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Everything posted by FlameNeko

  1. I actually do like an idea for making Borer "free to play". Yay for Borer in every round.
  2. I like the idea too. I am not sure which map is going to be used though.
  3. Agree. I don't see the issue with suits.
  4. I like the idea. We definitely need to add more stuff for SEC or just cool stuff to wear.
  5. I don't really like the idea. It sound... Wierd. How about a more interesting source of fuel? Did everyone forgot about Nuclear energy? How about Cold Synthesis? Let's have something more sweet in terms of futuristic awesomeness.
  6. So as I understand, any circumstances you might have or any idea you must have must be ahelped. I think if player have a good idea and Game Masters find it interesting... It would more fun to play for everybody if something like this happen. ( Not going on killing rampage, but something really well-played and organised )
  7. I am talking only about Mechanical ( Computer ) implant. All the supernatural never been questioned. It's magic. It cannot be questioned.
  8. Here comes Game Master involvement. If Game Master know that player who is asking for it can superb Role-Play it, he/she might allow it. Also, the character who is asking for it must describe how he is doing this. Player must have a great reason for it. Or a good background. I even not sure that a lot of people will use it though.
  9. So I think Human brain is capable of overcoming effects of Implant. If person have enough will and is in good control over self-consciousness.
  10. Good day everybody. I came up with an interesting thought - "Is power of Loyalty Implant absolute?" ============================================================== So here is what I came up with. Think about this. Assume that Loyalty Implants are in use for at least 40 years. I am sure that technology of loyalty implants haven't been improved since it never fail. Let's think in Role-Play way: I am a Security Officer. I've been working with Syndicate for last 5 years. I've heard many-many things about loyalty implants. Let's assume that I've been working on my mind for about three years. I have failed. I've been detained by SEC and than loyalty implant. ============================================================== Here is a point. Will be superior brain of a person who knows everything about it more powerful than implant? Personally I think a Human/Taj/Unathi/etc. brain if prepared can beat implant in "control over body" fight.
  11. I don't think this is a good job to have. And I also don't think this job will be fun to play...
  12. OhmyEmprah that's so cuuuuuteeee, look at her little body and oversized legs, adorable. <3 Also, relevant: This plus 14 monkeys = (ignore the pine trees, fat bastards trying to plug in) And yes, that dead spider in there is the first "friendly" nurse who was brutally murdered euthanized by her firstborns. Nice!!!
  13. I agree. Good Idea. I always like when my Characters smoke something epic when something epic happens
  14. I like the idea of adding more guns... But... TOO MUCH LESAH WEAPONS. Seriously. Let's add some ballistic guns. I can try to sprite one.
  15. Agree. Putting a permabrig in a center of everything not really a good idea. It shouldn't be on everyone's sight. I like when it is hidden somewhere in the brig. But I am fully support how Prison Cells situated. It is a good idea. I am not sure about waiting room though. No one will ever be here.
  16. You might find some people who will be responsible for apps, and who won't have any favoritism to any of the players.
  17. Thank you for all your answers! I will remember all this.
  18. Well, be it than. I just thought that Head Whitelist is actually helps. Thanks for spending your time to actually see my message ^^
  19. Here we go, Veterans will apply for Whitelist and will do it easily. Noobies, however, will struggle for good application.
  20. Hello everybody! I came across an idea of turning whitelist for Heads on. - "why is that?", some of you will ask, so here is my reasoning. Head profession is really important. A person who become a Head must know about his or her profession everything. Also, those people must play on good role-play level. What do I see? A lot of people who is choosing Head as profession usually: Too apatic ( slow response, ignoring messages or requests, going MIA or to Cryosleep, etc ), not knowing how to do their job ( I encountered few people that actually were just sitting here and rely on their crew when other people actually need their help )... I think that whitelist on Heads will add some kind of encouragement for players to be better. I hope here will be some people to support me. With greatest respect, your fellow player ( who some people will see in first time since 6 month ), FlameNeko.
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