


    Other Notes: To be monitored when handling explosives.



    Being a roboticist/scientist/virologist/chemist and doing something as important and/or dangerous:

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/won ... usters.gif


    Inevitably fucking up and letting AI and borgs get hacked/leaking plasma or releasing slimes/giving everyone brainrot and the squits/letting off a napalm and sleep tox smoke grenade. The result? This:

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/won ... ns_mob.gif


    Sorry, dunno how to GIF, I'm stupid.


  9. I like the idea of making ghetto armour and helmets out of metal and reinforced glass, it could do better against melee but worse against guns (cannons particularly), slow you down like a hardsuit and be easily noticeable. Also, if you can't sabotage internals with welding fuel, plasma, or chemicals, that needs to be a thing. My last suggestion would be a toothed club made of either wood and glass shards or metal rods, cable coil and glass shards. Ghetto equipment is loads of fun to make and use, I wish we had more (please make more Ponies :3).


    Exactly what it says on the title, I think that (for example) adjusting prosthetic arms to give super strength and other abilities via using tools on robot limbs (or using chips) or even using cyborg heads to save decapitated characters by taking out their brains and putting 'em in MMIs (or attaching their head to a cyborg body) if you can find the respective parts needed instead of just replacing limbs could be great fun. This would cause robotics to interact more with the medbay than asking of anesthetics and surgeons if something goes wrong and they can't fix it, as well as being able to take a load off genetics. It could even allow traitor roboticists and surgeons to soup up their allies!

    To me this seems like a good idea but I can't code at all and don't know how difficult that would be to write into the game. If someone could respond if this would be possible or balanced, or even other suggestions regarding this, please do.


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