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Posts posted by Earthdivine


    Alright, first off, while this can be a good discussion to possibly get into, albit one that has already been touched and less then 2 months ago, your behavior is not one that should be making this discussion happen. You went onto the server and began to talk about autistic furries shortly after making this thread, and you have been around for about a week on Reddit, and a single post here. That is hardly good groundwork when making a debate topic like this.


    Not to mention stealing our old topic opening for this one.


    Closing this as there's no reason for it to be open.






      IPC Changes.


    • IPC's have been better cleaned up and have had some new things added to them.


    Prosthetic limbs can now only be repaired when they have less than 60 damage - more than that will require surgery (open the hatch, use a welding tool/cable coil).

    - This means IPC's can self repair themselves until the limb takes 60 points of damage.


    IPC's can now recharge in cyborg recharge stations (and will repair if they're upgraded), but can still gain nutriments from APC's.


    IPC's now have "optics" instead of eyes - when these are disabled they'll turn blind.


    IPC's now have a positronic brain.


    IPC's now have an internal power cell.


    Malf AI Changes

    Hostile lockdown will can no longer be disabled/re-enabled: instead, activating it causes a two minute lockdown which is automatically reset. The lockdown is now also announced station-wide.

    Upgrade turrets now makes turret use heavy lasers instead of raising the fire rate, making them much more powerful.

    RCD disable will no longer disable borg RCD's, will blow up the RCD's on station, can be used multiple times and now only costs 25 power.

    Adds a new ability to assume control of a mecha. Normal AI's can now also be mecha's by using an AI card on a mecha.

    The reactivate/upgrade camera powers have been buffed to repair/upgrade all cameras, and upgrading cameras will now give the AI night vision.

    The powers Malf AI's bought will now show up at round end.

    Adds a [?] button next to powers, showing their description.


    Other Changes:


    Robotics limbs now have separate surgery steps - screwdriver to unlock the hatch, crowbar to open the hatch, retractor to close the hatch, welding tool to repair brute damage, cable coil to repair burn damage, nanopaste to repair organ damage, multitool to detach organs and hemostat to remove organs.


    Fixes some AI Camera blind spots.


    Genetic side effects have been removed, however the amount of radiation gained from injectors is increased.

    - What this means is there's a higher chance per injection of changing random blocks, making it harder to keep mutations.


    The beginning of TG's underware overhaul has been added. Look for that in the near future.


    Janibogs can throw things away properly now.


    Griffin and Owl toys make their respective sounds now.


    Revenant has been tweaked a bit and should have an easier time gathering essence.




    Why it annoys me so much



    This right here is a problem with Air Alarms, not with LINDA, as they weren't designed or programmed for LINDA's way of handling atmos, nor do I think they were meant for ZAS either.


    Also from how the coders talk of Atmos code, it touches an expansive part of the code of the game to the point it is a hellish nightmare to do anything with.






      The view range has been decreased from 17x17 to 15x15. This however is temporary and is a test to see how the server performs and to see how the community feels about this change.


    Here is the related topic to talk about this change, and more about why this test is occuring.



    Additional changes


    Added scrubbers to some areas that were lacking in them.


    Borgs and Drones can Flip.


    Incinerator Access is no longer Maintenance Access, it now requires Atmos Access and has been changed accordingly.


    Vampire's can no longer get free blood from Monkey's. Humanized Monkey's are still fair game, however.


    Clicking on an inventory slot now counts as clicking that item.


    PDA breaking SHOULD be fixed now, please put in Issue Reports if your PDA screen breaks again.


    Some Solar Array placement fixes to allow them to properly get power.


    Small fixes and changes to the NTSL


    Admins can now interact with various types of machinery now while we are Observing.


    Captain can now request the Nuclear Authorization Code from the Command Console.

    - Doing this will send a priority message to the station, however.


    Calling the shuttle now requires a reason to be put in, akin to the ERT Request message.

    - This message will also be shown in the announcement.


    The ' will work properly now in flavortext.

    - No more having to deal with being 7@^5% tall.


    Wizard objectives have been changed, they will only have hostile objectives, and objective randomizers have been tweaked to avoid giving the Wizard goals which allow him to hide rather then interact with the round.


