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Everything posted by Midaychi

  1. Yeah I was watching some fights as a ghost on one alien round, with lasers flying like it was a glittercladding rainbow dance. People were bitching eachother out for friendly fire and stuff but I was looking at the attack logs and a lot of those laser shots hit the single larva they were benny hill chasing for like 10 minutes before it died. This happened once in research and a second time in the escape shuttle. I also think they had to melee it to death both times. Maybe they can only survive two or three hits still, but they regenerate fast enough that running around lets them get their health back?
  2. There's actually a verb for yanking embedded objects out of nearby people. It does some nasty damage too. Problem is it requires the victim to stand still a few seconds.
  3. Sure this method works too. As long as ipcs are buildable, I can do silly things to them. Need like, an ipc painter too. Works like a pipe painter.
  4. Anyone notice that larva can survive twenty+ laser shots to the chest?
  5. Wouldn't ghetto surgery involve cable coils in place of the fixovein? I'd use that instead of one for ipc head re-attachment but it tries to repair the ipc instead.
  6. Dunno when it was removed, but Fix-O-Vein is the only surgical tool that can't be printed from an autolathe. Unfortunate, because IPC heads can't be re-attached with cable coil and robotics doesn't start with a fix-o-vein, requiring wheeling and dealing with medical staff and cargo techs to get a surgery crate just so robotics can do its job.
  7. That's odd. When I tried it, I found I needed 5 units to trigger a mutation, but it'd start requiring 10 (and you had to use 10, if you put 5 in and waited a second and put 5 in again it wouldn't trigger) and it'd just start requiring more to trigger a mutation. I'd have to use a new plant to not end up dumping entire beakers on it. Maybe I was just high or something.
  8. I was curious what people would think of this, though I expect mostly in the negative. The idea is first to remove arrivals, completely, and also the papers please parodying checkpoint, or alternatively keep the checkpoint and move cryo to arrivals. Second part is to make the cryo room a lot more roomier and neat and have spare changes of clothes and stuff. Maybe attach a whole cryopod-carrying bluespace cargotrain in the background for effect. Third part is to have the whole station spawn there, gradually if there's not enough room for everyone, instead of spawning in their stations. Latejoiners would also appear there. Everyone coming out of their bluespace cargo train sleep and getting to the station for a work day. Instead of suiciding, people who don't get their role or antag can just get back into a cryo pod, and suiciding near a cryo pod thing would suck them into the cryo pod instantly and store them instead. Fourth part is maybe making it what you use for the crew transfer mechanic instead of the escape shuttles and pods? Gettin' on the bluespace cryo train, chuchuu Idk dumb idea, whats the verdict? You could even animate the train and have it visit and leave occasionally, with a loading dock for storage.
  9. Instead of exploding as soon as they spawn in, possibly give blob antags five minutes or so to walk around before they're forced to explode, and have a verb if they want to explode early? Might make blob rounds a little different and possibly better? Blowing Early would allow them to catch the crew off guard but waiting a bit might give them openings to improve their location or setup.
  10. Most of the basic hazards involving telescience come with the job description and training, so yes you would expect calibration issues.
  11. Well its not really meta if you can look into eva and see the coveted hardsuits, and the common assumption is that the station has been at least functioning with its crew for a little while before the game actually starts, so he would have had time to notice its location. Besides isn't this a bit off the train tracks of a rant about power gaming? The thread is about 'hey it'd be nice if we had some sort of hardsuit for telescience' and countering with 'I can just GET hard suits, it's just a pain in the ass to have to deal with the shit involved in doing so'. Honestly if you could get more excavation suits somehow either through cargo or manufacturing them, those are both hardsuits and have limited radiation protection.
  12. If you gave telescience hardsuits you could also put telescience in a vacuum. That'd solve the atmospheric problems as well.
  13. As stated in the title: Many needed improvements have certainly been made to IPCs, but there is a missing piece to the puzzle. The inserter! While sounding like a sexual toy, the inserter is in fact a highly technological device printed out from the (either fabricator or proto lathe) after a bit of research. The inserter would be a handheld device that allows you to place into it an empty cyborg head (with flashes) and either a positronic brain or a cortical stack. With this device, and the two objects inserted, you can then place a cyborg torso (with cables and a battery) on a surgical table, position the device, and use the device onto the cyborg torso. Effect if cortical stack or positron is occupied by a ghost: The torso would turn into a fully functional IPC torso+groin with a head attached, and the ghost inside would get a prompt to chose their name, which would then be inherited onto the identity of the torso. Robotics would then be able to stuff the remaining limbs on and send them off to the HOP for (re)assignment. Optionally: Placing of a loyalty implant or some sort of device into the inserter additionally to the head and pos/stack would also slave the resultant IPC to (the AI or to Nanotrasen).
  14. Ever been trapped behind moveable objects because there's one too many? Every wondered why closet-jams happen? Worry no more! Ideal idea: Moving against the closets for a short duration would do nothing normally. Exerting yourself against them as shown would check to see if all objects in line are moveable normally, and if so, after a considerable amount of pushing effort by the player equal to a ratio of number of moveable objects vs player, the player would be able to push multiple moveable objects as so. (Yes I know they're closets and you can open them. Just pretend they're something else like unsecured emitters or air tanks.) Exosuits, cargo trains, and cyborgs would probably have an easier time, while monkeys and diona nymphs and drones would have a far more difficult time.
