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Everything posted by IcyV

  1. Why does it have to be a black and white remove or keep? That's an awful way to look at anything. Consider all the other options first. I have an issue with it being, as you said, an ultimate close combat tool. It's an unwieldy and shitty chainsaw in an age of energy weapons and laser swords that may as well be able to cut through walls. I don't mind it being strong. I mind it being over the top with a collection of abilities that no other weapon can rival.
  2. Secret chems are dumb. It just stifles creativity behind a forced up wall that you call "discovery." Finding chems isn't fun. Using them in interesting ways is.
  3. May as well just make it a laser chainsaw if you want to avoid all these weird issues, but then...esword. It would just be a big unwieldy esword. My preferred changed would either be remove the knockdown and "maybe" increase the damage, make it a full 20tc, or have it break within 10-20 uses and need to be repaired with some metal and cable or something.
  4. Sergey is a goddamn hero for security, I love seeing him around
  5. I think it's 14, not positive.
  6. Alright, after watching it in action, this thing really needs to be looked at. It's utterly ridiculous. High damage. Knockdown on hit. Blocks projectiles of all kinds. It's a double-esword on steroids with no obvious downside. Any small manner of changes could make this a lot better and a reasonable weapon. Lower damage. No knockdown. No blocking. Minor delay between hits. Breaks and needs to be repaired after a handful of uses. Any combination of minor changes can make this weapon a lot better and fair for its price instead of being an insta-win for melee combat. As is, you'd be essentially unstoppable by normal means if you get a taser combined with this thing and some kind of doorway.
  7. Sounds like the completely standard HoS to me.
  8. Cole Laurenzi (follow) says, "she just a bit under the weather" Cole Laurenzi (follow) says, "I'm happy" Cole Laurenzi (follow) says, "as long as I have Hannah"
  9. I didn't meant to imply I dislike it, I was saying that it's just not all that different from something we already have. A lot of the races thought up are usually done with one little tweak in mind that may seem big, but really isn't. Mechanically, other than the missing limbs and super unique features, how would your supposed species differ from a Diona? I personally think that if you can't reach something like three major differences, it's already far too similar.
  10. Sure, you can make it *sound* good in theory and all that. But in actual practice? It's a cripple with the speed and stability of magboots. It's essentially a diona without its lower half. It's not all that different from something that already exists. This isn't a problem, but like I said, it can lead to a lot of pure fluff races that don't really have any mechanical difference from one another. Lore should be written up for each one, chances are they each need a unique language, you have to code them in and add exceptions, you have to make sure clothes work properly and have a unique design for every single variation, and so on. There is a lot to do to add a race, especially something that isn't formed to the plain human mold.
  11. Honestly, more races is just a bad idea. Take each of the races we have already, and think about the ways they actually differ. In combat, a few have claws instead of punches. Some don't deal with damage well. Some have a slightly slower speed. It's just really small things like that. We're reaching a point where instead of races are different and interesting because of unique features, they just look different. I'm not opposed to purely aesthetic changes, but it's easy to just keep making those and flood them with races that have uninteresting lore, mechanics, and what have you. I think if you want to consider more races right now, it would be best to look at something that is largely different but still fits into an acceptable balance. Diona are tough for their slowness, Kidan are vulnerable to flashes for their armor, etc.
  12. Totally accurate representation of trying to get the ship to leave after seeing the bombs.
  13. As the Vox that dubbed thee Pod-cat and gave the order to leave - well played with the bomb attempt. I have no idea what the other Vox were doing, but one of them and I decided to just do the objectives ourselves. We went out, did a bit of mining with the crew, came back, and left. Not to mention we had 3 crew members wanting to come with us at the end of it, including our target. We started hearing the other Vox saying they were getting attacked and then all the station comms saying to get us and stuff. We very quickly got out of there through our holes and never looked back. We tried waiting for the others and calling in for them, but a carp smashed a window on the Skipjack and I saw the bomb and you with my thermals. You can't press a return to base button fast enough.
  14. Throwing in my old two cents for what little it matters. Special snowflakes are bad. Adding things to the code for people is bad. No matter how little it is, it's bad. It encourages favoritism, sloppy additions, and adds nothing to the overall experience other than a "huehue my name is in the game". Just because things *have* been added in the past doesn't mean it was good or should continue to happen.
  15. IcyV

    Day Z

    The hell are you talking about? There are probably still more vanilla servers than the majority of mods. There certainly was when I played a while ago. It was like vanilla and three mods that had any population at all thanks to the standalone. If you can't find a bounty of vanilla servers to play on, its a fault with your ability to search, not a lack of them.
  16. IcyV

    Day Z

    Honestly you're all kinda sounding whiny and pathetic about it. I don't see what the issue is that some people want to run servers that are what they want to play on or allow for people to donate. It's your choice to play on them. Just don't fucking play on the server if you don't have fun, boom, problem solved. God only knows there are more than enough vanilla ones.
  17. That's not true! You're really good at hitting things next to your target. <3
  18. Just as a note for further discussion on the topic: I will be adjusting OD as soon as I can. Probably along the lines of doubling or tripling the current required amounts. We'll see where it goes as I get feedback. If anyone wants actual conversations regarding it, I'm usually on the IRC. Just PM and bug me there and you can get your ideas across better.
  19. Pretty sure Streaky is thinking of the Syndi Strike Team. Completely different from the DS and has a different start location.
  20. IcyV


    It's all a learning experience! Hope you have fun and enjoy your time here
  21. IcyV

    Space pods

    Space pods can't be normally created, nope.
  22. Is there anything in particular you lot think needs to be improved or could benefit from a change? The more constructive or detailed, the better. Keep balance and actual use in mind.
  23. "- Speech effect, all "r"s are rolled and more pronounced." Fairly sure this is wrong as something racial, it's just a thing people do to keep in line with the RP of the race. Not a feature by any means.
  24. I can personally confirm this.
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