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Everything posted by Midaychi

  1. Incase it doesn't already, I think it'd be pretty cool if cooking transferred the reagents in the ingredients over to the product, with some exceptions (like herb salad removing the toxins, etc). Protag uses: Botany can focus on high potency ingredients to make the food more nutritious, Xenobotany can design GMO seeds for botany to grow that contain all sorts of chemicals or do silly things like make cabbages that have banana juice. Crafty chemistry cooks can make tailored future food. Antag uses: Botany can give the chef cyanide apples instead of normal ones and encourage him to make apple-based dishes, xenobotany can design gmo seeds for botany to grow that contain all sorts of chemicals or do silly things like make carrots that contain the reagents from deathberries (though very difficult to hide because of xenobotany mechanics. Harvesting the plant kind of makes it obvious.), and crafty chemistry cooks can do all sorts of nefarious things they could already do anyways. Extrapolation on idea: Maybe certain reagent combinations cook to new reagents during the cooking process? Would be an interesting way to introduce new chemicals, though to make it more fun and limit abuse you might need to somehow read the seed data instead of the actual regents of the ingredients so people can't just use microwaves and a portable chem dispenser + syringe to make whatever. They'd have to actually grow/modify it first.
  2. A request for biogenerators to have the option of putting the fertilizer reagent into the attached container rather than spawning bottles. Will reduce on litter.
  3. Yeah I like that actually. Reminds me of gatecrashing in eclipse phase, except maybe with less TITAN shenanigans. It kind of makes telescience more like goon's too; where the guinea pigs public can go to adventure beyond the veil.
  4. No man I meant, the same gasses we have but in a randomized percentages and content. Like one round could be 12% nitrogen and 80% plasma and 8% n2o, another might be 100% oxygen, etc, and just code in an exception for that specific map where the gas is unsimulated and can't be ignited or ZAS shinanegans'd with. As an ANTI-lag measure. But whatever it could just be standard atmosphere too and that'd work. Randomization is totally feasible though. Tg does it to a limited extent with their mining zlevel and caverns. It wouldn't be TRUE randomization. Just like, you paint specific tiles and areas on the map and the server places certain slightly randomly oriented premade stuff at those tiles and extents during startup.
  5. Tl;dr - Merge telescience and gateway into one thing, that still has current functionality of both things, but has an exploration option and totally abusable ghost-respawning powers (though people that abuse it for meta and not roleplay can get locked out of the ability to do it, like a job ban). If you merged telescience and the gateway into the same thing; a machine that can still go to the clown planet like normal, and still can function like the telescience console now, but has an additional mode. On round start, there's a zlevel that gets randomized on roundstart in placement and arrangement and is surrounded by impassable mountains (or maybe has z-level transitions where you can visit more of the world? I dunno depends on how many zlevels you want to appropriate for this). This world has a randomized unsimulated gas content (can't really be depleted but is immune from certain zas shenanigans), and is impossible to set on fire even if it has flammables in it (at least while the gas is on the world). I'm assuming that any world generated by this would be stable enough to not be able to be sparked into a raging inferno, even if its full of plasma and oxygen, due to space magic and maybe undiscovered xeno-gasses. You can, however, start forest fires, so you can troll smokey the xeno-bear. The layout is also semi randomized. Some areas will be forested, others plains, some with neat things. Colours of such will be chosen from an array. Maybe certain sprites could be chosen from a list. At least one area in it is a settled village, where ghosts can choose to spawn at. Basically, the spawn as npc command. There would be a number of them spawned at roundstart and maybe they'd slowly increase over time as ghost demand increased. Coming out of the town hut like in spore or something. The species they spawn as has semi randomized abilities and disabilities compared to humans and has a somewhat humanoid shape, and the game picks a sprite for that species on roundstart from a list. Ostensibly there'd be a number of humanoid sprites made up for it. Maybe one round they'd be slow like diona but breathe and heal from plasma, and find nitrogen toxic, and become hyperactive from drinking ethanol, etc. From their side, they will be able to run around and talk and possibly go out and slaughter wildlife and trees and stuff. They can use that to make themselves clothes and construct junk and basically chill out as weird alien people. Maybe they could have alchemy and/or light magic one round, be weird technophiles another, etc. Be swimming in artifacts. The main thing is they'd be stuck there on that planet, UNLESS: Back on the station: This is where the change comes in though; Through telegatewayscience merge, you can switch it into extreme range mode and try to solve a math puzzle to determine the gateway signature to alien planet. If you fail, you could potentially open up a gateway to space or the middle of a plasma giant instead.(but you wouldn't do that would you?) If you succeed though, you can open up a gateway to said randomized on roundstart planet and investigate it. You'd have to be careful though because gas can go through the portal too. Also aliens. Aliens can go through the portal, though I don't know why they would want to. Every round could be first contact, and all those dead ghosts could be studied. If you manage to figure out what gas content they breathe and what they eat, you could even hire them on to work nanotrasen jobs (though I'd expect them to be better at simple jobs than others. Whatever.) Or you could go in there blasting lasers. Do horrifying deeds. Become their emperor? Abduct them for genetics experiments. Whatever floats your boat. If the ghosts spawn as the aliens and start being super meta or showing a lack of an attempt to roleplay then they can probably get banned from doing it further. Like a job ban, but from spawning as aliens rather than a job.