    Laptops no longer delete themselves from being closed.




    Chayakitchiyakayaka here, the Brig Physician of that particular shift.. In regards to the PDA, it was taken during a mental examination authorised by the Head of Security to determine whether or not she'd had some sort of argument over the PDA messaging system with said Luigi, which there hadn't been upon looking at it so the PDA was set down on the glass table. That's when I was informed by Elysian that he was questioning her, and asked me if I knew anything about said incident, then answered with what I heard over the radio, and then exited the brig medical bay to leave them in peace.

    Alright, thank you for clearing that up, as I didn't actually have a log of that being taken off of them. I'll let one of the Maintainers know and hopefully get it fixed and start logging properly.



    After getting some information from Elysian, I grabbed the server log of this day and went through it.


    First off is this statement


    The second I joined I was questioned by Luigi who wanted the Warden role


    I have cleared the logs out from everyone that was NOT on the security channel for that round. No one at all mentioned any sort of displeasure at not getting said role. Infact the first thing I see mentioned about you is your absence from your office, but that was a minute after you spawned in so that was entirely untrue.


    He asked for guns, I said "not until security is elevated", he helped himself to "just tasers"


    Kaleem Rassi, the detective asked for gear, not Luigi. While this is what the conversation was about, it was about the wrong guy.


    He didn't need to break into my office for and it turns out he didn't break into my office for as in fact he'd stolen guns


    I see no attack logs at all of anyone attacking a window. Infact Luigi was in an argument with the HoS about the Detective being able to use his gun to detain prisoners.


    The detective had reported this before being thrown out of his role, he was not one of the regulars, I asked for the gun to be returned and it was the stricken detectives word from Luigi's I had to take it.


    I see absolutly no firing of the detective around this time. Infact after this argument the detective went to the bar while talking to the Coroner to get "drunk" while waiting for a case. He even is present for the entirety of the shift and went on to aid the HoS during this fiasco.


    After this I see Luigi yelling about Beepsky detaining him, so I assume this is when this all begins. As noted, absolutly nothing you had said actually happened, so there was no reason for you to "hatch a plan" to expose him.


    At this point I hatched a plan to test if they would arrest their friends, who I thought they were talking to externally, by setting on Luigi's record a crime and asking Luigi to come in for questioning to test protocol, needless to say he refused and the officers said he was innocent without review and no protocol followed unlike striking of the detective but it's fine to do it to someone they don't know.


    I see no mention of you asking this on the Radio. Infact the first thing investigated is if Beepsky was Emagged, and then going to Science to see if they made SecHUDS yet. You are still very quiet during this whole thing, which is strange if you did this to test metagaming as Beepsky declares over the radio when he has someone.


    Around 3 minutes later your arrest entry comes in for a murdered officer, but this is thrown out because no one claimed to have written it, meaning it has no Validation. But the problem with this also is that you set him to arrest literally as the round started, so of course no one would believe it.


    A minute and a half after that I see him get arrested again, which is only then you chime in for him to come to security.


    There is then a small talk lasting about 6 mintues of you trying to get Luigi to come in for interrogation and the HoS not wanting to bother with an obviously fake arrest.



    At this point the security team, not having found any SecHUDs and comfirming that the security record curcuit was still in tech storage, decide that it's you who has been tampering with the files, and the HoS tells you to stop. The captain then comes into your office and checks your computer, which has Luigi's profile up on it. While this would be fine in most circumstances, this paints you as the perp very plainly with all the other evidence.


    However, the HoS says he'll give you the Benefit of the Doubt and says you didnt do it. Up to this point, NO one made any hostile actions against you, only now does Luigi make one and that's just saying he'll lose it if he gets another bullshit charge.


    Of course he was innocent but that's not the point, the fact was that they refused to look into it further as he had told them it was a lie externally, my office was then broken into by the meta gamers who stole my PDA, and arrested me for no listed crime.


    I see no stealing of your PDA, and while I BELIEVE you were arrested, as I dont actually see it, it would for being suspected of Fraud.


    At this point is when Elysian gets involved to see whats going on. I see no big thing happening, infact all I see is the HoS giving you a stern warning on what you did, and the AI wondering why he's being so nice about this. There is absolutly no conflict other then one of words before Elysian uses bigger Font, which we all use after 2 attempts to communicate with the people we are trying to get a hold of.