  15. Tl;Dr: A semi-automated system that uses pdas and the id console, doesn't get in the way, but also allows non inconvenient other-head oversight on certain access types, and has fallbacks that allow for inactive pda servers, emag, and vacant head posts. So here's a neutral but idiotic idea of how to both appease security concerns and utilize ss13's advanced technology at the same time. Why is this neutral? It both helps and hurts heads. Helps by allowing them quick and easy notification that people are being given access, and authority over such even when they're busy. It hurts because it also makes them the target of nefarious people who want access. When the HOP changes someone's id, they now have the option of inserting a piece of paper when they go to actually apply the changes. They can choose not to, they can choose to put woody's got wood in there stamped heavily by the mime, but ostensibly they'd have a id access form stamped by authority. The ID is then changed. Nothing more is required by the hop or the victim of id change (possibly the same person) The person can receive their ID and walk off. Major difference: Certain access levels on the card won't work without authentication. You can slam that card up against the captain's quarters as much as you want but it won't work until then. Levels this include are such like: Toxins Storage, EVA, Engineering, The bridge, other such high security areas. Low and medium security areas require no verification. How to get it verified: 1. The easiest way: Emag the card (or the id console before you make the card) 2. The Legitimate way: When the hop (or the clown) presses that handly little apply changes button on the id console, the id console checks if there's any added accesses that require approval. It won't count accesses that were on the card before the change. It then checks if the PDA server is active and working. If not, automatically approves ID. (incentive to blow up messaging console) It then checks if there's a corresponding head to said access levels. (Ie if you're trying to get access to toxins mixing, it'd check for the RD) and if they're active. If no, then it'll check for anyone who has access to that respective head's office, and choose the one that's both active and has been on station the longest. If both are no, then it'll succeed on id change (incentive to murder them beforehand). It will then check if said head has a pda active on messaging, if no, then it'll succeed on id change (incentive to steal their pda). All of the above happens in an imperceptibly small amount of time and automatically. If both active head and active pda, it will send them a special message somewhat like a pda message. The message will contain the name on the authorizing card and the name on the target card, and will have a button that allows the recipient to view the scanned attached piece of paper (if any). It will have three further buttons: "accept, reject, hold". If either reject or hold are not pressed within 2-3 minutes, the id change will succeed. If hold is pressed, the request will go on hold pending further review, and be stored somewhere on the head's PDA for further rejection or acceptance. If accept is pressed, the Id change will succeed. Upon id chance success or rejection, and which specific section (Ie if you got an all access card, you'd have to get engineering-type accesses from the CE but if they accepted it and RD rejected the science-aspects, then the Engineering parts would still work.) both the HOP and the holder of the target of the ID change (or just the hop if both are the same) would receive a success or failure message on their pda. In the event of total PDA messaging failure preventing the legitimate authentication of a card after the authentication request was recieved by the heads, the target of the id change can have their id slotted into the head's pda, and have the head run manual direct authentication on the card. (More incentive for theft and murder)
  16. Xenoflora being part of xenobio is my fault for being too lazy to figure out how to add science subjobs. I was actually the first to add the map changes, and made that ugly ass area near virology that got eventually moved southeast, so now I am here to appeal to the much less lazy forces of justice. Xenoflora was both originally designed on bay and originally meant by its designer Zuhayr to be a science subjob, and have access to the wide array of things that science can provide such as the floral ray, toxins, and the research outpost chem dispenser. It was also meant to be added on because its modularity made adding new mutants easy, but that hasn't happened much yet. It's the reason the gas system exists for xenoflora though; it is technically possible to mutate plants into having different atmospheric and temperature needs than normal plants and it is entirely possible to close tray lids and wrench them onto port connectors for this very purpose. So, TL;DR xenoflora benefits a lot more from being wedged into science instead of xenobio and made part of the science id level, and xenobio does not detriment much from removal of such from xenobio. --------- Second part of this suggestion is not something in Zuh's original designs, but I think it would be neat; A goon-like mutative fertilizer. Basically one or maybe two (or more I guess if you want to get fancy) variety/(ies) of plant fertilizer that when used, apply gradual and somewhat random mutative effects to the plant in the tray. Paradise's code for xenoflora and bay's code for xenoflora diverged a while ago, and paradise got some custom mutation and such handling.. so as a result it's a pain in the donkey to accomplish any mutations on paradise in comparison because you're basically flushing mutagen down a tiny tray-shaped toilet and hoping some of it sticks in the .1 miliseconds it has to take effect before vanishing into the ether, whereas bay trays have a reagent resivour and trickles it down into the tray. (As clarification of above, yes I know with some basic effort you can get the mutant variants just fine. That's not what I'm referring to. Playing the random luck slot machine on bay to get some of the more advanced conditions available to transfer over on gene disks is hard enough, but paradise's custom changes make it near impossible unless you have a fully upgraded portable chem dispenser on hand. It just requires that much in magnitude more of unstable mutagen vs bay due to the gradual march of diminishing mutative returns and the aforementioned tray-toilet that grace paradise.) TL;DR, Fertilizer version of unstable mutagen that can't be used for making neon rainbow tajarans and maybe can be only got via being produced in the biogenerator for points. Would make covering the station in walking mushroom kudzu 33% easier.