  6. Yeah that layout works too. Wish someone would port the random seeds in exotic crates over from bay, and maybe implement the random seed thing for flora reconstitutor fossils. It's a shame that paradise's atmos is incompatible with new-zas, cause' a lot of the fun atmos-related mutations are commented out.
  7. I don't really see the problem with letting people who haven't unlocked ipc still play ipc as long as they're created mid-round. Like dona nymphs. Diona are karma locked too but that doesn't stop people spawning as nymphs right? Hopefully if you can print ipc heads, there's a way to insert positrons into them.
  8. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/97 I tried stuffing it into the research outpost and it kind of worked.
  9. I dunno, another stupid suggestion from yours truly. Disable those announcements that Centcomm gives to acknowledge random events happening. The events still happen, but nobody announces it and it's up to the crew to find out that something happened. Wouldn't make much difference for wormholes because they're usually over before the announcement happens, or anomalies because if you're not nearby and have access and have the tools when the announcement finally comes in then the anomaly's gonna go off before you can go do anything about it. Things would have time to spread, people would have time to anguish about that new hole through the station and how it's the clown's fault, etc.
  10. pAIs could be your twit secretary.
  11. We need a way to make really long photos so you can selfie yourself in front of the singularity as an engineer. I wonder how impossible it would be to have the pictures register in a line rather than as they do now? Like, it takes all the sprites in a 3x30 line, then stands them up on end and puts them infront of a backdrop while honouring z-depth and scales down with distance? Like, engineer takes a selfie in the pa room, engineer sprite is on the picture taking most of the space in the corner left or right, in the back it draws like the particle accelerator sprite, then a window, an emitter shield with singuloth behind? idk sounds complicated.
  12. Complex suggestion: Add a space twit app to all activated NT pdas, and automatically be listed on it with a synch'd id to the pda. Requires operational pda server. When you go into the app, you see a list of all people on space twit. You can click them for a log of their twits and for an option to subscribe. If you subscribe, you will receive a pda message- like notification whenever they space-twit something. How do you space twit? Well that's easy. You would need to have an id-activated pda with the id you're wearing on your person at some point, probably in your pda slot. All you then do is say something, prefixing it with a '#'. ie: "say #captain is a fag" Etc. This will log it in your space twit and notify any subscribers of what you said. As an additional feature, you can hold your pda in your hand and use the double hashtag, ie ##, to also take a selfie and attach it to your space twit. The picture is centered behind your character (your character is on a side and it takes a picture behind you) to capture all the glory. Example: "say ##just slipped the captain ;P HONK" while standing next to the slipped captain with your back to them would twit that message along with a selfie photo centered at the back of you for all to view. For balance sakes I guess the picture couldn't pick up on runes or something, and has limited detail, because its a shitty pda camera.