    At this point your stuff DOES get stolen, I believe by Chayakakakawhatever, and Elysian calmly waits for you to get it all back before continuing the conversation. It is during this conversation that the HoS decides to demote you, and comes to that, where you tell him that


    [21:07:30]SAY: Amy Rose/Amelia_Rose : Talking to the admin, plz go away.


    The HoS then leaves you to it then, getting into a scuffle with a Ling, while you two continue to talk. It is at that point you crash. When you log back in you are greeted with the Job ban message.


    In my investigation with Elysian, he said he felt he handled this part very poorly, and should have waited to see if you came back before handing out a punishment like that.


    I crashed at receiving this ban and came back on to find I was being shot at by Luigi, unaware of the admins decision I locked my office, the admin let him in froze me and let him beat me to death, I found them take my ID then told the admin I would like him to review my request on the forum as he couldn't wrap his head around it at the time instead of responding to it he banned me from the game for some insane strain of minuets, I had bear in mind made him aware of crashing for those 12 seconds.


    None of this happened. I see absolutly no logs of any sort of attack made on you inbetween you logging out, logging back in, and then logging out for the final time. Infact no one had even stripped you of your items, and Luigi himself was actually AFK during this timeframe, as he had a player complain that he said brb on the radio.


    Furthermore, being Frozen by an admin makes you immune to having anything done to you, so I doubt you got beaten while an admin was talking to you. Being Frozen also has a small ADMIN message next to you, warning anyone who even TRIED that they would have to deal with us for it. The comment you made to Elysian doesn't exist either, and even if it did it would be breaking another rule, which is to not insult the admins.


    I can safely say all of this is baseless, made up and an attempt to slander this player, and now onto the complaint on the Elysian.


    I see Elysian being very patient towards letting you answer him during all this, collecting information from other sources in between asking you stuff, and has even admitted he felt he handled this poorly. I see nothing at all of him being rude or childish, nor do I see any sign of him not making what he was asking clear. Irrational is far from anything he had asked or from the punishment he delegated.


    I see no reason to do anything concerning either people based on this investigation and I am considering this completed and resolved due to that.


  7. I feel Revenants are being held back by not wanting to make them into glorified antags like Xenos and Borers. Their update to their powers makes them feel janky and weird, your supposed to use the enviornment but Emagging stuff doesn't do jack since a lot of it isn't lethal to the crew, and lightning bearly hurts.


    I have a lot more to say about that conflict when I get home from work, so I'm going to keep this short.


    First off, of course votes are suddenly increasing. This is what Data Collection is. You don't wait a day and claim what you got is the consensus. We got players who don't want this having Real Life shit happening who might not had time to vote that day. I know of some admins who don't even know this vote is even happening. No ones rigging anything, as Mark checked the votes and Idid as well at the request of Dave when this first started (the best I could atleast).


    Second, this is a debate about a SQUARES WORTH OF VISION. What is with this hostility? Not just from Mel and Alex, this is being felt all through the thread. This isn't a horrifically game changing thing, this is just a square. Please keep this civil guys, there is no reason and certainly no need for this.



    xeno is a random event? I always assume whenever a xeno round happens its because of the admining

    Both are about a 2% chance of happening per Medium event triggering on the Event Manager, I believe. I don't quite know the actual percentage as it uses a Weight system, though, and Medium Events have like, 48 other things that can happen too, so they fight a lot of stuff to trigger.




    • Caching has been added. Crew Monitors, Air Alarms, Power Monitors and APC's no longer update in real time but rather in 5 to 10 second intervals, depending on the monitor.

      - This will help cut back on lag and help Antags hide their kills without someone who has the crew monitor open all the time exposing them.


    • Pistachio's have been added


    Assorted Botany fixes, Returns Moonflowers, Novaflowers, Ghost Peppers, and Koi Beans to Botany.


    Lethal Injects are now even more Lethal.


    Barber now has a SecHUD Icon


    Unique ID for the Blueshield, Nanotrans Rep and Magistrate has been added.

    - Credit to Nienhaus for this.


