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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    Honestly, sounds like a horrible mechanic that would require insane coding and chew up a large amount of server power.



    Engineering.....They're not meant to encounter blood on a casual basis.


    I see you have never played engineering.


    Just because you do, Fj, doesn't mean you should. Theoricus makes a good point here.



    re: removing forcing someone to walk mode, you can just toggle it off.


    Perhaps a better option would be to just extend the time before the lock activates (currently 2 seconds iirc)


    I'm not in favor of a change, but I just wanted to share my thoughts.



    I agree with removing the examination room.


    Swapping Genetics and Morgue makes little sense for this reason:


    Genetics are a part of Science.


    Yes, they help out with cloning in medical, but they fall under the jurisdiction of the Research Director. This is why Genetics is the "doorway" between Research and Medical. The Morgue and Robotics have maintenance between them to separate them for this reason.


    Also, the Morgue has access requirements from Chaplain, Detective (and possibly Chef and Security, I don't recall) , moving the Morgue further into medbay is counter-intuitive. People shouldn't have to move through maintenance, or another department to get to their access requirement.





    that's "Space_law" not "Space Law" they should be equal, I will get an admin to correct this.


    "Space_law" only exists to be a smaller text version of "Space_Law" for use in the window that opens when you use the Space Law book ingame.



    I received some word that some work is being done on the changeling gamemode, though I don't know what exactly.


    I do agree with you E, that using loyalty implants as antag checkers is the problem here, and not the implants or their effect.



    Not live yet


    Another change:



    • New virus transmission type: "Injection".

      • Viruses of this contagion method can only be contracted through getting infected blood in your system.

      • Touching infected blood, being covered in infected blood, and being near/touching an infected person will not transmit the disease.

    • Basically, this is drinking blood / injecting blood only transmission




    Pull Request on GitHub


    With these two updates, virologist antagonists can assassinate a target with a custom made virus, without fear of infecting innocent bystanders and getting a ban. Or they could inject themselves with positive effects.


    Non antagonist virologists can now release (with the non-mutating change) positive viruses to specific crew members, such as security/heads.



    These changes are not yet live!


    My recent changes to Virology


    • Viruses no longer mutate in a living person due to radiation.

    • Antibody Scanner now has a green sprite to make it more easily distinguished from a Health Analyzer



    Pull Request on GitHub


    So yes, virologists may now release "helpful" viruses without worrying about them mutating into something sinister.


    Also, I'm currently debating doing more work to Virology, this is dependent on discussions with Fox. Feel free to discuss these changes and suggest things.



    I only loyalty implant when it's according to the law, which is very rarely indeed.


    I follow Space Law because I want antagonists to "play against" space law, do their time, get released, then rush to finish their objectives. As long as the antagonist is covert, it actually increases their chance of getting a temporary sentence.





    clicking where your target will be at the end of your move, before your move finishes. There's a small delay between clicking, and your click actually finding what's under it. This saves precious miliseconds in combat, and allows you with practice to move into melee range of someone, punch them, and move away.


    One pre clicker vs one non pre clicker will always win an even melee fight.



    Loyalty implants exist for the reason of allowing defeated antagonists to continue playing in the gamemode.


    Essentially, this idea is removing this effect, and allowing them the possibility to return to an antagonist role whilst not an antagonist. I would call this self-antagging personally.



    I was considering all changling's DNA not matching the one on their medical record, to allow the detective to prove that they aren't the person on the records to supplement the confirmation of a changeling, let me know what you think.


    That seems a pretty good way of handling it, but isn't that the UI data? If changelings have different DNA in that regard it's gonna have to be a very minor change


    minor yes, but a way of proving a suspected changeling is a changeling without resorting to loyalty implant. Also allows for counter-play by changlings if they have medical access and can find their ACTUAL dna, then change their record.



    As a note for this, we as admins have a very strong policy against people who throw implants around without asking, but until there's another surefire way of proving a changeling is a changeling, this will remain.


    I was considering all changling's DNA not matching the one on their medical record, to allow the detective to prove that they aren't the person on the records to supplement the confirmation of a changeling, let me know what you think.



    Salt Sour Sweet Bitter


    Moving onto more complicated tastes:


    Umami, and now relying on wikipedia...


    Pungency (spicyness)







    Heartiness (hard to comprehend)



    Also work thinking about:





    Yes, but I believe the issue is with internet explorer, a patch for it that's not included with the default installation of windows. This would explain why the bug didn't happen to start, but occured later (probably after an OS automatic update).


    However, uninstalling internet explorer on my pc and reinstalling an earlier version does not alleviate the problem, for me at least.



    I have this bug where I can't click on links or even the chat log in general without my entire client freezing for about 10 minutes (not an exaggeration) meaning that if i want to get back into the game at any kind of reasonable speed I have to relog


    I too have this problem, so thoroughly support this.



    If I'm correct, the current morgue tray light colours are based on the state of the occupants. red being dead and no ghost (uncloneable) yellow being no body inside, only objects, and green being dead with a ghost (can be cloned).


    I personally like this method, but would only suggest one update, that dead bodies show green if the owner is both a) connected and b) ghosted from their body. So it would turn red if they couldn't return to it for scanning e.g. respawned as a ERT or a npc.


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