  13. Messing with huge piping and machinery/valves is what atmosia is for though isn't it?
  14. AS in title: More of a request than a suggestion? It'd be cool if you could stick tanks directly into freezers/heaters, and heat/cool the tank directly. Maybe make a 3-mode toggle that lets you set it to affecting the pipe its connected to, or affecting the tank inside, or mixing them both. (Though the mix mode really only useful if you like C02 or want to make science into a bomb.) If someone would then port in the baystation science vendor machine, then toxins mixing and toxins storage could be replaced with a small closet that would still be perfectly able to make max cap bombs. It'd free up a ton of space in science for other things and it would even make bomb-making faster. All you need for toxins bomb making is a plasma can, an oxygen can, a tank dispenser, a freezer and a heater with the above changes, a science vendor as above, and connector ports for the freezer/heater. You can make a max cap bomb with that in seriously 60 seconds at most. Don't even need a furnace. If you really want to get fancy you could do some mixing pipes and a filter and maybe a volume pump for venting into space? Not sure why you'd need them unless you really really like CO2 for some reason. If you make the freezer/heater upgrades expand the range of temperatures you can tune the freezer/heater to, then you can even go way beyond the base default cap with that. Still no furnace required. I'm pretty sure even with the default range of heating/cooling you can do with freezers/heaters, you could pass the bomb cap so easily if you could directly heat/cool the tank.
  15. Clearly newvox are actually humans but sieved into experimental human-made cortical stacks, while oldvox are actually vox primalis off the arkships.
  16. Don't think it's a good idea because it would be easier and better to just give them access to laptop programs at the master's access level. That way they could also do it remotely.
  17. Pretty sure its because paradise's wiki was based on copying bay's, and for some reason kidan are the 'unspeakable race that never existed and if you imply they did again I'll cut you' thing over there. Bays where most of the detailed lore comes from is what I meant.
  18. Yeah you should be able to jam three things into their rear: An id card, a pda cart, and as many encryption keys as you can fit in there. Jamming an id in their rear gives them that access level for basically doing anything that doesn't require hands. Jamming a pda cart in their rear gives them access to pAI-enhanced versions of those pda carts, turning them into basically a tiny mobile laptop. Jamming encryption keys in there gives them access to that channel like they were wearing a headset. All three of the above require outside help, and the pAI cannot do them themselves. -- They need the hide ability and a universal recorder app they can download alongside the universal translator. They also need some sort of antenna or laserbeam that allows them to hear even when in containers and to examine things/see attack logs.
  19. But in actual seriousness do what you want with toxins. The above was (Mostly) a joke. Really what we need is a device that heats and cools tanks put in it directly, put it in a 4x4 closet next to the canister freezer and you could remove 90% of toxins mixing including the furnace. Just make toxins mixing into a tank temp changer, that freezer and a connector port, a tank of plasma and a tank of oxygen. And a closet of transfer valves. Bam.
  20. Woh. Hold on there before you start remapping toxins. Paradise probably has the best toxins area of any station I've seen because it actually allows you to use the actual equation to blow things up (2 moles of plasma to 1 mole of oxygen at 100 degrees centigrade). This is because the freezer and the heat exchanger loop make it super easier. If you go appeasing the church of the holy hot co2 exhaust and frozen oxygen by simplifying toxins then it'll never be the same.
  21. Squish? I thought about making it curve around so it could fit more trays, but it'd look silly. Alternatively I could find somewhere else and split it into two rooms. One for the machines and equipment and another for the trays
  22. The point pretty much flew past already. I can't even see it on doppler anymore. More specifically: - There is a phenomena that has occurred and been observed by multiple people on a populated live server multiple times over multiple rounds on a recent codebase. - You have recently tested the same phenomena on the same (or at least very nearly the same) codebase under personal and not populated conditions and found it not to happen. What you're saying: This is definitive proof that this bug doesn't exist, and I'll shank ya if you give me any more sass boy.
  23. Well, just as with the medbot bug where 'it totally works I just tested it on my solo server', why don't you try watching an alien round on live? I saw a single larva get danced around a single room full of four humans and a ninja all trying to kill it, the amount of hits on the larva via lasers was up in the 30+ range in addition to melee hits (I was watching the attack logs and counting), and they eventually escaped the room anyways and had to be killed as a hunter that died in like 4 laser shots.
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