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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    I don't play Vox, so you're going to have to explain the problem with less bias and more information.


    The only one I can comment on is the second one, and I've even managed to mix anaesthetic for vox, so I don't understand what you mean by "you can't fill any other tank with N2 and use it instead", because you should be able to.



    Little known fact, you can mix anaesthetic that works on vox, but aside from me playing as atmos tech, I've never seen anyone do it or use it.


    See, you try to do that but the doctors never give you a tank to use. So you give em a big ole canister. And you know what bloody happens? Twelve goddamn atmos alarms in medbay and one extremely pissed off atmos tech.


    So true >_<



    Little known fact, you can mix anaesthetic that works on vox, but aside from me playing as atmos tech, I've never seen anyone do it or use it.


    I suppose with some nudging I could add vox anaesthetic tanks to the game...



    Can the captain, who has no business being in the armory anyway, order the warden/HoS to give out security gear to a non security member even though they both object?

    Not unless an emergency situation deems it reasonable. Failing this, Security can charge the Captain with breaking Contraband Space Law.



    If there is a Captain, he commands the station.


    If the Captain has died/been lost/ssd, command passes to the HoP unless there is an emergency security situation, in which the HoS is in command.


    After this, command passes to the HoP (If not already)


    After this, the remaining heads of staff take a vote to decide who should be in command between them.


    Magistrate, NT Representative and Blueshield are _not_ considered command for this, and cannot take command.




    I'm pretty sure this is either very accurate, or precise. It's a good question to ask, and a good thing to know.



    ... also if I remember processing counts towards an arrest time ...
    The time you took for bringing the suspect in and the time you spend questioning are NOT to be calculated into this. This is the pure time someone spends in a cell staring at the wall.

    What you may be confusing that with:

    Medical reasons

    Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured.

    Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time.


  7. I didn't buy into the 4 day head start, it totally wasn't worth it, so I'll be starting at actual release. block1, could you do me a favour and post the NA server list here for me, and which ones are low pop?


    Add a single cryosleeper to medbay. or two maybe. So many SSDs are being brought here/or go SDD here while in surgery.


    Add a toolbox to surgery with a welder.


    Maybe a set of cyborg arms and legs for surgery?


    Sounds like you want to make medbay a one stop shop, and not have any interaction with other departments. This won't happen.



    Fix botany.


    Broken inherited code, better to wait for it to be fixed by the person who wrote it, than by us. Our time is better spent stopping specific bugs and issues.


    The title is "small fixes" anyway... Botany probably wouldn't be.



    To shed some more light on the complaint, the announcement was something along the lines of:


    "No non-antagonist combat aboard the shuttle or bans will be handed out. You have been warned."


    Additionally, copied from the related unban appeal:


    Old Man Henderson / Lenneth V, was not listed on the admin list of antagonists, nor did an antagonist icon appear by their sprite.


    For the 15-20 minutes before the shuttle docked, there were idiotic attacks all over the station. I had my hands full investigating them. Punches, flashbangs, fire extinguishers, drunken brawls, people being thrown on tables. I foresaw this would not stop on the shuttle, and there were no antagonists that I could see, (again, Old Man Henderson didn't have an icon showing they were an antagonist), who would have any reason to do so. By reminding everyone of the shuttle grief rule, I hoped to curb the combat on the shuttle, so I can deal with the actual griefers.


    Additionally, we IP ban by default, and I had no prior knowledge of you sharing IP with any other player.


    No admins were on who could delay the round end, which is why I took the precaution of warning the players about the shuttle grief rule, and mass-stunning everyone after the shuttle had docked.


    In summary, had the antag hud worked or the antagonist list showed you as being an antagonist, this would've never occurred. I acted based upon the information available to me, and as soon as this was shown to be unreliable, the ban was removed.



    Goon has something like that. Theres a little room next to the fridge where you can control the cooler that sends gas into some HE pipes embedded into the walls. Looks awesome and is fun to play around with.


    You would say that Fj45, anything to do with atmos and you're sold!


    If you want a "cold room" then this is something the mappers can possibly add, but that part of the station is heavily congested I'm just not sure where there would be room.


  12. The Harani have desert/tribal/asian clothing. About the only "fanservice" ingame is overly wobbly boobs, which is especially apparent when talking to female npcs, as when they rotate to talk to you... meh.

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