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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    Atmospherics, just like the majority of stations ingame, is designed to function without any crew there whatsoever. We don't want to have a shift fall apart just because "no one picked atmos tech again".


    Since the changes I made to pipe laying including the pipe freezer, I see more people playing atmos, to experiment with pipe layouts, which is not limited to the atmos room itself but can include the supermatter engine also, providing they (90% of the time approved) get additional access from the HoP with the CE's permission.



    Not only is it detrminental to the round conclusion itself, but it also changes the focus of the earlier stages.


    Beats trawling through hundreds of player complaints each week for post-round grief.


    The end of the round is the end of the round, the rest of it isn't even a part of the game because the round is over. Even extended.



    Sorry, how do you optimize the current stations atmospherics?


    Don't try to explain an application of principle to an atmos engineer who just turns around and calls you stupid, even though you've tried to explain it to them at length twice... (Not someone in this thread so far)


    You can't optimise something without a clear expectation of what circumstances you want to be able to respond to. You need a clear aim before you can optimise a system.



    I personally leave pdas on prisoners not in perma, to give them the opportunity to escape should they not have used all their telecrystals already.


    People in perma can do laundry until their hands bleed.



    Virologist tip: NEVER, under any circumstances, inject human patients with Radium, it causes at least 70-80 toxin damage, and couple that with the viruses that give damage, that will near-definitely kill the patient. Those monkey cubes aren't for eating/decoration, they're your ability to cure this mess.


    I'd have to disagree with this. I'd probably alter it to "Only try to use radium to form antibodies in a patient if the virus is known to be fatal, as you won't have enough time to use the safer way with monkeys"


    Even better: "At the start of your shift, make sure you grab an antitoxin medikit, the antitoxin pills in there (30u) are real life-savers when you are trying to inject a humanoid patient with radium to save their life."



    I really don't think you all are actually understanding the changes to the stun baton so let me lay out how these currently work:


    Stun baton

    Causes 60 agony/halloss (read pain) on hit.

    Can miss. (requiring 2-5 swings to incapacitate someone in 99% of circumstances)

    100 halloss or higher, and you are unconcious.

    halloss less than 100 causes your character to experience pain symtpoms, which include blurred vision, slower movement rate (making successive hits easier) and stuttered speech.

    halloss slowly regenerates over time.

    Pain medication gives resistance to agony, as do certain armours.



    Stun baton causes unconciousness in two hits, but it will often take more than two swings to hit.

    By comparison, tasers cause unconciousness in three hits.

    Security officers who are arresting someone should hit them a couple of extra times after they collapse, to ensure they remain stunned long enough to be handcuffed.


    Further Reading

    There is currently a pull request to revert the handcuff changes on the github repository



    Closing Statement

    All you people requesting stun batons working in 2-4 hits aren't aware that this is already the case, and you aren't taking into account any armour/medication the suspect has.


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