  17. But vox primalis are genderless. D:
  18. Basically this. Zomgponies was drawing up a device to do this at some point but never finished it. Basically you cut the cortical stack out, get a larva shipped from an ark ship. You then go through a number of processes and have to deal with the fragile-ass container, place it in a machine to grow it into an immature vox, then use the cortical stack in the machine to implant it. The machine would then handle the full growth from monkey-sized vox to full sized vox.
  19. You can swipe your card on mechs and mess with the access requirements, and it doesn't even have an access level requirement; basically anyone can do this. Some mechs need to be in maintenance mode before they'll let you do it, though. You need to have the ones added on your id card or you just can't plain enter the mech. If you're really worried about mechs and are the RD or whoever, you can add a high access level to the mech this way.
  20. Probably won't ever be used, but it would be nice to have the option + mention it in the rev objectives. Being handcuffed and wearing a prisoners outfit in either the cells or permabrig in the brig should count for rev and non rev objectives. Ie: Having all the heads or head revs cuffed in cells wearing garb should count as defeating the revolution or succeeding in the revolution respectively, and should be mentioned in the objectives "Kill or have the heads arrested or removed from the station z-level" It'd be neat if you could buckle heads to the chairs on escape pods as a head rev, then launch that specific escape pod to get rid of the Heads in it. Send them off to party zone so you can take over the station. On a side note, it would be pretty cool if head revs had a list of target heads in their notes: Ie, their notes would list the heads they need to take care of. Would be double cool if flashed revs got this in their notes too, and if de-converted revs got it removed + a message about a big blank space in their memory about what happened, so you can't just slam a loyalty implant into someone and command them to rat everyone out to figure out who the head revs and other revs are. Also if the rules of revolution rounds were changed so that you should avoid killing non-head and non-objective heads unless they're getting in the way of you stopping the head targets. It's a revolution where you're trying to remove your illegitimate leaders and put new ones in their place. It doesn't make sense that a flash suddenly turns you into a murderhobo antagonist out to get everyone that doesn't have a floating R.
  21. what coding? last I heard snapshot and zuh might be somewhat working on a synthetic overhaul that involves ipc as well as cyborgs, but that can easily change.
  22. Bumping and adding a new thing: Attaching RSD to doors should work the other way around. Normally you can put them on there and pulse the wire from afar, but it could be used if it also worked the other way around. Basically, find the wire you want it to trigger off of, and set something else somewhere else with a receiving rsd on the same signal. If the door bolts are triggered and the rsd is attached to the bolt wire? Trigger. Etc. Would need a wire for when the door opens, and for when it's shocked, etc. Bombs that go off when a door is opened, woot?
  23. As in the title, this is a suggestion to port over baystation's changes to the hydroponics job in some fashion. I think, especially now with the hydroponics re-write, it makes more sense. We could probably replace the garden with some sort of biodome or something. What they have done: Removed hydroponics, and put a garden in its place. The garden is public access, has dirt plots, a seed and nutrimax vender, some chairs and a table surrounding the east door exit for the kitchen. The table is basically a bartender's table but for the chef to put food on, as only he or she technically has access to behind the table. The back room of hydroponics is gardener and chef access only now, and has the seed extractor and biogenerator and basic tools for gardening. They removed the botanist job. Now there is a gardener job that answers directly to the chef. I guess the chef is technically a head of produce now. The Garden is now responsible for all the produce. Where did the fancy hydroponics stuff go then? Bay 12 added a xenobotanist job slot ( I personally think xenoflorist sounds better but whatever) and put a xeno flora/xeno flora experiment room near xenobiology. Edit: For clarification, yes this is a science job, they have access to some of science (but not to R&D or Toxins). Now growing weed is a science. Xenobotany has all the actual plant trays and tools, a full set of hydroponics machines as well as the new isolator/ballistic machines, a flora reconstitutor and a smart fridge. They also have a gas connector with a few pipes and vents underneath the new isolation trays, for raising plants that need specific living conditions different from the station's. There's an additional isolation room to the west, near the locker and tool chest. Xenobotany is now responsible for plant mutations and experiments, as well as dealing with plants of alien origin.
  24. I actually don't mind the non-lethal gygax and am actually a fan of it; because it is meant for security forces in its description. However on the rare occasion I'm roboticist and have materials, I never make a mech for myself and pass them out like candy to important jobs, starting with mining and working to security and paramedic, than others. Before the plasteel nerf I once had a round where the HOS was in a gygax, the RD was in a durand, there were two firefighting ripleys with miners in them, and two odysseus (one with a positron + manually upgraded access and the other with the CMO who got it from the paramedic). I guess we just never play at the same time.
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