    Clown no longer starts off with a Bananium Ore, his desklamp is now a Bananaium Lamp.


    Syndicate Toolbox now comes with Insulated gloves rather then a Cable Coil.


    Surgery Scrubbers are now located underneath the Surgery Table.


    The machines in the Permabrig have been replaced with a sustenance vendor that does not require an ID.


    Increases the number of Scrubbers in the Permabrig.


    Only people who have access to the Armory or Head of Staff access can reclaim items from the Cryostorage now.


    IPC's no longer have Organs in them, no longer more human then humans.


    Slimes drop limbs properly now.




    What about a mission cracking a safe open but theres clues

    Hidden over all the place some place you need to be robust but the other place you need be smart

    I would like to see more puzzles with all factors in it instead of a

    Emitter maze of lov*death*

    The problem with puzzles is the code is entirely open sourced, meaning you can just open up the Git and see the answer, meanwhile you can be artifically robust with any amount of medkits and paitence.


    I'd rather keep the maps as fun things to explore and make your own rather then having prizes at the end.



    Still mostly performance fixes.



    • Content


    • End of Round traitors will act proper


    Pistachio's added


    Lightning Bolt has been buffed

    - Always bounces 5 times for a total of 6 hits

    - Does 15 damage minimum, up to 50 maximum depending on Charge

    - Insulated Gloves no longer make you immune, Insulated armor still works.


    ID Cards have been changed

    - ID cards are now color coded for department.

    - Agent ID has been reworked due to this. You can now edit the ID to change how it looks.

    - Captain and HoP can change the amount of open positions for certain jobs


    Telecomm's Solar's now actually do something.


    Welding Gas Mask added.



  13. Having seen how Ghosts interact with a round when allowed to, this is honestly a big no for me, unless it's a randomized event like the Revenant, not a "choose when to do it." Even this, this is stepping on the Revenants toes already, as it's meant to use the enviornment on the crew.


    Last few patches have been mostly minor fixes and changes to the help performance and lag, here's everything that's not concerning that.


    Add's in Airhorns

    - Requires science and bananaium

    - Basically a portable horn from the Clown Mech


    Chemistry tweaking


    - sugar overdose will now have a chance to cause TOX

    - sulfuric acid no longer causes TOX per cycle

    - plasma TOX damage reduced, but it will now purge epinephrine.

    - Synaptizine now has a chance to heal brain damage

    - OD'ing on salt can cause brain and tox damage (OD level of 100)

    - Crank has a chance to add meth to your system; it also can make you jittery or incur TOX damage

    - Meth stun reduction increased slightly; brain loss is now random as opposed to guaranteed

    - Depletion rate on Styptic Powder and Silver Sulfa increased to three; both now heal 2 damage per cycle internally

    - Charcoal has a chance (50%) to purge other toxins instead of every cycle

    - Pentetic has a slightly higher chance of healing TOX, but will also deal burn in addition to brute

    - Omnizine has a chance to reduce losebreath

    - Salicylic acid no longer has a damage cap and randomly heals 2 brute per cycle, instead of only healing when your damage is less than 55.

    - Overdose changed to deal TOX instead of brute

    - Antihol heals 2 TOX per cycle if the person's health is less than 25.

    - Acetone now incurs 1.5 TOX damage per cycle

    - Venom deals 1 BRUTE and 1 TOX per cycle; this increases to 2 when the volume is greater than 20.

    - Pancuronium will now only incur lose breath when the person is already knocked unconscious; lose breath values tweaked slightly.





    New mini event antag that uses blood, will update this with more details once I have them



    Chocolate walls (This is a great term by the way) were really deadly on ZAS where the whole room's temp was equal though, meaning if the walls melted, then the whole rooms worth did.


    LINDA is about tile per tile atmos isn't it? Then really only the walls that started near the fire would melt, rather then the whole rooms worth of walls.


    Should we really be making assumptions of atmos work based on a previous, very flawed system though?



    With that said, do their tanks last a 2 hour round?

    Vox, yes.

    I once survived a three hour rev round without having to refill.

    I haven't toyed with my plasmaman character too much yet, so I have no idea for them.

    They do not, which reminds me I need to bug one of the coders to fix the Plasman tank.


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