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Posts posted by Eldrin-Kanthos


    Name:Kenrin Saunders

    Age: 44

    Race: Human blessed with plague

    Racial Atributes: feels no pain, is very durable

    Appearance: 6'9" tall, around 300lbs. He has short cropped black hair and constantly is sniffling. His nose is red and his eyes are watery.

    Skills: Shooting, wearing armor, sneezing

    Job: Guard

    Font Color: um, blue



    Unless of course an admin parks in the station. Then the players can board the adminbus. Then they can all get infinite laser guns and go on an adminbus party.

    If the door is closed no player may enter. The guns are only spawnable by the admin driver. I don't see this getting muh use if added, but it did give me a laugh.



    AIs giving orders to arrest people.

    AIs giving orders to people.

    AIs giving suggestions.

    AIs talking when not asked.

    Tajaran using claws on the neck when rightfully called "catbeasts", "furbags" or "kitties".

    Tajaran mrowling to each other, they are obviously trying to hide something.

    Tajaran existing and not being used to make CatBurgers.

    IPCs not obeying orders given by their glorious human overlords.

    IPCs not exploding when they activate the magboots.

    IPCs whinning about rights and demanding freedom.

    IPCs dying to have an excuse to not work.

    Engineers prefering the ShittyMatter over The Immortal Lord Singuloth.

    This...just all of this. We are not in the grimdark 40,000th millennium. We are not on 4chan, stop the rage.



    people taking my job. MY JOB and then suiciding/going ssd five minutes after roundstart.

    THIS! I hate having my job taken and then see it just wasted.


    In addition, I hate the entire suicide mechanic. It takes experience to learn to suicide by pistol.... but they don't know that going to cryo takes their gear away and frees up the slot?



    There's an amusing feature that when you whisper when asleep, you instantly become a skeleton and die.

    Its great for freaking co workers but its a bit immersion destroying.

    If you are prone and whisper you die. That is a feature, not a bug. Unsure about the skeletonizing.



    besides overheating, machine race is king race



    yeah, they may be a little weak, but they have such a huge heath range.

    I was nuke ops and the rest of my team died, it was me and a tajara.

    ERT must have unloaded their entire charge of energy guns on me, and I was still going, managed to kill two of them.

    then i blew up


    when it comes to fighting, you can choose more health or stronger punches.


    but besides robusting people, machine people are especially useful for viruses, radiation, and lack of oxygen. I can be the only person not infected and go into virology and make a cure, or be an atmos and not need oxygen to go deal with a fire. its just convenience.



    You have to be crazy. Your armor or equipment saved you. I play machine people and three times in two days I have been killed with a single laser blast to the head.



    1. I hope to do more than one session

    2.dungeons and dragons 5th edition

    3.I will help you guys learn, I have a pdf of my player's handbook on my Google drive I will share

    4.Mixture. I want some meaty story bits, but also want you guys to have a fun first time.

    5. Dungeons and dragons 5th edition is the rulesest


    No problem at all. The campaign I play in every week just got canceled and now i have even more reason to work on this!



    I have played dungeons and dragons for almost 15 years, and from talking on irc, some of you want to try.


    Well I have never DMed much, but I was thinking of making a campaign if there was interest. What do you guys think?


    5th edition would be what I run it in by the way. I just need your Gmail for Google hangout.


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